RobEnd of team sign ups.
Here are the teams playing in the cup!
1) Chessclub
2) Highpanda
3) Killswitch
4) Sookie
5) itsallgood
Div 1:
1) Splendid Gaming
2) PremTech
Div 2:
1) After Dark
2) Skills To Pay The Bills
3) Team Colonslash
4) Team Nein
Div 3:
1) Team-Awesome
2) Unpoppable
3) TRG Gaming
4) It’s Gamesense
5) Bote
Div 4:
1) Hulk Hogans Real Americans
2) iPn
3) Pussy Hunters
4) Totemo Kawaii
Div 5:
1) Team Gidro Coféeee
2) MaxPlay
Div 6:
1) Nutters
2) Killersandviches
Teams on standby:
Team David
Itchy Bullets
Brackets are now LIVE!
Sorry to the teams that didn’t make it in to the cup, we honestly didnt think we would get as many sign ups as we did. Some teams are on standby incase other teams don’t show up.
I will be making a Steam Group soon for all team leaders to join. On the day of the cup before it kicks off at 5pmGMT/6pmCET all team leaders should join the group conversation. This will help for the cup to go much smoother as you can just hollah in the group chat with your questions and us admins will be on stand by.
Not sure which games will be casted by Extv as of yet. But there will be a cast of each round on a game.
Lastly, shortly ill be setting up the betting system for everyone to put their tf2 metal where their mouth is and have some fun. This will come soon.
All info on the cup can be found on our website via the Awesome Cup drop down on the menu.
Good luck guys!