played with him last night, easily held his own against mid-open opponents
I would suggest that you play with toaster if you're a solid open team looking for a scout, because quite frankly, he's good. I get that his personality isn't for everyone, but people don't seem to realize that most of what he says is facetious/joking. I'm not sure why everyone assumes that he's serious about the things he says, if it's the tone of his voice or what, but he doesn't actually think he's high-IM/Invite, he's not acting like he's better than you because he can captain in, or whatever. Way too many people go into situations with him assuming he's gonna be arrogant or an asshole because he's got that reputation, and the moment he makes a joke they assume that he's being an idiot without even listening to the context. PUGs aren't serious, people. Everyone makes jokes and everyone shittalks a little bit. It's part of the game. There's no need to crucify toaster for doing the same thing everyone else does just because you heard he's insufferable.
Play with the guy. He's actually good at this game, and if you were to give him more than a cursory glance, you'd see that he's not even that hard to get along with.