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Signed Up September 25, 2012
Last Posted May 23, 2023 at 10:20 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 ⋅⋅ 302
#23 Thoughts on expanding TFTV NA casts into s15--> in TF2 General Discussion

I'd be interested in doing coverage of open if you wanted to extend it down that far. Maybe not a weekly thing, but filler on slow weeks or something?

posted about 11 years ago
#15 ESEA suggestions in TF2 General Discussion

fair enough, it would be a good feature.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 ESEA suggestions in TF2 General Discussion
alfunksoI'd like to be able to forfeit matches before the date they are scheduled, so that the winning team doesn't have to sit around in the server for 30 minutes just waiting to type .reportffw

you don't have to, just message killing.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 CheesyMacgyver! - A TF2 Frag Movie in TF2 General Discussion

cheesy will unironically be the best scout in open next season and i am not being facetious when i say that

posted about 11 years ago
#72 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
MarxistYeah Owl, it adds the "bracket luck" factor into the equation because you may end up, after random seeding, with some really really strong opening groups that are forced to kill off 1-2 really good teams that would've otherwise made it to LAN - but it also has the slight upside of presenting new and interesting match ups because lower skilled teams are forced to play higher level teams more regularly and in much more high pressure situations.

I can definitely see it being really exciting, especially in invite, but it could be really frustrating in the lower divisions where teams can come out of nowhere much more easily. It'd be awful to have a couple straight 'seasons' where you're the 3rd best in your group because of teams coming out of nowhere, but you'd be the best in half the other groups. Of course, there's a similar problem with our current setup, but at least teams get their money's worth in playing a full season, even if it's filled with losses.

I really like the map pick system as well as the bo3 style you're going for. If you really wanted to do that and keep it in line with our standard season setup, you could try the etf2l ruleset on each map. It'd lead to some interesting pick/ban situations with maps and would force teams to be much more adaptive, knowing they could be playing any of the map pool. Teams would have to work on certain maps much harder rather than just throwing in the towel on a particular week and accepting some losses.

posted about 11 years ago
#68 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendTheManWithNoNameup front: i do not play competitive tf2 at all
So please posit for me why your understanding of the game is on par with that of anyone that has ever played this game competitively. Please I want to hear why your opinion which you value so highly, is at all comparable to i49 MVP james "yuki" stanton.

he literally said in his first post that his opinion should not be a huge consideration when making these decisions. I'm not sure why you keep saying that he thinks his opinion is equal to anyone who plays competitively, much less someone who plays competitively at the very top level.

Hell, you're not even making arguments at this point, you're just attacking the guy for daring to share any opinion at all.

I don't agree with a lot of what this guy said, and I think his comment about viewers streaming to HL because 6s players are dicks is stupid, quite frankly. But he shared his opinion about the topic at hand (with full disclosure that he is a spectator, and his opinion should be taken with that in mind), and you're telling him that he shouldn't even get to share it.

Maybe I just don't get it.

posted about 11 years ago
#51 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendMr_Owl2sy_morphiendIf you're not playing you shouldn't have an opinion.
Dismissing his perfectly valid points because of a personal bias. Very good debate tactic.

While I agree that the people who actually play the game should be the ones making the final decision, it's stupid to just completely ignore everyone else's input. This guy, as a spectator of tf2, made points about what he enjoys when spectating. If the majority of players hate playing gpit, then we're not going to play gpit, but plenty of tf2 players (not you, june. we all know where you stand. You've hit us all over the head with it.) who wonder why tf2 isn't popular can certainly check this thread out where members of the community summarily dismiss the opinion of someone who wants this game to grow.

I guess what I'm saying is that while this guy may not be helping anything in the end, at least he's not actively hurting anything either by being dismissive and overly pessimistic.

Let me give you a reason for why this game isn't AN ESPORT. It was never meant to be. It's a cartoon shooter and the competitive game was carved out of it through the blood, sweat, and tears of people that were too bad at quake to make money and too good to enjoy being amateurs forever. Anyone that picks this game up to play will be completely ignorant of the competitive aspect of it unless they actively seek it out.

All of the fabricated reasons about why we aren't getting 20k viewers every night that emerged once we got off gotfrag have all been espoused by people that were not here since the beginning and that came off reddit expecting this game to explode once we figured some things out. This isn't an esport, it never will be. BUICK got it right when he said that we should be most proud that we have people still playing the game 4+ years after it was released, but that being a large widely-renowned esport was never going to happen. You can drink all the kool-aid you want and it will only get you a sugar high.

And yes, weighing an uneducated opinion the same as an educated one is detrimental to the game when the largest portion of tf.tv posters apparently have never touched esea open despite "a functional understanding of the game being easy to achieve" according to illustrious tf2 spectator, themanwithnoname.

