For a first build that's certainly not bad at all. You shouldn't have any concern streaming/playing tf2 with that.
On to actual parts:
Your ram seems really expensive. If you really want DDR3-1600 speed ram, seems like a cheaper alternative.
I actually used the same case for my girlfriend and i can testify that it is a nice case. My only nitpick is the all plastic construction, but for the price I really can't complain. (Also space behind the motherboard tray for cable management is really tight, but it's what you sacrifice for an m-atx case).
The Gtx 770 is a nice graphics card, but for similar performance I'd recommend the r9 280x. Unless you for some odd reason really want an nvidia card, the 280x could be found around 10 bucks cheaper. Their performance is incredibly similar and really only varies depending on the game and what brand the game is optimized for (battlefield 4 for example is more of an amd title). My personal recommendation is
Your motherboard runs on a B85 chipset, which provides extra usb 3.0 ports, 6gb/s sata ports, and pci 3.0 slots vs. pc. 2.0 slots over a cheaper chipset like an H81. In terms of gaming performance, there's almost no difference in pci 3.0 vs 2.0 slots. ( , for reference). Something like could save you around 10$.
Do you really need an optical drive? I also think there are ways to get Windows cheaper (somebody with more experience than me should answer).
If you don't plan to overclock than your cpu is just fine.
Also checking if you have a local microcenter could save you a lot.
All in all, very good job on your first try! Actually impressed. This pc is very nice and should run most modern games just fine. If you're literally doing nothing beyond Tf2 and streaming, then i question why you need something so grand haha.
Edit: Was typing this up when you replied saying that you probably wouldn't do anything beyond tf2/streaming. I'll probably make a new post to compensate for that.