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SteamID64 76561197981788092
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Country United States
Signed Up September 25, 2012
Last Posted May 23, 2023 at 10:20 PM
Posts 4599 (1 per day)
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Monitor Asus VG248QE
1 ⋅⋅ 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 ⋅⋅ 302
#43 Looking for team in Recruitment (looking for team)

played with him last night, easily held his own against mid-open opponents

I would suggest that you play with toaster if you're a solid open team looking for a scout, because quite frankly, he's good. I get that his personality isn't for everyone, but people don't seem to realize that most of what he says is facetious/joking. I'm not sure why everyone assumes that he's serious about the things he says, if it's the tone of his voice or what, but he doesn't actually think he's high-IM/Invite, he's not acting like he's better than you because he can captain in pug.na, or whatever. Way too many people go into situations with him assuming he's gonna be arrogant or an asshole because he's got that reputation, and the moment he makes a joke they assume that he's being an idiot without even listening to the context. PUGs aren't serious, people. Everyone makes jokes and everyone shittalks a little bit. It's part of the game. There's no need to crucify toaster for doing the same thing everyone else does just because you heard he's insufferable.

Play with the guy. He's actually good at this game, and if you were to give him more than a cursory glance, you'd see that he's not even that hard to get along with.

posted about 11 years ago
#541 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

shade is getting really unlucky, he's not playing nearly as badly as stream chat is insisting.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Tf2 Medigun Meta in TF2 General Discussion
radiumMr_Owlmedic classlimit 0

ez, nobody likes playing medic anyways lets just ban the class

I love playing medic, Owl. :(

honestly if medic were banned, I'd have to quit tf2 because i'm not good enough to play anything else

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Tf2 Medigun Meta in TF2 General Discussion

medic classlimit 0

ez, nobody likes playing medic anyways lets just ban the class

posted about 11 years ago
#28 ESEA-Open LR4 Prediction in News
forksflatlinecozenflatlineI hope the rest of rastlemania isn't like pot because if they are you guys really don't deserve to win open.
What? You win open if you are good at tf2, regardless if they are jerks or not.
ur the one fanboying over the team that's got a med that used to shittalk people in pubs on the reg

nobody's perfect

yeah i'd argue that crespi was more of a shitlord than anyone on rastle

he's mostly cool now though in my experience

the rastle guys have always been pretty normal imo

posted about 11 years ago
#40 High open team LF players s15 in Recruitment (looking for team)
GeknaiirOwl if I get the fries with my burger, will you share it with me???


capnfapnif i was your student and on your tf2 team, would the grades you give me be based on my tf2 performance?

if i did that you'd be grounded and not be able to play tf2 anymore o:

dang nice burn gotem coach

posted about 11 years ago
#36 High open team LF players s15 in Recruitment (looking for team)

If You Do Not Stop Ruining My Looking Thread I Will Report You To The Mods.

Break The Rules Again And You WILL Be Banned.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 ESEA-Open LR4 Prediction in News

LOL @ client issues

gg esea

posted about 11 years ago
#33 High open team LF players s15 in Recruitment (looking for team)

perfect place to post this tyvm keywork

posted about 11 years ago
#3 ESEA-Open LR4 Prediction in News
TurinSorry for being out for being out of the loop, why did Fried Green Tomatoes ffl?

they weren't scrimming anymore

league of legends takes two more from us

good night sweet princes

posted about 11 years ago
#22 ESEA-Open UR4/LR3 Predictions in News

paragon putting the team on his back at the end there

holy shit

posted about 11 years ago
#5 What time do ESEA OPEN matchs start EST? in TF2 General Discussion

your opponent will nearly always schedule a different time/date and if you don't respond to the schedule offer within 24 hours, it becomes the new default

basically your scheduler needs to check your page every day during the season to make sure nothing changes. It's just courteous as well, I don't know how many times I've offered a time and the other team auto-accepts, then messages me half an hour before the match complaining about how they can't play then. Just check your damn pages, people.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Demo/Scout/Roamer LFT IM+ in Recruitment (looking for team)

really really good

posted about 11 years ago
#198 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion

1) People blaming Slin for this are just being silly. Just... stop. The people who are sharing their input on this decision are not the ones who would be influenced by a cast of the damn game. I would hope that people in this community would be smart enough to actually have scrimmed with the damn thing and made some decisions on their own. The only people who Slin would influence are those who haven't scrimmed or pugged at all in the past month, and frankly, I don't know of any people who fit that category who could make an informed decision on any weapon.

2) I don't like using the QF, as it simultaneously gives me more things to worry about but also makes me less important. That said, against (open) teams using the QF, I haven't felt pressured to bust it out myself. Midfights are definitely different against a QF but they're not unwinnable. It's led to a significant rise in my kritz usage but that just makes the game more fun and leads to my demo doing 500+ dpm all the time. I don't think it's OP, even when paired with a heavy. QF heavy can be annoying, but it's not impossible to deal with, or even that difficult. The trap I think the invite teams fell into was waiting far too long to switch mediguns. They were using the QF all the way into last and then switching after the stalemate started. If you know pushing last with QF sucks, why not switch long before then? Could be that I'm just too dumb to get the intricacies of the game at that level or something, though.

3) I don't really care that it's been banned, but it seems to set a precedent that we just don't want to change the way 6s is currently. This is the one weapon that has the biggest chance of fully changing the 'meta' (god, using that term makes me feel like a tool), and we're giving up on it after a month? That's fine, but nobody who wants the QF banned can then come around and say that the game is stale, because they're the ones who are making it that way.

4) I don't see how the QF increases the medic's skill cap at all, but whatever. Airstrafing is kind of easy guys, and with the QF you don't have to worry nearly as much about building uber, positioning, or self-preservation.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 The i49 Survival Guide in LAN Discussion

This is an excellent post and will make scheduling my weekend much easier (just kidding, I was gonna be sitting at my computer the whole time anyways, I don't need to schedule anything)

posted about 11 years ago
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