i can understand why they missed this, testing with viewmodel_fov 360 is probably outside the scope of normal quality assurance
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Last Posted | September 14, 2018 at 10:46 PM |
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I'm not a great demo (my highest qualification is highlander plat scout), so while i can dunk 10-year-olds in pubs, competitive players are significantly harder to hit than they were before. And that's awesome. I don't practice demo so i shouldn't be able to do well against people that know what they're doing, when previously i could.
If anything, this nerf makes the difference between bad demos and good demos bigger, which is why i like it. I don't even think about the nerf when fighting demos because the good ones still mess you up if you give them space to
SteveCtl;dr: schedule with low open leaders. irc only if you're desperate
absolutely. Helps you make friends too :)
lvl4DaStabaj I swear, UGC gets so much shit for no reason.probably because its a bad league for 6s and not a good league for HL :\
I'm sorry that you prestigious team "give me the badge please" has had a poor experience in UGC. Placement is being taken more seriously now, and with any luck, your team will be moved down after this season.
fuck it, stupid post
kairu, he knows that. Wait is in frames, and the cooldown is in time. Frames per second is not a fixed quantity in a real time graphics scenario, so it can be very touchy.
I'm saving that ctap thing though, I've never really learned it and having a clearly laid out sequence of inputs might help me do it. (that is, studying the script not employing it)
HoneyBadgerI understand why you would want to reduce the toxicity in our community and I see how it could help us, but if you think it's the one thing holding back TF2 you are deluded.
I totally agree with you. It's a problem, I think it should be improved, but it's far from the biggest thing holding us back. If nothing changes, I can live with it.
turtsmcgurtsi find that most of the shit talking from competitive players to pubs comes from those new to comp themselves (oh boy i'm in this new exclusive club!) or generally just at lower tiers. higher level players don't really have the need to tell others that they're better because their gameplay shows it. just my experience playing a bunch of random games the past couple years.
they're still part of our community from the perspective of a pub player, which adds valuation to the claim of "competitive players are jerks" that some casual players have made.
Anyway, this is a discussion that was already had and is now long over, no need to bring it back.
Over the past month I've been working on a few projects, including a highlander video guide that shows off the "glory" of every class in a competitive setting. something that pubbers will see and think "god that looks fun", and tell them how to get started. This is something that I think could be really huge if it's executed correctly and promoted well.
I was also accepted into the UGC staff as the NA 6v6 iron division manager. You might think that it's basically the least prestigious title ever, but I consider it a personal responsibility to give the new generation of players the best start possible, and it's a responsibility I take very seriously. I make myself available for every concern that I'm approached with, and even if I can't help I try to show them who can.
The league itself has made some improvements to the 6s format, changing the whitelist and map list to unify with the high level 6s community (ESEA). I don't have numbers on this, but I would guess that the majority of ESEA's new players come from a free league first. Simply put, we want the game to be competitive and fun from to to bottom to give people the best shot of making it big.
I know I didn't make a great impression when I posted in this thread, but I think we can all agree that growing this game requires the community to show the new players what the game we play is like, and show them how to join us.
sorry that this is messy I accidentally hit post. just letting people know that people like me are working to improve things in ways that aren't all that obvious
doodle's hud guide can show you every file you need to edit.
these player-filled libraries and museums are going to be filled entirely with memes and furry porn.
I would actually love to try this out, but the sheer scope of it might leave it feeling soulless and empty, like a town I'm Skyrim that doesn't have much to it beyond a few people that need you to delve into ancient dungeons to find their dog/hat/friend/book/sword
Valve has been really good with updates lately.
It's not too late to change it.
Red_Can you change it back already?
No don't