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Signed Up July 25, 2012
Last Posted May 2, 2019 at 5:59 AM
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#1 Found a bullet proof vest and shot at it in Off Topic

My uncle died in a motorcycle wreck about a month ago. It was sad, even though I only really saw him a few times throughout my entire life and I wasn't close to him. He's got a house out in the country and mostly kept to himself, even though he only lived like 90 minutes away from my family when I was growing up.

My dad have me the key to his house and said that me and my brother should go to his house and take anything there that would be worth keeping (photos, anything valuable or potentially sentimental, etc.). My uncle lived alone, so I guess my dad was worried about his place getting broken into, since no one will be in that house for a while.

Well, me and my brother were looking around, and we found what looked like a bullet proof vest in one of his closets, along with some stuff like pepper spray, handcuffs, those zip-tie things, and some guns and ammo. He used to be a police officer or a SWAT team person or something about 15 years ago, so it makes sense that he would still have some of this stuff. I don't think he was just some gun maniac, plus he kept it really neat and organized. The actual guns and ammo were in one of those gun locker things, but my brother found the key in one of the dresser drawers.

We figured this would probably be one of the few chances we'd have to shoot guns, especially at a bullet proof vest, so we wanted to take advantage of it. I grabbed one of the guns and loaded it with the ammo that was next to it. I don't know a lot about guns, but it was some sort of revolver (the kind where there are rotating ammo slots that pop off the side of the gun). I couldn't figure out how to load the gun where the ammo clip goes into the bottom of the handle, so the revolver made a lot more sense to use for us. We went outside to my uncle's land, my brother strapped on the vest, and I took a shot at the vest from about 20 feet away. Knocked him right over. I stumbled a bit too, since there was a lot of kickback and I don't really know how to hold a gun. I couldn't stop laughing for a minute straight. My bro complained about how his ribs hurt the whole ride back, and now he's got a big bruise where the bullet hit.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Fails in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Who got you into comp TF2? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#46 YouMustShowUpToMatches in TF2 General Discussion

mods lock this topic

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Looking to backup in Recruitment (looking for team)

Fuck You AsianRiceGuy

posted about 11 years ago
#12 girl gamer in Off Topic

this is fucking great

posted about 11 years ago
#11 I saw a $2 bill in a tip jar at Starbucks in Off Topic

yeah but catching one in the wild is so much better

posted about 11 years ago
#1 I saw a $2 bill in a tip jar at Starbucks in Off Topic

I always tip $1 when I go to Starbucks but I saw a fucking $2 bill and had to have it.

So to be fair I put in $3 and took the $2 bill out, and the barista yelled at me saying that I was stealing from the tip jar. This obviously brought a lot of commotion, and I pointed out that I put in $3 and was taking out $2 so I could tip them $1. Therefore I was giving them money.

She told me to get out of the store or she will call the police.

Now I'm out $3 + whatever I paid for my drink :(

posted about 11 years ago
#6 laptop for college in Hardware

I'm not gonna sperg out and bring my desktop to a co-ed dorm

posted about 11 years ago
#1 laptop for college in Hardware

Hey guys, I'm going to college next year and need a laptop. I would like to keep playing games as a hobby and maybe even stream. Unfortunately I'm not up to date on gaming laptops at all and have no idea where to start. I have a budget of around $1200 but I don't want to look like a big nerd with a flashy laptop.

Help me TF.TV!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Prom in Off Topic

Hey guys prom was yesterday for me and I decided to share the festivities with everyone

I'm the one in the red tie

What do you guys think

posted about 11 years ago
#1 How the fuck does my friend get more girls than me in Off Topic

He told a girl he liked her online. she liked him back.

but look at this fucking conversation.

can you make heads or tails of this

Him: I told her
Him: HIM: (9:04 PM) lsio bab wan to tell u sumthig donut be mad w/ bab u dont have 2 say nethink ok?? this is wierd of bab to say but bab kno is more wired 4 u to hear
HIM: (9:04 PM) bab like u but is not goig to chane how bab act to u!!!
HIM: (9:04 PM) u alway bab babacum
HIM: (9:04 PM) bab is bad for sayig but bab ned to say
HIM: (9:04 PM) pls donut be mad to baba

Sent at 10:06 PM on Thursday
me: that is
i dont know
me: why are you saying it wont change how you act towards her
Sent at 10:08 PM on Thursday
me: dont you want to date her or something
Sent at 10:09 PM on Thursday
Him: Her: (9:07 PM) wut u men ba
Her: (9:07 PM) i tole u i not gud u say i alway gud
HIM:: (9:08 PM) bab liek u like u lsia!!!
Her: (9:08 PM) even if i bad u not
Her: (9:08 PM) awwwwwwwww bab!!!!
HIM: (9:08 PM) that is wat bab say
Her: (9:08 PM) aba
Her: (9:08 PM) isi t ok if i liek u
HIM: (9:08 PM) ya is ok is also ok if u donut bab undertand
Her: (9:09 PM) what hte hel
Her: (9:09 PM) no ba i like u
Her: (9:09 PM) u win
HIM: (9:09 PM) bab win??
Her: (9:09 PM) ya u won
HIM: (9:09 PM) no game over???
Her: (9:09 PM) no gab ove

Sent at 10:12 PM on Thursday
Him: I'm so happy right now, dude
me: she obv like u brah
u just needed to take ur prize
Him: No game over
me: bab
glad it worked out. now what
I'm so happy right now
Best way this could have went down
Sent at 10:21 PM on Thursday
me: im glad

Sent at 10:23 PM on Thursday

This was around 4 days ago but I saved the chat

posted about 11 years ago
#79 next gen xbox reveal in Off Topic

- You have to install all games to the HDD.

- You have to pay a fee to install a used game.

- Kinect must always be on.

- Kinect has a 1080p camera that can analyze your room.

- No backwards compatibility.

- Zero launch titles. (except for fucking Forza 4)

- You can plug your cable television connection into it...

- ...but you have to have an HDMI-out cable box. (Which they will sell separately just in case!)

- Quantum Break, exclusively for Xbox One, is a hybrid movie/game. Literally a Sega CD game.

- New Halo

Show Content
television program
posted about 11 years ago
#8 Stultus water polo help in Off Topic

How high can you get when you get ready for a shot?

My goalie was all-state defensive MVP and I'll ask him what to do

posted about 11 years ago
#1 help a brutha out in Off Topic

One of my close friends is entering a tournament for her art department. She's a great artist imo, and has been a very close friend of mine for quite awhile. There's no registration process, just a captcha verification form, so it's extremely easy to vote. If she wins then these vans will literally be sold in stores, so it could be a big deal for her. This competition closes tomorrow at midnight so please vote if you can!

If she wins, her school gets a $50,000 grant. I don't like doing these but I honestly feel like she deserves to win because the school in second place charges students $14,000 for tuition whilst her school is a public high school. Her school is University High School, btw, in Irvine.

Here's her vans designs, for a vote:

I can't really offer anything besides her artwork, which I think has potential:

Thanks a lot in advance guys.

posted about 11 years ago
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