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Signed Up August 23, 2012
Last Posted August 10, 2015 at 8:02 PM
Posts 681 (0.2 per day)
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#101 Opinion on Mice? in Hardware

maybe change to 1k hz and see if it continues. Mine works great on all my mouse mats so maybe you just got a bad one.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 LFT S14 ESEA - O in Recruitment (looking for team)

Fun guy to have around, can play multiple classes. Give him a chance!

posted about 11 years ago
#99 Opinion on Mice? in Hardware

just don't get a destructor if you care about your mouse. I suggest a large solid black cloth pad like the purtrack stealth or goliathus speed etc.

posted about 11 years ago
#93 Opinion on Mice? in Hardware

Do you have another mouse pad to try? the control has a lot of divots in it that the speed version doesn't. Also some sensors get tricky when you use a pad that had green paint on it.

posted about 11 years ago
#176 National Day of Silence in TF2 General Discussion

I know many of you don't know what it's like to be a parent yet, but it will really change your whole world. I'm no longer just responsible for what I say, but I'm responsible for what my children think and say. And it saddens me that kids these days still use these words we used in ignorant error when I was growing up.

When I read what Tagg wrote my heart drops, to know how many people have to live through that situation at your own family table.. I'm so sorry you had to live through that.

I've had a few friends commit suicide in my travels and almost always it was because they weren't accepted by their family for their sexual orientation. One particular friend comes to mind who was as a very famous suicide case, Bobby Steele, because he committed suicide mimicking Kurt cobain, his hero. It's tough to even think about now as I write this. I played video games with him in Germany every day at lunch break because he lived behind the base. I knew he was tormented by his religious family who would never accept him for who he was. If you have the time, it's worth the read. Cause even long after his death his family still believed "demons" from the rock music killed their son, who they still claimed was straight...


posted about 11 years ago
#17 High Rollers Gaming takes S13 Championship with perfect record in News

a whole season to get your CCNA? I don't think it'll take you that long.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 g400 vs g400s in Hardware

I own multiple mice from every company (aside from corsair) and I'm now 100% a zowie "fanboy" as I've been called, lol. But the AM/FK, or the EC evo series are all top notch.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Yoshi's island are looking for backups S14-O in Recruitment (looking for team)

I don't know everyone on this team, but the ones I do know, I like!

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Just The Tip - LF soldier, demo and medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

Sorry to anyone hoping to tryout last night, was a busy weekend for a few of us so we never got anything going. We should be at it again tonight, so please msg me before 10:00 and we'll run it first come first serve!

Thanks again

posted about 11 years ago
#9 ESEA S13 LAN STV Package in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#10 Why do you play TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Because Team fortress has always been one of the best team co-op games around. I'll quit when TF2 comes around.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 kc soldier demo LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

kc is a good guy and a good player, what more could you ask for?

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Seanbud and zbryans twitter adventures in TF2 General Discussion

I expected more exit/town and random cool sign pictures :(

posted about 11 years ago
#91 Opinion on Mice? in Hardware

It's more about 1 spec of dirt on your cloth pad and the sensor starts skipping on it and cloth pads are tougher to keep clean so you're forced to use a hard pad.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Just The Tip - LF soldier, demo and medic in Recruitment (looking for team)


We are now only looking for a Pocket and Medic. Please have some experience.

We also start at 10:00 EST, not 10:30 as previously listed. We do not play Friday or Saturday.

Thanks for looking!

posted about 11 years ago
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