Our season 13 team is looking for a mid open demo and medic for next season, should be able to practice most days of the week, be chill, and be ready for one day of the week dedicated to bonding and telling our feelings to each other.
So who is on this team? You ask. I'm going to tell you
Roamer: Me. You don't know me, but I play roamer. Not much to know, everyone else is cool though.
Scout: Capnfapn. You've seen him all over natf2. That guy with the amazing posts. The captain of fapn. You'll love him in mumble too. This guy should sell this team to you. If he doesn't, there's no helping you. To put it in his words, "Dear medic and demo, I promise to stand on the flank and not let people that look like me with different colored clothes get past me and shoot you in the butt."
Scout: Monkeysuit. Ever seen a monkey in a suit? Neither have I. But now you can. This guy will show you why monkeys are better at TF2 than any other mammal. Basically, kind of a big deal.
Pocket: Effort. This gorgeous man will protect the medic with his life. If you decide to lay a finger on our medic, well you are out of luck, as this man will attack you with the force of a thousand wombats. Not even Jesus "b4nny" Vincent could save you.
Demo: We don't have a demo, we have 12. Ever seen 12 demos play? Why not? Because it's illegal. Enough said.
Medic: You. So you're a mid/high medic with some experience who knows their stuff. Looking for a team. You go here