hoolikounterpartsYou cannot tell me jerking off to children getting fucked and people getting fucked of the same sex are the same thing. From what I heard this guy does have a child, and i hope that they get taken away to be safe from somebody like this.
I never said they were the same. There is obviously a difference between thoughts and actions. Is ones thoughts subject to punishment? This man could be a valuable member of society and perhaps a good father but you want to take away his children because of something that he has no control over, his sexuality, which he chooses to express in one of the most harmless ways he can? Don't you think that's a little insane?
If he is doing these actions which are, jerking off to children, and NOT a thought, what is going to stop him if he gets greedy and decides he wants to do this to his own child and more than likely ruin somebody elses childhood. Humans are unpredictable as a species and you have to control it before it happens. If it was only rumors that he was a pedophile, I would agree with you. But the proof is right there. He likes children and it needs to be dealt with before somebody gets hurt. I would love for him to keep his child but not everything is peachy and okay until they commit the act.