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Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted September 21, 2015 at 6:40 PM
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#6 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Steam Client Help in Q/A Help

Steam\package folder

delete beta

posted about 10 years ago
#27 steam broadcasting in Off Topic

apparently people are streaming random copyrighted material and getting banned from steam community for it

what i am saying is there is someone out there who takes home a valve paycheck and gets to ban anime streams all day

posted about 10 years ago
#6 [WIP] eSource - New Tournament League in TF2 General Discussion
DataNo idea what playIGL is or does wrong, but fair enough :P

posted about 10 years ago
#3 [WIP] eSource - New Tournament League in TF2 General Discussion
there will always be 1 admin in the server with you while you play to ensure fairness and help out where he can

lol c'mon dude

you should get in touch with the playIGL guys and share some notes

posted about 10 years ago
#4 CEVO feedback in TF2 General Discussion

Paladin never worked. This was probably a result of the CEVO website being slow and unresponsive on match nights. Every match we had to get admin approval (though I'm not even sure if we even bothered to get admin approval...) to play the match on our own server because nothing was working. My team used ringers and were never held accountable for it. Everything CEVO-P -- excluding lan -- was a joke, really. A lack of professionalism and accountability by admins really takes the wind out of your sails if you want to play seriously. I hope a league where you PAY to play can get its shit together this season.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Ninox Aurora on Massdrop in Hardware

do you have one already weeble? i'm a bit worried about the buttons since tlr mentioned not being able to rocket jump with it

i preordered just because i'm 7 years desperate for a modern wmo

posted about 10 years ago
#122 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games
flamegame has promise, without new exciting gamemodes i dont know how it doesnt suffer from the same fate as quake though

matchmaking/ladders - though the dev in grape's stream chat last night said both were "high priority", but his language made it sound like it hadn't even been started yet

additionally his language made it sound like the reflex devs are working on this project in their spare-time vs being full-time committed devs. I'm admittedly a big game dev pessimist (thanks NS2), but this game might take well over a year to hit a final release that hits on all of their planned features. Maybe this is all the more reason to spend your 10 bux so they can commit more time to it.....

posted about 10 years ago
#14 No more camwhores on twitch in Off Topic

i was actually wondering when they would add this to their conduct rules since a lot of dudes stream shirtless. Nothing wrong with that as long as everyone is allowed to stream shirtless. I suppose they stamped this out early as it would only be a matter of time before admins shutting down streams of boob and moob statements became a glaring double standard and an interesting PR blunder if major press caught a whiff.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Computer Science Major? in Off Topic
uyScutiAnyone actually in school working towards a computer science degree?

How are the courses like? Why did you choose to study it? Your thoughts on the job market for CS graduates?

I'm a senior in highschool and while I am applying to a bunch of colleges, I still don't know what to major in. CS does seem interesting however.

The courses vary a lot. Many people describe the CS major at good schools as an applied maths major for a reason. Expect a LOT of discrete mathematics, including probability theory, linear algebra, and a lot of reading and writing proofs.

CS has its foundations in math. Programming is easy compared to solving hard problems with elegant, efficient algorithms. If all you wanted to do was program, you have several other options. I have worked at several software firms where many of the programmers had a background in engineering, math, physics, or no degree at all. I can't emphasize this enough: CS is NOT mandatory if you want a career as a programmer.

I chose computer science because I thought I was hot shit at computers and the major had "computer" in the name - so naive. I didn't care much for the heavy math requirements and pretty much grinded through them, but the grind ended up being worth it because I adored the higher level courses such as operating systems, artificial itelligence, and networking.

Don't go to college and pinpoint a major because of "job prospects" though dude. You're probably not even 18 yet. Most schools don't force you to choose a major until junior year, so you'll have plenty of time to experiment with a breadth of subjects that your school offers to figure out what you're passionate about. You'll also have an opportunity to network with people and make friends for life. Yes, CS is so in demand that I had several peers get picked up by Fortune 100 companies before they had even finished the major. Yes, you will have no problem getting your foot in the door most places with that piece of paper. The thing is, your degree will never be as important for your CAREER as learning how to build and keep a strong network of friends, academics, and colleagues.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Potential keylogger? in Off Topic

There's very little chance you picked up something just by attaching the USB drive or copying a file to your laptop. However, if you ran an executable from the USB drive you didn't trust and allowed it admin privileges (don't disable UAC, kids) you opened the floodgates to everything bad.

Personally, I'd reformat for peace of mind. Most IT shops just run a full-scan of Malwarebytes and call it a day if you want to give it the "professional" treatment. Since you're a CS student you should be able to find weird looking processes running and track down where they get started in Windows pretty easily. You could also run a Wireshark or MS Network Monitor capture on any outgoing packets to see what's "phoning home" based on port or PID. If you plan to do any networking in your CS curriculum, some Wireshark experience will be useful anyway.

Any kid with a "history for keyloggers" should get punched in the mouth.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Mumble comms in Videos

posted about 10 years ago
#50 your life at the current moment in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Any tips for buying gaming headset with mic? in Hardware

HyperX Clouds are good. It's a headset created from the Takstar Pro 80, which are known as good budget headphones. The mic sounds good enough for me but that's of course subjective.

Here's a review w/ a mic test:

I modded mine with Brainwavz HM5 pads and I could wear them all day

posted about 10 years ago
#124 TF2GAMES in The Dumpster

probably just a troll

better yet someone with a lot of dough is really mad at tf2center and wants revenge or something so they hired a team of developers and a PR team of 12 year olds in an attempt to overthrow tf2center

posted about 10 years ago
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