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SteamID64 76561197961016107
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Country United States
Signed Up July 25, 2012
Last Posted May 2, 2019 at 5:59 AM
Posts 134 (0 per day)
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#21 chess in Off Topic


posted about 5 years ago
#225 ESEA to drop tf2 after season 31??? in TF2 General Discussion

i return to serve

posted about 5 years ago
#29 Who are the best online players? in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#19 Do froyotech care? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#4 Instrumental/classical music? in Off Topic

edit: playlist:

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Tagg's hitsound in Customization

wrong account

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Tagg's hitsound in Customization

thanks a lot!!!!

posted about 10 years ago
#11 water polo players in Off Topic

greatest water polo player in tf2 speaking

posted about 10 years ago
#7 I wrote a short story in Off Topic

@Alleal - I realize that. However, this is the first short story that I've ever written; it's something that I'm quite proud of, and I wanted to give it special treatment above all my future work. I think that as a whole it is quite a good story, and everything fits together quite nicely. I understand that the story itself is likely to be lost in the sea, but the eye-catching cover should help a little with that.

Also, I don't think that users are average readers; is a community that I used to be wholly immersed in, which is why I advertised it here. Thanks for the advice.

@Jasbutts - Ya I edited into the first post

@alfa - stay tuned heh

posted about 10 years ago
#2 I wrote a short story in Off Topic

Who The Fuck -Fragged Me Already

Show Yourself Or Face My Wrath You Little B*tch

posted about 10 years ago
#1 I wrote a short story in Off Topic <- Amazon Version <- Smashwords Version

Good Guys

The town's most well-loved resident enjoys the last day of his life.

TF2 summary:

Show Content
Chris Park, our legendary pubstar hero, is forced by his wife to go to an event he's never heard before: the ESEA LAN. There he encounters classic TF2; amazing airshots, mid sweeps, and always, the smell of sweaty nerds. Renowned users such as enigma and b4nny populate the area.

But Chris is just a pubbie that mains Pyro and Gunslinger Engineer, and he doesn't know these names. Disgusted with the aura of tryhard that pervades the area, Chris ventures downstairs to take a piss, and amongst anime figurines and My Little Pony posters, he takes a wrong turn and discovers ESEA's secret: the vast ocean of servers dedicated solely to mining bitcoins.

Chris needs to get out of there–the place is a disaster waiting to be discovered by the feds!

But the feds have already came...
Show Content
This is not actually a story related to TF2.

This is the very first short story I've ever written. The story is only 10 pages long (I believe) and is a 15-20 minute read. I spent quite a lot of time on it and I welcome any and all feedback (not including trolling. Please Don't Troll Me). I placed it under the psychological section in Amazon but I'm not sure if that's a correct labeling. If you enjoy it feel free to leave a review on Amazon and share it with your friends; I enabled lending, so after you purchase it you can share it with anyone you like for 14 days. I hope you like it.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Why do boyfriends try to control their girlfriends in Off Topic

Man I fucking hate this. So this girl who is my friend told me that she has to block me off Facebook and Instagram because this guy she's talking to (long distance relationship) doesn't like it when I post on her profile or check in with her at a restaurant (just the two of us). But she will continue texting me and hanging out with me as long as we don't post up pictures of us together or post anything on social media.

Apparently my last post on her profile really set him off.

Check in of us together at a restaurant around 2AM. I drop her off, and around 6PM I post on her profile "You looked absolutely beautiful last night, I had a great time! Looking forward to our next rendezvous. ;)"

I'll admit, I may have gone too far in some places since it looks from his POV that I just took her on a date.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 What?! By cali and saladeauthon #tfc in TF2 General Discussion

that was amazing

posted about 11 years ago
#4 tri hards logo in TF2 General Discussion

learn the lore

posted about 11 years ago
#156 who are your favourite players of all time in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
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