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Signed Up August 30, 2012
Last Posted October 20, 2014 at 9:39 PM
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#66 Increasing scout aim in TF2 General Discussion

if you are good at mid-range but suck at a close up you are probably overly reliant on strafe aiming

posted about 10 years ago
#18 On Scout Movement in TF2 General Discussion
Any particular practice techniques to force yourself out of aiming with strafing?

I feel like I do it whether I want to or not.

I think DM is the easiest way, just be conscious of what you are doing. if you've been strafe aiming almost exclusively it will feel really awkward for instance when you are strafing left and trying to swing your mouse right as you are going around a solly or whatever. Just give it a good 10-15 hours of DM and it will feel natural and it will free up your movement and allow you to be more creative with your dodging

posted about 12 years ago
#14 On Scout Movement in TF2 General Discussion

most starting scouts aim almost entirely with their movement and as a result are easy to meatshot and easy to dodge against. it's ok to strafe aim sometimes but it shouldn't be a crutch in your game. overcoming this crutch is a simple way to have better scout v scout movement immediately

posted about 12 years ago
#20 rr- quits nNn in News

the last thing you need killing is more power

posted about 12 years ago
#5 The Chess Club Returns in TF2 General Discussion

yeah, this looks about right for chess club

posted about 12 years ago
#169 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion

if mihaly's flow was forced to play from open to invite they'd feel so proud of their accomplishment they would still be together today

posted about 12 years ago
#2 eXtv cast: Spacewhales vs Chess Club 11 EST in TF2 General Discussion

this is actually at 11cst

posted about 12 years ago
#12 :( in TF2 General Discussion

is it easy to get someone's ip through tf2? or are you guys staying logged on to irc or something while you are streaming?

posted about 12 years ago
#12 tf2 crashing computer in Q/A Help

i get this problem with dx8 blueberry

posted about 12 years ago
#23 Weekly Match Schedule: Sept 16-22 in News

nice job mocha. the only other thing i might add for extremely new people is how to use a stv, unless that's common knowledge if you've found this site already? idk

posted about 12 years ago
#19 Weekly Match Schedule: Sept 16-22 in News

is it possible to add stvs up there when they go live? i remember when i first started playing i found the esea page to be atrocious to navigate and gave up a few times before i finally figured out how to view stvs

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Account got jacked. help in TF2 General Discussion

just curious, do you use steam guard?

posted about 12 years ago
#23 I can plus frag myself in Site Discussion

enigma if you could go ahead and code the site to automatically start saltysally1's posts with -50 frags that would be very much appreciated

posted about 12 years ago
#4 computer or player in TF2 General Discussion

ya I think that player would be able to get better. playing with low fps really sucks because when you are bouncing between 40-100 fps because of your shit setup its like your sensitivity is changing constantly and it is hard to aim consistently

posted about 12 years ago
#22 HRG homicide in TF2 General Discussion

The rules are the rules but this shouldn't have even been an issue if the team was moved down from invite to IM like rick asked. Why the hell didn't Killing allow this? The team had 1 invite player and that invite player was off-classing. The team is 3-2 in IM which is too good for open and too shitty for invite, its the right place for the team. Why teams continually have to jump through hoops to avoid crushing open is beyond me.

posted about 12 years ago