Account Details
SteamID64 76561198019089718
SteamID3 [U:1:58823990]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:29411995
Country United States
Signed Up August 5, 2012
Last Posted May 30, 2016 at 2:04 AM
Posts 20 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.12
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder 2013
Mousepad Razer Destructor
Headphones Logitech G930
1 2
#64 Beer in Off Topic

Brother Thelonious (North Coast Brewing)
Vanderghinste Oud Bruin (Brouwerij Bockor)

Seconded to: Bell's Two Hearted, Dogfish 90min, Prior 8 (better on tap), Arrogant Bastard, La Fin de Monde (and Maudite, from the same brewery), Golden Draak.

3 Floyds is nice, but screw the prices for their beer. Good, but not that good. Bells would be the Midwest brewery to try in my book. The Bells Hell Hath No Fury clinched them for me after Two Hearted. Very different beer, but still powerful good.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Looking for a set of comfy earbuds in Hardware

I have had the same problem. I got these recently and they've been the most comfortable pair of buds that I've ever owned. Might not think so going in, since they're hook buds, but for me, since I've always had problems with buds falling out, they're perfect and I forget that I'm wearing them.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Help - Sound Lowering On Communication in Hardware

Mumble also has an audio attenuation setting, so check that before anything else. Should be under Settings>Advanced>Audio Output

Otherwise, I also had this same problem a while back on my Win7 computer. For me, it seemed to stop when I restarted the windows audio services.

Open up command prompt;

net stop audiosrv
net stop AudioEndpointBuilder
net start audiosrv
net start AudioEndpointBuilder

If the service fails to restart at this point, it's might be a conflicting driver problem (e.g. I use the Logitech G930, which uses a different driver to emulate 7.1 and at least on Win8 sometimes causes audio crashes) and you'd have to restart though.

EDIT: Can't read, you mentioned the Mumble setting. Coffee hadn't kicked in yet, sorry.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 GXL LAN 2014 fragvid in Videos

Really nice selection of frags. I wish the names in the bottom left weren't quite so transparent though. Felt like I need some glasses or something.

posted about 10 years ago
#3491 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
JBWorked on this the last two or three days

JBAn other one of the mvm menu. Working on having all the menus like items, mvm, store etc. kinda embinded in the actual main menu.

Any updates on this? I would really like to see anything else you've done with it.

posted about 10 years ago
#44 my dad thinks im a fuckup in Off Topic

You don't sound like you have too much workforce experience. Truth is, most entry-level jobs are gonna suck. But you can make them better. If you want a job to not suck, you have to bust your ass. Most people are good at what they want to do, but sometimes you have to learn to be good at something you don't want to do just to get by.

For example, I started at my current job by making sandwiches for minimum wage in September, and now I'm in charge of receiving inventory and heading the wine program for the store I work at. It only took me 3 months to get that promotion (with concomitant raise) because I busted my ass every day and volunteered to stay late and got overtime. Managers notice that kind of thing, and when the owners were around, they notice too. If you want your job not to suck, you gotta work. It doesn't matter what the job is, whether you like it or not. Just work hard, and it'll get better.

And avoid paying rent for as long as possible. Don't buy shit because you want it; buy it if you need it. Don't go out every weekend. Scrape and save, and even minimum wage will let you save pretty quick if you're not paying rent.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Voting on Saxxys in Off Topic

Anyone having trouble voting on submissions? I get the same error on browsers and through Steam client saying "Your account does not have sufficient privileges to perform this action. To access all features of Steam, simply purchase a game from the Steam Store, activate a Gift on Steam, complete a microtransaction, or activate a retail game on Steam."

Re-installed Steam, 4 year old account, 80+ games purchased on Steam, market history, etc. Anyway, submitted a ticket for kicks, but any one having similar problems or am I fucked?

posted about 10 years ago
#24 Formers smokers in Off Topic

I think the most important thing to quitting is having a real investment in doing so. The people who fall off the wagon forget about their reasons for doing so - that's not a reprehensible thing, but it's what happens in my experience.