TF2 doesn't need to be an ESPORT for us to encourage its continued growth (and it is growing). Hell, I don't want TF2 to be on that level, because if there was real money in this game I'd have yet another reason to not get off my lazy ass each morning.

manwithnoname made no controversial statements in his first post. He said that ignoring the viewerbase in these discussions keeps tf2 from growing (true, whether or not you care about tf2 growing). He said that casual viewers like watching maps that they understand (true). He said that standardizing the rulesets would be beneficial to the average viewer (true, and it's a fairly easy fix, once we get everyone's opinion). And he framed all of that from the perspective of a spectator of the game. He didn't even propose any real changes beyond what we're already discussing in the topic.

I don't see why you're so intent on denying tf2 any growth. We all know that nobody is gonna make a living playing this game. Nobody expects to. But ostensibly you became a part of this community because you enjoy playing competitive tf2, and it stands to reason that you should want to share that enjoyment with more people.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
MarxistThe LAN situation, owl, would just be the final group from the highest tier - so essentially how invite would work - is you'd want a multiple of four teams (12 would pry work)..

4 teams - Group A
4 Teams - Group B
4 teams - Group C

The teams would play each other through the group as such:

Team A vs. Team B
Team C vs. Team D

Winner of A vs B, Vs. winner of C Vs. D, winner of this match advanced to the next stage
Loser of A vs. B Vs. Loser of C vs. D, the loser of this match is out of the season.

Winner of Loser's match Vs. Loser of Winner's match, winner is advanced to next group, the loser is eliminated.

Thus netting 2 new groups of 4. After these groups were dispensed with you'd have your typical 4 team LAN.

How would you approach seeding? Not just in invite, but in all divisions. This situation would definitely lead to some issues with that. Of course, in posting from my phone in between grading tests I may be missing part of the picture again, but it seems there'd be plenty of argument.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendIf you're not playing you shouldn't have an opinion.

Dismissing his perfectly valid points because of a personal bias. Very good debate tactic.

While I agree that the people who actually play the game should be the ones making the final decision, it's stupid to just completely ignore everyone else's input. This guy, as a spectator of tf2, made points about what he enjoys when spectating. If the majority of players hate playing gpit, then we're not going to play gpit, but plenty of tf2 players (not you, june. we all know where you stand. You've hit us all over the head with it.) who wonder why tf2 isn't popular can certainly check this thread out where members of the community summarily dismiss the opinion of someone who wants this game to grow.

I guess what I'm saying is that while this guy may not be helping anything in the end, at least he's not actively hurting anything either by being dismissive and overly pessimistic.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 High open team LF players s15 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Still looking for a soldier (either role). Please be comfortable playing aggressively. Getting pretty close to the season, guys. Pls help.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 Why is Payload bad in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
FrancefrknA linear (A->B->C) A/D cp map is payload without all of the restrictions that would make it boring/slow. So let's talk about that insteadcp_badwater looks nice so far

I haven't tracked the progress of this map too much, but are they cutting down on the size at all? Badwater would be absurdly big in 6v6.

I like the concept of a linear A/D map being introduced. It would allow for some of the other classes to shine in 6s, which would give some variety to the players as well as make the game a bit more fun for casual players to follow. I know plenty of 6s players who want no part of heavy/engy/sniper/etc in their game, but I'm in the camp that thinks this would be a positive change, if only for one week out of the season.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
MarxistIf it were my dream situation:

We'd play 2 30 minute halves with best of threes being played consecutively (win limit 5, 3 for half). If you wanted to play like a wuss and spend 3+ hours of your life on Tf2, then, by all means, enjoy. Instead of 8 maps we'd have a pool of 6 with each team eliminating 3 (the team that doesn't get a second map pick would get to pick which map is played first, loser picks second, loser picks third).

Then if people could actually handle that, we'd just dispense with "seasons" as they exist now and go to bracket play - which would allow teams to die and reform constantly like they want to as your season could be over the first 1-3 weeks (if you get dumpstered in your first group). Seasons would also happen a lot more rapidly.

But that's just a dream :(

This actually sounds freakin amazing for someone like me who's always playing this game anyways, but I'm sure a lot of people can't dedicate that much time to matches in a single night (against evenly matched teams, you're looking at probably 90 minutes minimum, that's a long time to be focusing on playing tf2 at your best)

Also unless I'm misunderstanding, this makes the LAN situation difficult or impossible, yeah? Or are you proposing this system be set up for all divisions besides invite?

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Are you proud of being a (competitive) gamer? in Off Topic

sometimes i lie about there being money in tf2 so when my roommates ask me why i spend so much time playing this game i can tell them there's a paycheck in it

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Are you proud of being a (competitive) gamer? in Off Topic

I don't share the information freely, but if someone asks me, I'm not ashamed to say that I play a lot of video games.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Scout LFT high open/IM? in Recruitment (looking for team)

carries hard

posted about 11 years ago
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