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SteamID64 76561198068131769
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Country Peru
Signed Up December 28, 2015
Last Posted September 10, 2016 at 2:42 AM
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#646 Giving out matchmaking passes in TF2 General Discussion

got 3, add me

one left!

posted about 8 years ago
#5 LF VOD of the Froyotech vs Ascent S19 Grand Final in TF2 General Discussion

For some reason there were some important ESEA VODs that were never uploaded to youtube. I remember another Ascent/Froyo match in a Grand Final in metalworks (S20 maybe?) in which Froyo started rolling and clockwork went spy to mid and hit some ridiculous amby headshots.

I think at some point I asked in their youtube channel and got no answer. At the time I thought of uploading the full Twitch VODs myself but when I finally got to it they were already deleted :c

posted about 8 years ago
#449 Giving out matchmaking passes in TF2 General Discussion

giving out 3 passes, add me if u want one

all gone now

posted about 8 years ago
#41 ESEA S21 W8: The Bugs vs. froyotech in Matches

Seriously though, I found this really fun to watch. I get this is unproffessional but:
-The bugs had no chance of making playoffs and were expected to get rolled anyway
-How far apart do these kind of matches even happen in top invite? The only other one I remember happening was Mighty Ducks vs Mix^ back in 2012...
-What are the chances someone's first interaction with comp is this match, out of all the other dozens of VODs in the same channel? and even if it happens, what are the chances they don't read the comments and immediately get it's not how comp is supposed to be played and this teams were just fucking around after the first half of the game?

posted about 8 years ago
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