That said, what helped me maintain that investment for myslef was cardio. When I was a kid/teenager, I was heavy into biking, doing stuff like double marathon rides on the weekend. I wanted to be anywhere close to that again, and I knew that smoking was keeping me away from it. So I started cardio training again, and it helps me feel a lot better. It has helped increase my lung capacity a bit too since I quit 2 years ago. I've gone from feeling like a heart attack after five minutes of light cardio to heavy 45 min workouts in about a year of intense training. (Sidenote, if you want to do something like that, I recommend seeing a cardiologist. I have heart problems anyway so I already had one, but for me, it was such a taxing thing to do to my body after smoking as heavily as I did in college that I really needed to adjust my performance expectations).

Don't give yourself any ground back towards accepting smoking as something you do, and you won't. Good luck man.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Desk height in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Jump Academy Speedrun #2 in TF2 General Discussion

That's cool and all, but it's spelled "Prizes," unless you're telling me that I need to have a Defiant Spartan to enter.

posted about 10 years ago
#65 new years resolutions in Off Topic
capnfapnbreloomcapnfapn1. Gain 20 pounds. I'm 6ft and 130lbs so I really need some meat on my bones
2. Acquire gf

I'm thinking goal #1 will help goal #2
im scared for your life bro. also if you want maximum qtpie attracting weight you should look to gain like 50 pounds.

Yeah 50lbs would be ideal but I know that 20lbs is more realistic

Been there...6ft5, 150 since I was 16 (almost 6 years ago now). Go see a nutritionist. I put on 5 lbs in about 2 weeks after mine told me I was eating about 1000 calories too low. But don't sit on your ass while you do or you'll just burn that shit right back off when you get sucked into a game and forget to eat.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 SMISSMASS UPDATE in TF2 General Discussion

"2013's been a great year for Team Fortress 2, and next year's looking to be even better. We've got some truly big surprises planned for 2014, and since nobody wants them delayed until 2015, we'd better get back to work."

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Server browser problem in Q/A Help

So I've been having this problem for several months now. I open up TF2, hit up the server browser, head over to the internet tab to find some random pub, and it takes 10 minutes to load up 50 servers of any given game type.

Now, it is faster if I take off a map filter, but I usually just only use "koth" or "cp", and don't specify any further than that. and it takes ages. Even without a ping limit, server not full unchecked, etc.

I know a lot of people would read this and think "Must be your internet connection". Well, it's not. My friend who comes over fairly often never has this problem with his computer.

Things I've tried
1) Re-install TF2
2) Re-install Steam
3) OS (Win7) is freshly installed
3a) Drivers are all up to date
4) Delete master browser list
5) Added exception for hl2.exe to real-time protection
6) Flushed DNS cache

Any ideas would be really appreciated. I don't have time to play mixes/competitive format at all right now, so occasional pubbing being possible would be great.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Connection problems in Q/A Help

So I'm sure that someone's going to say that this has already been covered, but I've been looking through threads, and my problem seems to be a bit different. I'm getting freezes in game, but without ping spikes. I grabbed some screencaps to show what I mean.

All on different servers, some diff interps just to see. I actually recently wiped my computer and re-installed everything, so I'm kinda at a loss. The freezes last 2-3 seconds, and I usually warp backwards a bit. Anyway, it's definitely a huge effect on survivability. They happen every 3-8 minutes near as I can tell

Net Settings
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_pred_optimize 2
cl_smooth 0
cl_smoothtime 0.01
cl_updaterate 66
rate 60000

Straight from Chris' TF2 config

Launch Options
-novid -heapsize 1048576 -d3d -32bit -console -full -width 1920 -height 1080 -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -dxlevel 81

My framerate is solid all the time regardless of battle/not, how many players on server, and what else I have running on my computer. I've added TF2 to exceptions on real-time protection, opened the right ports in my firewall, etc.

Just wondering at this point if there was anything else to try. A friend asked me to play with her team this fall, so I'd like to get it figured out, but can't play with these 2-3 second drops.

EDIT: Also tried running a listen server and jumped around for 20 minutes no problem, no lag, so it's not my comp choking.

posted about 11 years ago
#262 Update 7/10/13 in TF2 General Discussion

Anyone tried Quick-Fixing a scout with short stop yet? The medic surfs could be insane...

posted about 11 years ago
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