Hey guys,
We have maybe 2-3 spots across Open and IM; Open, at the moment, has no one interested (to my knowledge). If you'd be interested in covering open, feel free to let me know by PM. Also, just to save some time, include a write up of a team currently in open. You can do 1 team, but to get a good idea, I think at least 3 teams would be great. You can see the previous writeups in the past community news. Don't worry about formatting. There's a good chance you'll have to work with another writer.
For IM, drshadowpuppet is interested in either writing and/or assisting with stats and stuff. I think for really good articles it'd be great to have a primary writer beefed up with stats. Again, just send in some write ups about current teams.
Sounds like there's a lot of interest floating around, so I'm excited to get it on board.