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Country Italy
Signed Up June 8, 2014
Last Posted January 22, 2017 at 10:18 AM
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#19 Mechanical keyboards - worth spending more? in Hardware

I'd say ..consider how important for you are the only significant differences between these 2 keyboards: backlight and wrist rest. the gigabyte keyboard could reveal to be uncomfortable, it depends from your desk height and how used are you to a wrist rest. after you chose the switches and extras there's not much else to keyboards..i expect the plastic from the gigabyte keyboard to be good, i got a 40 euro mech keyboard from an unknown brand and even them got the plastic right, no sweat or oil stick to keys as long as you don't eat on your pc :/

posted about 8 years ago
#58 Gabe Newell + Valve Employees AMA On Reddit in TF2 General Discussion
screens of relevant tf2 related questions and answers

posted about 8 years ago
#58 240hz Asus Monitor in Hardware

^ .. today you learned too many scripts or commands running actually cripple tf2 performance and high average fps count is possible. i almost only run no gibs and ragdoll and a crosshair switcher and i'm just fine above 144 fps (capped). easily you can set up your game to run on a 240hz monitor if necessary. try to bench tf2 on a low end pc that can't take too much load, like a dual core laptop, you'll see high frame cfgs run worse than vanilla tf2 on lowest possible settings. tested this on my laptop:

vanilla tf2 on lowest video settings dx9: high 76 average 56 low 45
chris high frames cfg: high 30 average 20 low 13
both tests done @1366x768, 1 hour of playing, cp_dustbowl 24 men server.

i7 3537U dual core w/ HT @2ghz up to 3.10
nvidia GT 740m

posted about 8 years ago
#53 240hz Asus Monitor in Hardware
SetsulThat is not how it works x3

i know..i've never attempted to explain how processors work...the point was to show that it is very possible to run tf2 at about 240 fps with max video settings at 1920x1080 on a 32 men server with a stock 5820k. hence you can take advantage of a 240hz monitor in a 6v6 match np

posted about 8 years ago
#50 240hz Asus Monitor in Hardware
ScrewballThe Xeon 2670-V3 is a $1,736 CPU m8

yeah and totally not made for game processes.. are you even using ecc rams? what for? finals = mission critical operation? LUL since you're commenting on a high performance gaming oriented monitor thread you can't talk of performance in tf2 / games by taking into account a xeon cpu.

ScrewballAverages mean nothing because when action happens (IE when you actually need high FPS) your FPS goes down by more than half. No point in a 240hz monitor when your FPS are dipping to 140 in fights.

yes, for an infinitesimal amount of time haha also i'm wondering where did you get that "a half". cpus work at GHz frequencies.. that's a 10^9 factor , that is 1.000^3, that is that is 1 billion operations per unit time. so according to your thinking every time "action" or an operation gets computed "fps" or, more generally, performance drop by a half; are you suggesting that performance drop by a half hundreds of millions of times per cpu clock?

posted about 8 years ago
#42 240hz Asus Monitor in Hardware
ScrewballWOW 300 FPS while staring at a wall and a single Heavy! IMPRESSIVE

Your FPS highs and even averages are irrelevant. The lows are what matter. I have a 12 core 24 thread Xeon 2670-V3 and i get FPS dips as low as the upper 70s. These are 3Ghz Haswell-EP cores with a shitload of cache behind them.
[...] are highs and averages irrelevant? tell me more about gauss curve and standard deviation. you could argue that in a measurement you discard lowest and highest values that appear less often than any other value and then calculate an average..surely you don't take only lows in account....
also excuse me if i don't have screens with fps counter set up for any scene but just 1 with a heavy and a wall.. i don't usually take screens as a benchmark or performance reference. still you can see a screen with 300 fps, again, capped, video settings cranked up on a 32 men server...average is about 240 fps..meaning it's very possible to get so many frames on tf2 and yes it takes a top tier cpu to achieve that, why would you want to play competitively with a budget system? besides, these kinds of monitors are equipped with g-sync / free-sync so why even bother talking about frames dropping below the refresh rate

posted about 8 years ago
#36 240hz Asus Monitor in Hardware
Screwballsopsto get over 240 stable fps in tf2 is very hardThe game is almost entirely CPU bound. A RX470 or equivalent could EASILY do it. The problem lies in CPU. TF2 doesn't scale at all beyond 3 threads. So you basically want the highest clocked quad core high IPC CPU you can get your hands on for max FPS in TF2. More cores and a higher end GPU won't make a difference.
saamrunning games at 1080p@250fps is crazy enough idk if you would even want 1440pThe kind of games that would be able to use 240hz are mostly CPU bound source engine games and other ancient games where raising the rez won't make any real difference to FPS. Also people do play games that are not as FPS dependent. I like 144+ fps in TF2 but when im playing something like The Witcher 3 i turn up all my settings and play comfortably at 40fps.

