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Signed Up July 28, 2014
Last Posted January 27, 2025 at 3:29 PM
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#9 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
subhumanur playing AM HL theres no way u couldnt find somebody to ring for 2 whole weeks, be fucking serious.

AM HL is kinda insane ngl they got insane beef apparently (apparently there was a hater discord made cause ppl couldn't beat the #1 team or some shit).

Also to OP I'd be pretty surprised if RGL did anything if it is just limited to social media follows; I'm like 95% sure some admins have used pfp's from twitter artists who probably also draw... unsavory content and that pedophile nazi brony dude took forever to ban and was much more high profile (and they specifically used some of the art as their steam PFP). Plus it resulted in a staff member leaving + 2 other random rgl member casualties lol.

posted 2 days ago
#8 Unc Sanity in TF2 General Discussion

God speed young man, best of luck in your academic endeavors.

Also as a TA please spare your TA's in the future and do some formatting before you submit assignments.

posted 1 week ago
#8 incoming 6s noobs truth nuke? in TF2 General Discussion

ppl got to realize when solarlight says truth nuke about 6s he's talking to pubbers who think that the average 6s player is a member of a satanic child eating cabal who want to shoot dead engineer players in the street

posted 4 weeks ago
#3 Must watch matches of all time in TF2 General Discussion

RCADIA lan grand finals.

posted 4 weeks ago
#81 No Hats Mod + HeadsFeet, 2020+ Edition in Customization
HomosapienAll I want for christmas is an update to this beautiful mod :)

Won't be at PC until after the holidays unfortunately; in the meantime people can check out no-hats bgum for something similar (although right now seems last update was in july).


posted 1 month ago
#5 foxxy lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Weakest moldovan player

Very nice player and clearly has good mechanics; rare case of hl medic player not being derpy.

posted 1 month ago
#5 when will rgl release the backlog of medals in TF2 General Discussion
justjazztheyve not released any since ~S11. how else am i supposed to flex on pubbers?

The official* response from rgl discord from what I've observed is that there's something funny going on Valve's end, which I don't rlly get cause lots of other medals have been distributed since but who knows.

*defining official here to mean whenever somebody tagged as rgl admin responds, I have no idea if they're actually the person in charge of medals

posted 1 month ago
#43 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
garmI know Hami's team last season in particular had to deal with a team that rang a confirmed cheater against them and they had literally no consequence for it.

damn I thought u were exaggerating with this but nah


(2nd place team rang the cheater, 3rd was Hami's team)

kind of insane ngl, lesson learned i guess just ring a cheater r1 playoffs and you'll be all good! (just don't do it in later rounds or during regular season, that would be too far of course).

posted 1 month ago
#26 AimTech 2024 Smissmas Cup in TF2 General Discussion
subhumani'm not going to get into an argument with you about trans ppl on tftv but this is like arguing about black ppl and citing the KKK

Not in a million years would I have guessed what type of thread this post was made on.

posted 2 months ago
#7 really cool video about tf2 reinforcement learning in TF2 General Discussion

state space is so much bigger in 6s tf2 compared to other RL applications i see in games that i'm pretty sure tf2 will be completely dead before we reach that point lol

posted 2 months ago
#21 american election in Off Topic
pajaroTrump didn't get more votes than he did in 2020, he actually lost about a million voters compared to 2020.

FWIW I don't think this will end up being true; when I write this Trump is at ~73.5 million votes and he ended up with ~74.2 million votes in 2020, but states especially on the west coast haven't finished counting yet. Cali in particular is slow as shit and still has like 5.5 million votes left; he won about 40% of the votes in Cali and would have to somehow get less than 15% of the remaining faction which seems impossible, even in his absolute worst performing counties he still got like 20%.


posted 2 months ago
#4 american election in Off Topic
maraudeRthis was the first election cycle in which I didn't see a dedicated thread on tftv filled with mustardoverlord posts.

i knew democrat voter turnout would be down when I looked at tftv

posted 2 months ago
#49 Yight has left froyo in TF2 General Discussion
funhaver1998hes just trying to teach them how to play. if u look past all of that shit, don't have an ego and just took on the advice, it would improve how you play

I know this is a bad idea, but can you explain how it is possibly a good idea to provide the combination therapy of "making you feel like shit + provide advice" vs. just "provide advice" within the context of a short ass pug made up of (who i assume are) 9-5ers.

Also ignoring the fact that you know, maybe the 1 player who makes a living off of competitive should try to make it appealing to new players (crazy i know)

posted 3 months ago
#44 Yight has left froyo in TF2 General Discussion
funhaver1998is he really screaming? maybe some shit is going on not in the public, but hes not toxic at all on tbe stream comparitviely to the average tf2 player

theres 10000 people in the lower divs just like that with the majority of them not even having the skill to back it up. the way banny is treated in the community is unjust. hes playing the game like literally everyone else and people are killing themselves nd blaming him lol

b4nny argued with charis for over an hour when charis tried to tell him the extremely radical idea of "constantly berating people in pugs doesn't make them play better, actually"

playing demoman just brings out something in him

posted 3 months ago
#238 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
JwAs for Pearl Harbor, there are basically 2 questions that can help us determine whether it was an inside job (of the third type) or not.
  1. Was the Japanese code cracked prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor?
  2. Did the Japanese planes approaching Pearl Harbor maintain radio silence with one another?
If the answer to question 1 is "yes, the code was already cracked" and the answer to question 2 is "no, they did not maintain radio silence," then Pearl Harbor was an inside job. It means officials saw the attack coming and let it happen.

Holy shit am I finally able to yap about cryptography on tftv.

Japanese naval codes (i.e. JN-25) were not readable prior to the attack. They were "solved" in the sense that the structure of the code was known, requiring two codebooks that perform grouping and additive operations (will ignore details for now, you can look at this if interested). But without these codebooks it was not functionally readable.

Diplomatic codes were cracked by this time (PURPLE). So the White House certainly knew an attack was coming (it has been a while but I believe primary suspicion was against Macarthur who was not in Hawaii) but there was no clear indication in decoded PURPLE messages that the target was Pearl Harbor*. The infamous 14 part declaration delivered immediately prior to the attack was also not decoded, written down, and delivered in its entirety until about an hour after the attack (and if you read it doesn't really declare an attack officially in Western fashion, just cuts off negotiations. Maybe people who were more used to Japanese sensibilities would know that is equivalent to launching an attack, but still there is no mention of Pearl Harbor. You can read it here.)

Also from a conspiracy theory perspective the motivation to let the attack occur is unclear; wanting to escalate a war with Japan by giving up a critical military keypiece is certainly...a strategy. American neutrality was already a farce by this point in the war with Roosevelt's order to basically shoot to kill German U-Boats so on that front it's not like they need any excuse as well.

*There was correspondence between a spy at Pearl Harbor who reported to the consulate, who would then report to Tokyo. If you know anything about Hawaii there is a large Japanese population there, so his presence is not unusual by any means. One important message that was missed was a request about the location and # of warships at Pearl Harbor. Given the volume of messages being decoded and the people who were actually able to see such messages (notably not the military commander of Pearl Harbor iirc) along with other fuckery that was going on in the cryptography branch it's likely that this was just bad oversight.

posted 3 months ago
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