guys just fyi:
sometimes when people put things in quotes, they're not being serious about them
like this
ckap that is definitely a "normal and appropriate reaction" to a forum post.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197981788092 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:21522364] |
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Signed Up | September 25, 2012 |
Last Posted | May 23, 2023 at 10:20 PM |
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144 |
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Mouse | Corsair M60 |
Keyboard | CM Storm (Black Switches) |
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Monitor | Asus VG248QE |
guys just fyi:
sometimes when people put things in quotes, they're not being serious about them
like this
ckap that is definitely a "normal and appropriate reaction" to a forum post.
hm. player makes a thread looking for a mentor and asking for people to ignore mistakes he made in the past so he can move forward and get some help with his game.
In the thread you get people reminding him that nobody likes him and people pointing out the mistakes that he's looking to correct with a mentor.
xenexI don't understand. Why does it say drcameltoe is on 2 teams? quantum flux and lonely hearts O_O
lonely hearts is not playing this season, according to sherman gluck
HildrethThePretenderThank you for not calling me bad.
I will bring back my Hot or Not list and correct this great injustice.
Seriously this is the best write-up I've read about UGC, thanks for doing it Soap. Interesting how Paragon is rated over Max! Maybe scrims have shown different stats but Max has been destroying UGC + the world consistently for the past 6 months, surely this makes him the man to watch?
the most recent testaments to Paragon's ability.
Dude is a monster.
Also, some other teams to watch as the season starts:
The Robot Cult - I know Air pretty well and he's an absolute monster with 300 health, and the rest of his team supports him well, it seems.
Medical Geniuses - Stochast1c's team has been playing together for a while and is gonna make some waves in ESEA this season. They don't really have a carry, but their team play, offclassing ability, and rachel's survivability will combine to make them quite a threat. Think Street Hoops but not quite as good.
And my thoughts on some other teams that have already been mentioned as contenders:
TF2Jump is Retarded - It's tempting to say the scouts carry this team, and Yeegz and Cheesy are definitely the most dangerous people on the team, but overlooking the heavy classes is pretty silly as both Broking and Zambler are capable of putting out a ton of damage. If there's a weak link it's HiveMind on roamer but frankly, he's better than almost every roamer in open anyways, so it's less a matter of him being weak as it is the rest of his team being really strong.
big bongs long dongs - I haven't had the chance to scrim against this team yet, so I can't offer too much in the way of an overview. Dancenumber seems to have been a pretty good pickup, if logs are any indication. I'd like to add more about this team after playing them.
Budsquad - I already discussed them in my above post. I'll leave it at that. If mana is correct in saying truktruk is not starting, I'd like to see who their second scout will be . It'll go a long way in determining their success as a team, with an already weak flank with powah on sniper.
Party Boys - Stealthy's squad has gone through a pretty major overhaul from the end of last season. Desca and CJ are damage machines, and Patrol has some of the funkiest bombs I've seen. Honestly I don't know who the roamer and who the pocket is for this team, as they seem to interchangeably bomb at any time. Stealthy and Tobi are a decent scout combo, but they're both cleanup style scouts rather than guys who will go out and make massive plays without support. Shutting down the heavy classes of this team and being prepared for some massive bombs at inopportune times will be the way to beat the Party Boys.
Salt Miners - Again, I haven't had the chance to scrim this team as a whole, but I've played against all of them on and off for the past couple seasons. Rummy is the star of this team, regularly doing 400+ dpm. Flippers and Max are both solid soldiers with a good mind for the game. Flippers is the king of weird offclasses that end up working, but sadly he's no longer the best sniper on his team. That award goes to wiggles, who is a monster on sniper as well as scout. Mathias is his scout partner and is very steady, rarely getting caught out of position or sacrificing himself without a reason.
I'll probably type up a bit more as I get free time throughout the day. I'm gonna be real, theorycrafting and predicting in tf2 is probably the only way I can still get myself through the increasingly awful days at my job that it took me a college degree plus two years to figure out that I hate.
DaggerWe've scrimmed the budsquad and tied twice and lost/won one. Powah on sniper is scary because he kills you before you even see him with his 200 ping, their mids are usually weak unless powah gets 2+ headshots, their last holds are hard as hell to push into, star surprisingly gets some really good flank kills when his teammates bait for him.
I was more talking about Quantum Flux and Airshot Casino. Having seen Budsquad as well, I'm mostly focusing on truktruk and seanbud. Star is ok at scout but is better when he and powah switch and he plays roamer (I don't know if this is a normal thing or if they just tried it in a scrim against us). Powah on sniper is scary, but as long as you play out of sightlines at all times and know that sometimes you're just gonna get sniped, it's not a huge deal. We had our roamer or a scout get aggressive with him immediately when we spotted him and it cut down on his lanes. He and truk both on scout was pretty nasty though.
A big part of taking rounds from budsquad is exploiting Whisker's tendency to get caught out of position and the relative lack of damage coming from their demo (Lange?). Seanbud majorly anchors the combo, but it's still possible to overwhelm them, especially if you rotate a scout over when powah is sniping.
I really wish some of these offclassing teams would scrim once or twice so I can read way too much into the logs and start coming up with some predictions to fret over until the season starts.
LazyPandaThoughts on the salt miners?
rummy is really good, the others are all names that have been around and are good but i'd say rummy is definitely the standout there
I skipped ugc and now after two seasons I'm a mediocre medic on the open playoff bubble.
Follow your dreams, I hope you get a team!
NokomnMr_Owlcool dude i'm really glad u posted thisI'm bored and I wanted to talk to people. ):
???? i said it was cool
cool dude i'm really glad u posted this
can't believe i just got ninja'd by mana
Of the teams registered so far, not counting Quantum Flux (who have not scrimmed but will likely be at the top of open if they stay in the division), the wonderfully named TF2Jump is retarded is probably the strongest at this point. Other teams I find interesting are the BUDSQUAD, Canadian Milk Bags, and Network Issues. Teams I'll be following because I know some names and think they'll be playoff contenders are The Party Boys, Mexibeam Gaming, Chillin in NK, Monitor Down, and Stay Offclassy.
I'm sure we'll see a bunch more open teams register before the deadline, and there are a few teams I've scrimmed who aren't registered yet (so I won't pass judgement) but for now those are the teams I'm watching
Mahal Kita to still suck 8(
joddcrespiI was pug scrimming with tictac the other day and he said he was playing in invite s15 - I believe he said with solace?yeah. I pubbed with blink last night- he said he was making a team for open.
I'm just relaying to you guys what I heard straight from the dude.
they haven't scrimmed at all that i've seen but judging by the people on that team and the classes they're playing, they would be a much better fit in IM or Main.
I guess it remains to be seen if the rules will be broken in these situations for this season (they won't be) in order to flesh out the new IM and Main divisions.
ThufirMr_OwlI'd be interested in doing coverage of open if you wanted to extend it down that far. Maybe not a weekly thing, but filler on slow weeks or something?
I imagine a lot of people would be interested to see casts of Budsquad games from time to time...
That's certainly true, and I'm sure the Budsquad would show up on casts, but my goal with open casts would be more to showcase up-and-coming players who will be making a splash in IM/Main in just a season or two. People know the 'stars' for lack of a better term. I think there'd be at least some interest in getting to know those who could be challenging those stars down the line.