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Country Russian Federation
Signed Up September 16, 2012
Last Posted August 16, 2024 at 2:24 PM
Posts 135 (0 per day)
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#13 TI10 in Esports

TI this year is an IQ test and if you pick anyone other than LGD to win you fail

posted about 3 years ago
#39 who are the most toxic tf2 players of all time? in TF2 General Discussion
alec_Wild_Rumpuswho was that former tf2 player who was kicked off their ow team in the early days of overwatch because he incoherently screamed the n word in a matchmaking game?

Without question the GOAT

posted about 3 years ago
#15 I ranked the European Countries. in TF2 General Discussion
MakemakealfaI forgot Kosovo exists ngl

posted about 4 years ago
#27 Discussion: rgl is bad in TF2 General Discussion

man i just want to say it

posted about 4 years ago
#84 Diabotical Kickstarter in Esports

posted about 5 years ago
#42 What's the one thing that grind your gears in TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

watching someone else play tf2 on my pc for hours when i just wanna play some dotes

posted about 6 years ago
#15 dota 6.87 in Other Games
yukisleeepyyukitoo many fuckin changes. They should focus more on balance and fixes as opposed to making the game completely different almost every major patch
Other than the scan what makes this completely different? This patch honestly seems tame by dota standards.

hyperbole my friend.

All these different items, almost completely changing some items, agh upgrades, spell dmg increase with int, more hp at lvl 1 & others definitely change the game a huge amount. Didn't think I had to point these out

I don't think you read the same patch notes as me. Other than abyssal none of the items were completely changed, and the new ones (other than hurricane pike) don't seem that huge (I could be wrong on this, echo sabre may be a thing on bashers/Sven). Spell scaling is probably the most overrated change this patch and in most games will be around a 10% damage buff. Might as well buy a veil. Level 1 hp change ends up being 35-45 actually and may be the most important change. Anyways compared to recent patches this is basically nothing so I don't see what you mean.

edit: forgot to talk about aghs. Other than Shaker and maybe Oracle none of these will ever see any use. Shaker one looks dope though so can't really hate.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 dota 6.87 in Other Games
yukitoo many fuckin changes. They should focus more on balance and fixes as opposed to making the game completely different almost every major patch

Other than the scan what makes this completely different? This patch honestly seems tame by dota standards.

posted about 8 years ago
#195 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games
MR_SLINevery major esport that you see today is a game that has been around for at least a decade. There aren't any major esports that are brand new games that nobody has heard of

LoL and Heathstone

posted about 9 years ago
#168 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games

People who think Overwatch is a moba are retarded

posted about 9 years ago
#37 Whose at TI5 in Esports

what a god

posted about 9 years ago
#117 TLR possibly not going to LAN in TF2 General Discussion

About time TLR gets a 6th
Lets see a good show on LAN
Forget about Shadowburn
A new challenger has arrived

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Major computer problems, in search of diagnosis in Hardware

ESEA client

posted about 9 years ago
#7 fat entries in The Dumpster
sean_rossshowstopper is a pretty shitty meme


posted about 9 years ago
#2 has anyone else been playing this browser game in Off Topic

game of the year

posted about 9 years ago
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