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Signed Up November 23, 2013
Last Posted August 11, 2016 at 9:37 PM
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#59 Eyesight thread in Off Topic

god im so fucking lonely. maybe mocking what people on the internet choose to talk about will be the small relief from the isolated hell thats been my life since elementary school and people will think im cool

as for me, I have perfect vision and didn't even realize that shit like 20/300 was actually really a thing. you can use wolfram alpha to simulate different snellen chart visibilities for which is kinda neat

posted about 9 years ago
#21 cheese steak jimmy lft scout/med in Recruitment (looking for team)

he has cool friends

which is weird since he's not here to make friends, he is here to play games

posted about 9 years ago
#31 TeamFortressTV is looking for talent! in News

I would like to apply for the position of official TFTV hot anime babe artist

posted about 9 years ago
#12 LF Open Roamer and Demo in Recruitment (looking for players)
RainofLighttryout for this team if you want to get cut at the end of the season

we finished out the season with you, so I'm not completely sure why you're trying to play the victim card here? would you rather have been cut earlier? I really should have given what you were doing to our comms & overall vibes, but figured it'd be a dick move and pointless near the end of the season.


posted about 9 years ago
#103 TF2Pug.Me in Projects

timestamp toggle for chat would be pretty neat

posted about 9 years ago
#58 What's the Dumbest Thing You Ever Did? in Off Topic

i did a lot of incredibly questionable things in the name of tax evasion my senior year of high school, most notably of which was hiding about 1400$ so well that I forgot I even had it until my mom found it 9 months later cleaning out my closet.

posted about 9 years ago
#53 Jeremy Clarkson suspended from the BBC in Off Topic

how much of a twat do you have to be for you guys to think a firing is justified? considering how much $$$$ bbc was making off top gear, can you imagine what a giant asshat this guy must have been to work with for them to actually fire him? you people are acting like they fired him because of a tumblr petition, but really it was a media giant who decided that the assloads of money they were currently making were not worth the risk of having him on

posted about 9 years ago
#148 Personality Types in Off Topic
hoolitest in op bl0ws
this one is by far the most accurate, it uses a rating system rather than yes/no

nearly 10% of this personality test is asking if you believe in secularism??

posted about 9 years ago
#48 Bath or Shower? in Off Topic

when I home stayed in japan, the whole family a) bathed at night and b) used the same bath water. everyone showered first so it wasn't gross, but sometimes I'd get to spend my whole bath experience idly wondering who shed the lone pube that had been floating around before I got there.

I haven't had a bath since, about 4 years. a few showers though.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Cereal Thread in Off Topic

I don't have a favorite, but I can certainly tell you the worst: Quaker oats squares. When you leave them in milk for .345 seconds they puff up like some kind of pale bloated tick. Their whole consumer base is probably a suburban dwelling white moms who can spend 4.65 a box to feed their children the cereal world equivalent of cardboard coated in brown sugar

posted about 9 years ago
#17 What would you compare ESEA open to? in TF2 General Discussion

there's so many low open teams from the save esea drive / cevo dying that the silver playoffs teams I know from last season are actually hanging mid open right now. i assume thats more of a seasonal fluke than a rule, though.

posted about 9 years ago
#117 1/25/15 New Open teams, how are you doing? in TF2 General Discussion

yikes guys, get in a mumble and hash that out, a public forum is a shitty place for the rest of your team to find out what you think is wrong with them :-[

plinkoAlso, while I'm posting here - I'm pretty sure that a bunch of people posting in this thread are on teams that would qualify for the UGC->ESEA challenge prize. There are about 8 teams in it, but there have to be some more that are eligible but didn't apply.
I said I'd cut off applications at the end of week 2 of the ESEA season but I've been pre-occupied with other stuff and never chased for more applicants.

So, if you think this thread is talking to you/your team, hop on over and consider applying. If you talk with me on steam/PM me on the forums by Wednesday night, I'll extend the deadline for you. I know the "rules" are a little wonky, but if you're all/mostly brand new, you're probably eligible and it will definitely give your team something to play for in the back half of the season.

Are you gonna post up a list somewhere later so we can follow rankings? :> im pumped

posted about 9 years ago
#55 1/25/15 New Open teams, how are you doing? in TF2 General Discussion

as team leader for a 100% new open team, i feel like ive made every single esea mistake there is to make. like, i accidentally registered my alt to my esea account. i was in esea limbo for a week after chilling on my friends' team to boost their player count on jan 5th. one name change every 30 days?? who let me be leader so i could change the name anyway??
i'm also on the team that lost due to the wrangler overturning an OT match, like, double of stupidly heartbreaking.

im not new to open im basically still in ugc. mana, i liked your guide, but if you ever need tips on what idiot ugc players really don't know and end up wishing they did, i'm a walking encyclopedia guide at the point

that being said, i'm having fun and o think our quest to be the middest mid open team ever created is still attainable if we put in the effort, so gung ho.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 my dad thinks im a fuckup in Off Topic

hey, its not a short term solution and not sure if its up your alley but theres like actually a ridiculous amount of money to be had selling art at game / anime / comicon conventions if you wanna double down, draw a few of your favorite game characters in that sick style of yours, and make a few prints. I know metro-con, (tampa, early june) opens tables febuary 1st, if you're planning on sticking in the area.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 A-Kon 2015 (anime convention not the rapper) in Off Topic

oh man .... akon... is $ooooo gooood $w$)b

i might fly one of my friends down there so they can sell at the artist alley for me while i take finals

posted about 9 years ago
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