Crosshair customization like csgo would be nice.
also please center sniper crosshair it's hilariously off
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SteamID64 | 76561198059409038 |
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Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 28, 2014 |
Last Posted | March 4, 2025 at 6:32 PM |
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Crosshair customization like csgo would be nice.
also please center sniper crosshair it's hilariously off
reflex looks like it has a rather dedicated development team, would probably go with that
mine sticks on perfectly to my k612's mesh (it's even at an angle!) you should be ok, although i would apply constant pressure for ~minute when you first apply
good riddance nice of you to confront him
- Added a "no hat" style for the Batter's Helmet
isn't the whole hat just a hat?
seems to be a lot of qc issues in that overclock thread, i think i'll personally stay away until they get that resolved.
is r_queued_decals set to 0? if not i'd do that.
did you change your graphics config recently? i remember this used to happen to me a while ago, turned out to be some graphics cvar i fucked with.
nonis did a whole demo review on him like he did with sun, it's not highlighted on his twitch channel though.
Basic synopsis: Super obvious triggerbot.
stock cooler is ass, although that does seem extreme. Has it always been like this?
- Fixed an exploit related to the Gunslinger and hitting teammates to generate a guaranteed third hit that is critical
Fixing age old bugs, one at a time. Maybe invisible players is next. But this is def. a step in the right direction, so good job valve.
- Fixed an exploit related to material .vmt files and playing on servers using sv_pure
Is this talking about the fullscreen sniper scope exploit?
damn these snipers make it look so easy
lucrativeHi all
I'm actually looking for some advice as I've never bought parts for a computer before. My CPU recently busted and the CPU Fan and Heat sink are busted, Along with the graphics card/fan. I want to replace those things to get it working again obviously, but I also want to upgrade a bit while Im at it, kinda looking just for a medium range graphics card and processor, not anything over the top expensive (Canadian) I just want to be able to run things like DOTA and CS:GO etc. comfortably on low-medium settings.
I'm not really computer savvy so I couldn't really tell you what I have now entirely but any suggestions would be helpful! I can also probably find out what parts I have now if its really necessary, thanks!!
any sort of budget makes suggestions a lot easier, we might not see eye to eye on what is not too expensive. Is it safe to assume your primary game would be tf2?
type net_graph 1 in tf2 console and check your fps: if it's 60 or higher and it's stable (aka you stay at a constant 60, not spike up to it randomly but then drop down afterward) then your framerate should be good and any lag you experience is (probably) internet lag.