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Country England
Signed Up September 29, 2012
Last Posted February 6, 2025 at 4:51 AM
Posts 379 (0.1 per day)
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Monitor ViewSonic XG2431
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#28 Tip of the Hats 2014 in News

Fantastic promo vid ikay

posted about 10 years ago
#232 Players you wish came back to invite/their respect in TF2 General Discussion
MadKno one said numlock?! the legend himself.


posted about 10 years ago
#228 Players you wish came back to invite/their respect in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#23 most played map in TF2 General Discussion

Nothing is above 50 and most things are 50..? wat

posted about 10 years ago
#1478 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
hanbroloBlended together this hud, yahud CMD version, and KBN hud, this edit was the result.

Moar Pics

Transparent viewmodels..? OpenPlugin VAC bans now. That a skin?

posted about 10 years ago


posted about 10 years ago
#2 [stream] Drotalion in Requests

Most obvious triggerbot ever but obviously you won't use it now..?
Also you gurn your tits off during MGE like you've been sniffing lines of ketamine inbetween games.

posted about 10 years ago
#96 I don't know what to do in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Click on people

posted about 10 years ago
#47 scout in Recruitment (looking for team)
jermangFootPenisjerman is just mad because he cant snipe OR play scout as well as leaky
u can't play scout or snipe at all

u play huntsman sniper and developed some undeserved ego when u got into >-AUTO ARROW-> the epic pub group of people playing huntsman sniper in tf2lobbies then struggle to do like sub 200 dpm on any class when u aren't playing ur main

and to reply to u konr

well i mean if ur gonna have ur "community" post ur fucking prestige shit all over your exclusively sniper videos then of course people are going to think it's a sniper group lmao

why do u think literally no one else except ur sniper circlejerk recgonizes you as nothing else but a sniper main with the dumbest fucking posts on tftv

for the most part that wasn't even directed torwards leaky that was directed torwards u

u should try thinking before u post some stupid 4 paragraph tirade defending ur sniper main community

i feel like if leaky stopped hanging with idiots like you he wouldnt have such a shitty reputation and would probably get on a team

i think goldfish is like the one person i know hangs with him and isn't a complete idiot

God damn this is fucking painful to read. I'm just gonna not bother anymore with you. You really obviously have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't defend my fucking sniper group I defended leaky, a good friend of mine. My sniper group is just a bit of fun.

I dunno how you can possibly translate a bit of fun and us enjoying making sniper videos to us being horrible people. Do you think of jukebox, powah, Fox or Flippy as horrible people because they post sniper videos and are in my group? I sure hope not. I repeat, it's just a fucking bit of fun.

posted about 10 years ago
#31 scout in Recruitment (looking for team)
jermangno its just you and all of the people in prestige are all idiots

it's like you all have the same mindset

"i don't main sniper, but check out my youtube channel where 90% of my uploads are me playing sniper and ruining almost every pug i've ever played, theres also a few mediocre scout frags in there too sometimes"

"oh wait check out my scout lft thread where all the posts are just my sniper friends riding my dick and calling me a good sniper and saying absolutely nothing about my scout"

say what ever u want but ull always be known as that idiot sniper main to everyone who isn't in ur prestige sniper main group

You realise the vast majority of the group doesn't have any of that apply to them right? You're completely missing the fact that most of the people I have in my little steam group (that's right it's just a steam group and it effectively doesn't mean a single thing more than "konr thinks you're good here's some recognition for that" so there's no need to get so riled up about it) aren't even from North America and have never made a single thread here looking for a team. I'd love for you to show me some more people you think are sniper mains and have anything to do with me or my group posting rec posts here. Go ahead. Show me any of that shit from me or anyone other than leaky in the whole group. I just looked through the whole list of people to write the people that hadn't done it out one by one but then I realised it's every single one of them bar leaky.

Leaky is pretty much the only person I can think of that I've seen post anything like that here, and it's understandable. He played a lot of sniper in pugs etc when he really should have played scout. He has since really put a lot of effort into improving his scouting ability and has asked me to go over his demos etc along with a few other people that help him and he genuinely doesn't deserve the shit he's getting from you people that seem to have nothing better to do than shit talk someone because (god forbid) they sniped in a pug you were in or some shit. Who the fuck cares man?

This will definitely get -fragged to infinity but this needs to be written by someone other than leaky so as to at least have someone defending him other than himself. Quickly I'll touch on the fact that some people mention Prestige as if it's some elite group where we all try to act above people or we main sniper or some shit. The actual facts are that it's just a steam group I made once that wasn't even meant to be a sniper group, then when I made it one ever since I've literally only ever used it as something to give recognition to people that I personally think deserve it. Then it sort of became a mini little community for a few of us so we tag up to show we're a part of it. It even states that in the fucking description but half of you idiots will just see that it has something to do with sniper and instantly throw all logic out of the window and search pastebin for dumb shit in your spare time.

Someone being worse at scout than they are at sniper is not a reason for you to be a complete dickhole to them. By all means suggest to him that he should play more scout, criticise him in an actual constructive way and be a respectful human being but don't attack someone to the extent you are doing without an actual good reason. Leaky's a good kid and a nice guy no matter how many chat logs and examples of pugs you can dig up.

posted about 10 years ago
#28 scout in Recruitment (looking for team)
scrimshawwell if a prestigious sniper main like konr said it

heh good joke i main scout tho

scrimshaw20:15 - prstg phrenic: The initiality of a debate just doesn't discover its truth or not

welcome to phrenic @_@

You guys need better hobbies man.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

leaky's a chill guy and has improved a lot on scout (and sniper, but that wasn't needed too much) recently because he has really tried his best to be known as something other than just a sniper main. Don't judge someone off of what they do in pugs, he is keen and good at scout too. Give him a good home please!

posted about 10 years ago
#21 Tip of the Points in TF2 General Discussion
AndKennethFearELO = Extrapolated Life Outcomes

mge is literally how good you are at life

Well you beat tom so that makes you good.


posted about 10 years ago
#65 GWC, the team who used ingame comms in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#2 kirby looking as scout/roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

I have no idea how good he is in any way shape or form but he linked me so I'll post:
Nice guy helped me with movie stuff xoxo

posted about 10 years ago
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