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Signed Up November 30, 2012
Last Posted December 28, 2013 at 11:16 PM
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#13 Newbie Mixes in Events
NoonaI am not going to advertise it myself, and I'm pretty sure none of my admins are going to. But feel free to hop into mumble yourself and advertise it.

Why not Noona? I can't be there tonight, but if I were, I would definitely push it. Newbie mixes are a great stepping stone into competitive, but the process of forming a team, sticking with them for more than one game, and getting to know each other could be incredibly beneficial for our newbies, right?

Have fun y'all - except Midnite. Midnite can't have fun :P

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Newbie-Only 6v6 Cup and Wiki Contests in TF2 General Discussion
KanecoPlease do, I'm not very familiar with the NA "newbie scene" as in where they start and which groups they regularly play with, so some help from the inside would definitely help!

Usually, Newbies come from everywhere. If someone has a season of ESEA-O or greater, we encourage them to coach, but of course we can't enforce that rule 100% because of occasional alts and incomplete knowledge. Some play in UGC, but many are trying out competitive for the first time. I know personally of some IRL friends that joined up, despite having never played a pug before. We definitely have a wide range of people, but I think that many of the people who play in Newbie Mixes would be perfect for this sort of 6s cup. Perhaps the team-bonding aspect of a competition like this would have players mutually encouraging each other to keep playing... and isn't that the whole idea?

posted about 11 years ago
#31 Newbie-Only 6v6 Cup and Wiki Contests in TF2 General Discussion

This sounds amazing Kaneco! Noona and I will be sure to plug it in Newbie Mixes in the upcoming weeks.

Also, I'd be willing to cast any games that aren't already being casted by higher-profile people (cbear, ruwin, etc.). Perhaps we could have real casters cast the big games (semis, finals), and have newbie casters cast the early games? That way there is still motivation to play and win, but teams that don't make it too far can still have the experience of listening to someone talk about their game.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Frag Movie Music? in Off Topic

Mon DIEU this is awesome!

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Frag Movie Music? in Off Topic

Oh shit how did I forget about sandstorm! Adding now :)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Frag Movie Music? in Off Topic

I'm putting together a pump up playlist on Grooveshark for workouts/gaming sessions/lab work and the like. I really love TF2 fragmovie music, usually because it has a great beat and sounds awesome. Plus, with movies that I repeatedly watch (read: Prem - The Night Out, Pop Culture - Pop Culture, and One Man Highlander Team - I Need Your Love), the songs can motivate me to play TF2.

Here is what I have so far:!/playlist/Pump+Up/88454659
Some of the songs on there aren't from frag vids; they're just songs that I really like.

What is some music that you guys love from frag movies? Post the song and video, if you can. If there is a pump up song that you really like, but that hasn't been made into a video yet, feel free to post that here too.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 TF2 Statistics in TF2 General Discussion
fsXDRelationships between damage done / kills gotten on classes, just interesting ratios like heals to ubers or damage taken to deaths.

Like, just looking at stats for each player across the whole season is interesting, you could graph out performance levels and see what teams are strong on x maps or could be like how effective is the clockwork factor or something. Stats are usually interesting unless it's something that no one cares about, like the amount of times the esea ads play.

Yes exactly. Good ideas
Gggylgy your stats are spot on.
#5 that's was my motivation
#6 #8 Ain't nobody got time for dat! Unless you have it written in python, in which case import

posted about 11 years ago
#1 TF2 Statistics in TF2 General Discussion

In non-update related news, I want to do some statistical analysis of games. Imagine .ss, but instead of only focusing on one match, it could analyze players, teams, matches, seasons, maps, etc.

However, all of that automation is a long way away.

Since I'm incredibly uncreative, I want to see if anyone has any questions that could be answered with statistics. Questions that begin "is there a relationship between..." or "Does A affect B more than C..." etc... you get the point. I can't come up with any ideas, so please let me know what questions you'd like answered.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 8 New Crates (with new items!) in TF2 General Discussion

I didn't see this information yet...
TheAnthal -
Images of the items -

posted about 11 years ago
#83 Update 7/10/13 in TF2 General Discussion
Removed collision from hanging lamp over Red spawn
Removed collision from security cameras above Red and Blue spawns

Also, what does "Über now affects the medic when there's no heal target" mean?

posted about 11 years ago
#48 ghos7 Donation Drive in Off Topic

Someone should make a thread on Reddit. I don't think I could do it justice - I didn't know Ghos7 at all, and it would be wrong of me to pretend that I did. I'll be watching, and perhaps donating too! (Again, I'm young, so no money to give, but I'm publicizing this as much as possible.) I hope the Reddit TF2 Community will respond as kindly and thoughtfully as you here have today.

This isn't my post, props to the person who wrote it nearly an hour ago. Please upvote for visibility!

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Cast of r5 v. AG in TF2 General Discussion
Koobadoobsoverseer is a girl

Figured that out about halfway through; thanks Neb for not mocking me

joddit would be great to cast a game that hadn't gotten any other exposure

I'll keep that in mind. Maybe IM/Open games?

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Cast of r5 v. AG in TF2 General Discussion
Tangyyou seem really tired in the cast...

I just got back from a hike in the Redwood Forests, and ran a Sprint Triathlon two days ago. Perhaps I should sleep more before casts :P

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Cast of r5 v. AG in TF2 General Discussion
SnowySome lexicon problems, like calling a scattergun shotgun, but that's nothing experience can't fix.

Spot on with this one. I noticed it too when I was rewatching the cast, but I think you're right - as I cast more, issues like that should diminish. Speaking coherent English is surprisingly hard while casting - I have a newfound respect for all of the TFTV casters who make shoutcasting seem easy.

SnowyI'd say your main problem is that your tone is too dark: it doesn't share the enthusiasm that I'm sure you feel for the game.

Fair point. Are there ways to seem more "light" with regards to casting? I'm thinking cbear "body rockets" or eXtine "HUUUUUUUGE airshot."

SnowyOverall, good job! Also I didn't get to watch this match so it was good to see someone uploaded it.

That's why we do it! :)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Cast of r5 v. AG in TF2 General Discussion


Yesterday night, Nebula and I casted the r5 v. AG game on cp_granary. It was our first real cast together, and we'd love any constructive feedback you have about the cast/quality/etc.

I apologize in advance for the letterboxing... I'm casting from a 4:3 monitor and I'm still tooling around with OBS settings. Additionally, look forward to player outlines and better camerawork in the future, since I just figured out how to get those plugins working.

Let me know what you think! I want to improve.

Big ups to Nebula for organizing this.

posted about 11 years ago
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