While i agree this monitor is useless for AAA games, SP campaigns, and basically any game where you can't run a stabbystabby type of LOD, all your tf2 arguments are wrong.

TF2 > check fps counter in that screenshot > max settings and x16 AA (i can see everything, no need for cfgs or random scripts / mods that just put more loads on cpu) > 300 fps > i7 5820k stock clock (3.30ghz) -thread launch option set for my cpu count > had an amd r9 380 at the time of this screen > still 300 fps because it's capped :/

ScrewballSo you basically want the highest clocked quad core high IPC CPU you can get your hands on for max FPS in TF2. More cores and a higher end GPU won't make a difference.

i had to

posted about 8 years ago
#35 Crowns are gold at Insomnia58 in News


posted about 8 years ago
#23 Favorite quotes from i58 in TF2 General Discussion

i actually made this first lmao it's been going in chat forever before he said it live :D

hoax"This is supposed to be i58, not i50Wait' - Sideshow.

as well as MingLee GR8 MingLee B8 MingLee M8 MingLee IT'S MingLee i58 MingLee

posted about 8 years ago
#128 i58 Invite Group R1: Full Tilt vs. froyotech in Matches

posted about 8 years ago
#17 ESEA S22 W9: EVL Gaming vs. FROYO BLACK in Matches audio

posted about 8 years ago
#10 TF2 Stuttering in Q/A Help

in your autoexec.cfg find these parameters and change their values like so:

cl_interp 0.033
cl_interp_ratio 2
cl_smooth 1
cl_smoothtime 0.1

about paging file size follow this

just go from point 1 to 6 and make sure "automatically manage paging file size for all drives" is checked. it should already be if you haven't messed up with it, i think.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 TF2 Stuttering in Q/A Help

i see, i don't use spotify but the network-hardware check via net_graph could still be worth it. maybe some other software are causing that network it constant or does it happen after few minutes of playing? i'd check if some recent changes to your system may have corrupted something. i had an issue like this and it turned out it was caused by the windows paging file size. had to put it back to automatic - windows managed..also bad networking values in a tf2 cfg can produce stutters. like cl_smooth 0, cl_smoothtime, cl_pred_optimize and stuff like that

posted about 8 years ago
#11 GPU about to die, need some recommendations in Hardware

you got new gpu fans or chassis fans? cause if it's the latter orientation doesn't really matter too much and it surely won't fry a gpu..your pc will simply shut down if the gpu passes the safe temp threshold or thermal throttle. try running some ram stress tests\benchmarks or memory diagnostic tools (windows memory diagnostic is integrated in win) or check motherboard temperatures\health (search for it on google). either ram or motherboard faults can cause weird issues sometimes difficult to diagnose. if that's the case you might save some $$$ gpu can get expensive ehmm....coff coff 1080..coff coff

posted about 8 years ago
#6 TF2 Stuttering in Q/A Help

53°C on load is normal. cpu and ram usage too..would it be weird not having a full load on the cpu while playing tf2. not a hardware issue it seems more like a networking problem..especially since you get lag spikes when downloading music with spotify. also don't monitor hw usage with games in windowed mode, rendering works better in fullscreen mode. instead you can use cpu_frequency_monitoring 1 and net_graph 1 (0 for both to disable them). Both will show on screen and you can monitor networking and hw usage at the same time. Now, when you experience stutters check for ping, cl_updaterate value (it's the second number from the top in the far right column in the net_graph) and the cpu frequency and usage percentage. if your ping raises and\or the updaterate drops while stuttering then you got network issues > some processes on your pc or other users in the network are using internet bandwidth (DL or UL). If network values are fine but you see the cpu percentage getting lower and lower then you got thermal throttling issues. I don't think that's the case, highest allowed temperature for that chip is 72°. source: intel cpu page.

posted about 8 years ago
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