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Signed Up July 28, 2014
Last Posted October 16, 2024 at 6:13 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 44 45 46 47
#2 weapon_fov 0 no longer hides flames? in Customization

viewmodel_fov 360

viewmodel_fov 0.01

viewmodel_fov -1 all work for the time being

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Lighting moving on the floor etc when I do in Q/A Help

mat_trilinear 1

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Help with my config in Q/A Help

Change host_thread_mode 2 to host_thread_mode 0 to make local servers work.

posted about 10 years ago
#41 My FPS config in Customization

I have an fx-8320 (8 cores for reference) and r_queue_decals is really unstable for me. Probably just an amd thing, or maybe it's just my particular chip.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Swatting- who to blame? in Off Topic
samjain98But could one also say that the police are to blame as well?
I respect that they're doing their job by taking the "threat" seriously, but with all the resources and technology the government has at its fingertips, shouldn't one be able to count on them to know what exactly is going on?


Nothing is instantaneous, and even if they did possess the technology (I'm going to assume they do, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), in such a high risk situation time is extremely precious and seconds matter.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Hey, it's something in Off Topic

I like how they even recognize clockwork's a monster. I think it's a good thing they pointed him out-who knows? Maybe a little fanboying will inspire players to take up competitive and strive to be the best.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 UGC Gold: Toiler Goers vs Getting Technical in Events

Block from Top Gluttons Toilet Goers

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Questions on first build in Hardware

200r is a great value, go for that one if you'd like.

4690 is a haswell refresh cpu, so if it works for the 4460 it should work for the 4690. you can see the list here


posted about 10 years ago
#15 Questions on first build in Hardware

Something like the NZXT Source 210 elite should work nice. Nice cooling, relatively quiet, good cable management, and it's 49.99 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146078).

Seems like the MSI B85-G41 PC Mate has good reviews and features. (http://pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-motherboard-b85g41pcmate)

Also, for 20$ cheaper you can get the r9 270 (not 270x!), which performs very similar to the 660, again depending on what the game is optimized for.
(http://pcpartpicker.com/part/sapphire-video-card-100365l) (http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/radeon-r9-270-review-benchmarks,3669.html) for benchmarks.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Questions on first build in Hardware
I removed an optical drive, since I actually have one now that I think about it. I also upgraded to a 600 watt corsair psu... I noticed the semi modular was quite more expensive than a non modular. Is getting a semi modular really worth the extra $30?

There are 3 types of psu's: modular, semi-modular, and non modular. Non modular means every cable is attached to the back of the psu and cannot be removed. Modular means all cables are separate so you can mix and match whatever cables you happen to need. Semi-modular is a nice middle ground where it attaches only the most essential of cables (24pin for your motherboard etc. cause what computer doesn't have a motherboard?), but keeps some of the extraneous ones separate. It makes a world of difference in cable management and it also increases airflow within your case, so in my opinion it is worth it.

I still don't think 600w is necessary, especially now that you've decided to go with a 660. Here's an article (http://www.overclock3d.net/articles/power_supply/how_many_watts_do_you_actually_need/1) where they run a 4670k and a gtx 780 ti "comfortably" at 450 watts and an insane rig (overclocked 3960x+ an r9 280x) and only pull 200-300 watts. What's more important than wattage for a good psu is mostly the brand. Something reliable like corsair/seasonic (off the top of my head, lots of other good brands) makes sure that the psu is of good quality and wont' die on you. There is also a wattage calculator if you really want to use. http://extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp IMO, you should stick with the first Corsair psu you had, that's an insane price with a top-notch brand, and it's semi modular.

Micro atx boards are not inherently "bad", just not as feature rich as full size boards. Obviously they suffer from the same problems, bad brands/bad models etc. that all products face. However I will concede the point that sometimes cable management in a smaller case can be challenging, and if you don't do it right/good enough airflow/temperatures could pose a problem. If you do go with a full size board, do realize you have to get a case that supports an atx board as well. I'd suggest a case but I think if you're gonna look at it for (hopefully) a while, you choose it for the aesthetic value :)

Edit: English is hard. What I meant is the case is what you'll be staring at everytime you use your computer, and it is part of the setting of your room (setting? is that the right description) so you should choose the one you like the best. Obviously, some are better than others (materials, cable management, etc.) but I can help narrow it down for you if you don't yourself.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Questions on first build in Hardware
KarlMake sure your cpu cooler works with a micro atx motherboard. Also I would recommend going with a nicer mobo and or getting a non micro atx one. More space will help you system run cooler and will probably be easier to build. 500w should be enough but it wont hurt to go with a 600w psu.

212 evo should fit, it's a relatively low profile cooler and the ram that I linked is also low profile.

Vortexshould be more than enough to stream tf2 well.

EDIT: rechecking through your build, you need a different psu. 500w is pretty low, i'm pretty sure it doesn't even fit the minimum requirements for a gtx 770. look into getting a 700w at least. your mobo also seems cheap-ish and the reviews for it look iffy. if you're looking to save money, think of what games you're going to play - because if it's mostly just tf2 then a gtx 770 is way overkill

PSU requirements are largely a marketing ploy to force you to upgrade to a bigger and better psu and spend more money. For the build he has 500w is plenty, and more than enough when the build is better optimized and "cheaper" (lower performance).

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Questions on first build in Hardware

For a first build that's certainly not bad at all. You shouldn't have any concern streaming/playing tf2 with that.

On to actual parts:

Your ram seems really expensive. If you really want DDR3-1600 speed ram, http://pcpartpicker.com/part/crucial-memory-bls2kit4g3d1609ds1s00 seems like a cheaper alternative.

I actually used the same case for my girlfriend and i can testify that it is a nice case. My only nitpick is the all plastic construction, but for the price I really can't complain. (Also space behind the motherboard tray for cable management is really tight, but it's what you sacrifice for an m-atx case).

The Gtx 770 is a nice graphics card, but for similar performance I'd recommend the r9 280x. Unless you for some odd reason really want an nvidia card, the 280x could be found around 10 bucks cheaper. Their performance is incredibly similar and really only varies depending on the game and what brand the game is optimized for (battlefield 4 for example is more of an amd title). My personal recommendation is http://pcpartpicker.com/part/sapphire-video-card-100363l

Your motherboard runs on a B85 chipset, which provides extra usb 3.0 ports, 6gb/s sata ports, and pci 3.0 slots vs. pc. 2.0 slots over a cheaper chipset like an H81. In terms of gaming performance, there's almost no difference in pci 3.0 vs 2.0 slots. (http://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/Impact-of-PCI-E-Speed-on-Gaming-Performance-518/ , for reference). Something like http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asrock-motherboard-h81mhds could save you around 10$.

Do you really need an optical drive? I also think there are ways to get Windows cheaper (somebody with more experience than me should answer).

If you don't plan to overclock than your cpu is just fine.

Also checking if you have a local microcenter could save you a lot.

All in all, very good job on your first try! Actually impressed. This pc is very nice and should run most modern games just fine. If you're literally doing nothing beyond Tf2 and streaming, then i question why you need something so grand haha.

Edit: Was typing this up when you replied saying that you probably wouldn't do anything beyond tf2/streaming. I'll probably make a new post to compensate for that.

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 44 45 46 47