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SteamID64 76561197960281075
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Country United States
Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted September 21, 2015 at 6:40 PM
Posts 251 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity fuck cares
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Raw Input 1
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Mouse da 2013
Monitor XL2420T
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#378 The 120Hz Monitor Thread in Hardware

anyone have any experience with a gsync monitor yet? I am thinking of selling my XL2420T to a friend and buying the XL2420G to see if gsync is really all that

posted about 10 years ago
#48 Ipkane mention's TF2's existence in TF2 General Discussion

damn those 13 year olds that play counter strike make me so mad

how could anyone hate myfavorite game??????

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Monitor doesn't recognize new build, dead mobo/GPU in Hardware

did you forget to plug in pci-e 6 pin power to your gpu?

posted about 10 years ago
#84 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games

it's a new Blizzard IP with a guaranteed pulse on release

lots of peeps in TF2 are bored out of their minds and want to learn a new game that isn't cs:go

Blizzard is positioning this game to be accessible to casual as well as competitive players

popular casual scene = healthy competitive scene

not sure why it is difficult to believe this game will be the new hotness come end of 2015

posted about 10 years ago
#24 ESEA gives no fucks in Esports

their stone-age website is a big embarrassment, but I still feel their client is the greater evil if you're going to pick something about ESEA to be concerned about

ESEA Computer Monitoring and File Copying

20. On or about April 3, 2013, using the full administrative access to end-users' computers, ESEA created the ESEA Monitoring Code to track the programs that ESEA end-users ran on their computers. The ESEA Monitoring Code monitored computer activity even when end-users were not using ESEA services and the ESEA Software was not turned on. ESEA concealed the ESEA Monitoring Code in the ESEA Software driver on end-users' computers. ESEA also programed the ESEA Software to reload the ESEA Monitoring Code even if endusers attempted to "unload" the driver. 

21. Prior to implementation, Thunberg approved the ESEA Monitoring Code and allowed the ESEA Monitoring Code to be place on end-users' computers via the ESEA Software.

22. In at least several instances, ESEA employees used the ESEA Software to copy files from ESEA end-users' computers.

considering client is still catching cheaters, and the fact that ESEA has admitted to their client having features, not unlike common malware, that collect "necessary" information pertaining to potential cheaters, I am left assuming that they are still deploying this type of software to their clients

hopefully lpkane is still abiding by the business practices outlined in his judgment lol

12. Settling Defendants shall not download or otherwise deploy any computer code, program, or software onto a person's computer without explicit authorization and without clear and conspicuous notification prior to such deployment.

13. Settling Defendants shall not upload, copy, store, or otherwise access the files stored on a consumers' computers without explicit authorization and without clear and conspicuous notification prior to such access.

14. Settling Defendants shall not monitor the computer activities of any person without explicit authorization and without clear and conspicuous notification prior to such monitoring.

posted about 10 years ago
#41 TF2 Feature Requests and Bug Fixes in TF2 General Discussion

Jumping on an enemy's head (collision hull) causes weird behavior such as super speed or makes your screen jump in erratic ways.

Increase maximum tickrate (doubt this is easy or feasible, but throwing it out there anyway)

server-side or client-side vars to turn off hats/miscs/cosmetic items

Smoother, more gradual acceleration of players from standstill to full-speed (think along the lines of Scout a-d-a-d spam and what their model is doing)

posted about 10 years ago
#28 Team Fortress 2 Open Source in Projects

surprised that more people haven't pointed out how absurd this project is

posted about 10 years ago
#55 pastebins in The Dumpster

emmerich 楊澤祺: are enigma and lpkane the same person?

posted about 10 years ago

posted about 10 years ago
#13 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

there's this popular view on these forums that we have to recruit and lull the masses of pubbers that play this game outside of competitive. that's unrealistic and will only result in burn out for those who subscribe to the idea

maintain the highest levels of play to inspire up-and-comings and give them an outlet to try the game. the players you want who will actually stick around to grow the scene are those who understand that improving oneself and growing as a player or teammate becomes more important than who called you bad. if they enjoy the game competitively enough, they already have the thick skin they need to soldier through whatever "toxins" lurk in a community

then you provide an outlet like pugs, tf2center, or newbie mixes to give them a feel for the game and if they enjoy it enough. lead by action

i know someone's going to say well isn't that approach just business as usual and my response is that yeah it is. today people are just getting apathetic about a 7 year game's competitive scene which has been propped up mostly on the shoulders of its community. this is nothing new in a long line of PC fps games that have come and gone

so, like i said, an active approach in "saving" comp tf2 is going to be futile. I've seen this approach tried in so many other fps games -- the burnout is hard to watch. You can't trick people into thinking they're competitive players. They have to see the diamond in the rough and get it for themselves.

posted about 10 years ago
#105 Ninox Aurora in Hardware

file a dispute in paypal

in the esreality thread i see he is beginning to ship out royal mail preorders, though

posted about 10 years ago
#9 does anyone here play ns2 in Other Games
nickplusPeople like you that spread incorrect information about video games are the reasons they have small communities in the first place.

game's dead because it runs on a shitty engine and its gameplay is a watered down version of ns1. get over it

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Capcom Cup in Other Games

daigo still dominates and xfire is still a thing

may gaming legends live on

posted about 10 years ago
#72 Ninox Aurora in Hardware

The left mouse click still feels rubbery, as if it isn't going to release, like its bottoming out on an o ring.

considering m1 and m2 and the aurora should have the same switches as the da 2013 this is a bit worrying for me (da's switches feel perfect)

posted about 10 years ago
#76 ESEA-I S18 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Dead, dying, or not, it's not like comp TF2 had a bad run or anything. I would have killed for even one LAN or even a cash tournament in other FPS games I've played at the highest level. American TF2 has had thirteen or more respectable LAN events in its lifespan as well as tiered leagues that have distributed consistent prizes to its winners. The devs have even given medals out for participation in certain leagues. I can't think of many other PC FPS games that have offered anything even close to what TF2 comp players have enjoyed over the past seven years.

posted about 10 years ago
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