Chill, NA dudes. ESEA is not the only league in the world, even with CEVO dead. Even if ESEA was completely dead now (it isn't) all that would be is a setback for American tf2. The ETF2L season just finished, with a really great couple of matches to finish it (at a really amazing standard, too, ignore WAR he's too modest), Ozfortress are having their finals now and because the more established streamers are busy irl like a lot of you guys now (demographics...) other people are stepping up to the plate to cast the matches, hell even div 4/5 semi-finals are being casted. Ugc stuff is presumably going on, and there's plenty of highlander for all those who like that sort of thing.
People will move on all the time, most of you guys are what, 20-27? You probably have more important stuff than tf2 to worry about now, or you certainly will soon... but hopefully those of you who have time and still enjoy it will keep playing leagues and the gaps can and will be filled by younger blood.
Pretty much everyone here knows why most weapons are banned, namely because they suck. They either suck in tf2 as a whole, like the bfb, sc, whatever, or they suck for cp/koth (gunslinger), the suck for smaller player counts (wrangler, dr, beggar's bazooka) or because they suck when people are actually good (pretty much every other weapon that isn't used). You guys can't change that, and why would you want to? Don't second guess these decisions, they were right to make and they will continue to be right. If valve employees don't bother to educate themselves enough about their own game then their opinions are unimportant and certainly provide no valid reasoning behind suggestions of changing the game in any way.
Just play the game and keep growing those lans, the i-series in particular because by now that's recognised as 'the' tf2 tournament of the year, around the world. Just keep making those great (and Lange, you were a massive part of that this time around) and tf2 won't die quickly. I don't know about anyone else but I'm already excited for next year. Hopefully the stream/vod viewer counts are getting high enough to attract more sponsors, because with money coming into the game valve's intransigence will be basically irrelevant.