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Last Posted September 14, 2018 at 10:46 PM
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#134 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
miwoif someone who you don't know personally "is toxic" to you and you feel bad about it, you are projecting your own insecurity on yourself. this isn't a lesson that is unique to tf2, it exists everywhere in life. if you get mad or upset at a random person who says something "toxic" it is YOUR problem and YOUR "fault."

not really an either or thing, its not "bully or be bullied," but mentally stable, mature, and healthy people just don't go around getting upset enough to quit a game when someone does lenny face or says "Shut Down Your Computer" in text chat or even voice chat.

So you're telling me that bullying and insulting people is fine, because if you're impacted by it, it's your fault?

All those people who have been bullied to the point of considering suicide, you're saying that it's their fault for being upset when other people say mean thing about them? Yeah, they're dumb teenagers. No, those insults don't really matter in the end. But how the fuck does that make it OK?

I can feel the straw man coming. No i'm not saying this happened to anyone in competitive TF2, but it has happened to people.

ukmcan't be rude if you want your game to be seen as professional

might end up as toxic as these guys

the NHL isn't a for fun hobby that's wondering why their player base is shrinking

posted about 10 years ago
#124 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
DrPloxoI'm fairly certain that with little context you removed me citing "autism".

Not sure how you're not "toxic" yourself.

You were insulting pubbers and spamming chat with stupid memes, and when I asked you why you were doing it, you said "because pubs". So I removed you and made it clear why I don't want to be friends with you.

posted about 10 years ago
#120 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
GeknaiirCorsasmoboYou really don't know me at all if you think I'm toxic and treat people poorly. Go try to find the instances of me insulting people for anything other than them being rude or needlessly aggressive. There are a few and I still haven't forgiven myself for them.
are you implying your sarcastic aggression to every ugc and tftv forum post isn't rude and toxic?
No because smobo is the symbol of purity and justice as he goes out of his way in order to help newer players see the light so nothing he says is rude or toxic!

Yeah, that's totally what I'm saying.

posted about 10 years ago
#119 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
CorsasmoboYou really don't know me at all if you think I'm toxic and treat people poorly. Go try to find the instances of me insulting people for anything other than them being rude or needlessly aggressive. There are a few and I still haven't forgiven myself for them.
are you implying your sarcastic aggression to every ugc and tftv forum post isn't rude and toxic?

Excluding this thread, how much sarcastic aggression do I really post? Seriously. You're insulting me for stuff that isn't even true.

posted about 10 years ago
#114 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
Ricksmobo show proof of one person that genuinely quit playing competitive tf2 because of gyggly or CHAT IN A PUB and ill eat my fucking shoe

I never said people quit playing competitive because of chat in a pub, but do you really think shit talk has never bothered anyone or contributed to people leaving? because Stabby just left the community partly because of the disrespect he got from the comp community.

CorsaHow are people any more dicks in this game than any other community? You're acting like TF2's community is significantly more toxic than any other community, whether it be gaming or not. Like clockwork said, "i can't fathom how even one of you truthfully believes that toxicity is affecting this game's playerbase." TF2 really isn't any more toxic than other communities.

I still don't think that any other community is relevant here. I'm talking about our community and how we can improve it. (that is, holding people accountable for poor behavior).

CorsaYou say the TF2 community is so toxic towards how we treat people, but you're the one that always has a sarcastic remarks to people you don't like in order to mock them.

I was mocking your post, not you. I really don't have a problem with you, you were just posing a really poor argument. You really don't know me at all if you think I'm toxic and treat people poorly. Go try to find the instances of me insulting people for anything other than them being rude or needlessly aggressive. There are a few and I still haven't forgiven myself for them.

posted about 10 years ago
#102 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
bastidwhy does the frag system still exist or why can't you see who's + and - fragging you yet

How else can you show those subopen players that your ironic shit talk is more important than theirs?

posted about 10 years ago
#101 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
Alwayssmoboi'm not trying to call anyone out specifically


uhm ok

didn't realize one canadian man encompassed the whole tftv community.

i was just highlighting random words in that sentence and linking things, the placement is irrelevant. what i'm just referring to the kind of shitposting that he does where he tries to be funny by ironically mocking everything, and also how people tend to approve of it

posted about 10 years ago
#98 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

the basis of what I'm saying is that most people don't have fun when people around them are being rude, and most people play comp for fun.

that's it dude. you can talk all you want about every other comp community and honestly none of that matters.

what we can do about it is actually moderate forums. hold people accountable for their behavior and their behavior improves.

I promise you that if TFTV didn't exist the community would be friendlier because we wouldn't feel so fucking righteous about hating on people for idiotic reasons

posted about 10 years ago
#74 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
Schalalaareally rude shit happensin comp tf2on the internet
and that's probably never going to change

no excuse not to try

posted about 10 years ago
#70 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
CorsaAlthough calling somebody gay, a fag, or telling somebody to "kill youself" is never an appropriate way to handle a situation (Sneaky at least apologized to anybody who he jokingly offended), neither was your team running level 3's on mid to complete drag out the game on purpose. Let's not forget to mention that you guys also had a huge uber ad. and 3-4 more players alive, and you guys still didn't push, staying by the level 3 at mid. If you can't see the hypocrisy in that then you are also a part of the comp scene's problem.

we played the game incorrectly because we lacked coordination and had quite a few calls made that i didn't agree with

but yeah we should kill ourselves

i'm not holding it against sneaky or anything, see how i didn't publish his real alias or anything like that, i'm just saying that really rude shit happens in comp tf2, and that's one of the easiest examples i could find

lvl4rofl how r u gonna handle trying to do anything if u get upset when someone tries to hurt ur feelings
i get way more upset about losing than bm but maybe i have autism idk

this is the wrong mindset. it's not like "i want to play competitive tf2, but all these meanies keep making fun of me". it's more like "this game would be a lot more fun if people weren't being dicks"

posted about 10 years ago
#60 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
safrixobe_I don't see how we can ever hope to have people take this community seriously when stuff like this is not only allowed to be posted, but actually receives +frags.
the word nig is killing tf2

this isn't helping

posted about 10 years ago
#59 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

no guys the community isn't toxic

i'm not trying to call anyone out specifically but are you seriously going to pretend that there's no problem when we tell people to kill themselves because they play one of the nine classes in highlander, or tell pubbers to "exit the server" when they die to you? and when someone complains about something, instead of respecting the fact that they might prefer you stop doing something you just brag about the fact that someone is annoyed by your actions.

the comp community has tons of people that show little to no respect for others, and it's the biggest reason why i'm not really a part of the comp scene anymore

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Dear streamers, in Off Topic
SpannzerHallowI would like it if streamers had a custol notification sound, so I can't confuse it with my own. Though I realise this is an unfair request.If it's that much of a bother use your own custom notification sound

This. Exact same effect. I did this for a long time until an update undid it and I didn't care enough to fix it. Now I just deal with it.

what a website name jeepers

posted about 10 years ago
#2 LFT Scout-Mid in Recruitment (looking for team)

Here on these forums, someone with 1 partial season of UGC steel is not considered "mid". You should be looking in low open or somewhere in UGC.

Good luck!

posted about 10 years ago
#6 ESEA Map Poll in TF2 General Discussion
ESEA-ShooterMaps, maps, maps!

Agreed. Thank you for putting into words what we all felt.

posted about 10 years ago
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