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SteamID64 76561197961016107
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Country United States
Signed Up July 25, 2012
Last Posted May 2, 2019 at 5:59 AM
Posts 134 (0 per day)
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So a while ago I added the some random cute girl living in Bellevue that I met while searching Facebook. She added me as a friend but that's about it. So she pops up randomly today and I forgot who the fuck she was because I forgot that I even added her. I decided to message her and here's the convo (I cleaned up the time stamps):

Jack Zhu: Hey! =)
Her: hey whos this?
Jack Zhu: You're on my buddy list somehow, and I don't know why o-o
Her: ?
Jack Zhu: I looked and you were on my buddylist
Jack Zhu: And I don't know why you were
Jack Zhu: So maybe we're friends? My name is Jack
Her: ?
Jack Zhu: I really don't how much more clear I can make that statement =\
Her: what statement
Jack Zhu: The one I made before you replied with a "?"
Her: my aim signed off so i didnt get the mesage
Jack Zhu: Oh ok, I apologize. I said that I saw your on my buddy list, yet I didn't recognize the screen name. I figured I added you at some point. My name is Jack =)
Her: ohhhh, sorry. my names lindsay
Jack Zhu: Wow I know a few lindsays
Jack Zhu: I'm very confused
Her: u live in federal way?
Jack Zhu: I live in Bellevue. O_O
Her: lol..nowhere near
Jack Zhu: haha well that's very odd
Jack Zhu: Maybe we met in a distant time and place
Her: possibly. you added me is what i thought
Jack Zhu: Is your last name fernandez?
Her: yea
Jack Zhu: OOOH
Jack Zhu: Ok, so i randomly added you from FB
Her: lol thats cool
Jack Zhu: Sorry didn't mean to bother you, I was just confused as to why a random screename would show up on my AIM =)
Her: lol, its perfectly fine. it made my day that much more interesting. =]
Jack Zhu: hehe
Jack Zhu: So I'm willing to bet we have at least one friend or family member or aquaintence in common somehow somewhere in the world. That's how it always works..
Jack Zhu: Perhaps we were destined to meet through the interwebs? Who knows. I don't normally stare at my screen and add random people from facebook
Her: lol, you never know. i guess we'll have to see
Jack Zhu: Yeah. So if you see me randomly walking down the aisle of a grocery store, make sure to stop me and say hi. I'll do the same. Er wait, you don't know what I look like
Jack Zhu: Crap
Her: hahaha...maybe we'll have an ESP moment
Jack Zhu: Hahaha and ESP moment
Jack Zhu: That's funny
Jack Zhu: Yeah, one of those movie moments
Her: i try =] lol. well. ill be on tomorrow..i guess..tlak to u then maybe?
Her: goodnight =]
Jack Zhu: Yeah that sounds good, maybe..? =). Take care and have fun with life!
Her: you too
Jack Zhu: Goodnight

Finally, I am moving up in the world.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 Is a threeway a good idea for the first time? in Off Topic

When I asked her if she wanted to go out and see a movie tonight. She said "sorry Jack, I have things to do." Later I looked on her Facebook and new photos of her at a party showed up, so I guess it was planned beforehand. I'll ask her next weekend then.

posted about 12 years ago
#14 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion

what the fuck is going on

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Is a threeway a good idea for the first time? in Off Topic

Going out with a girl, I mean.

I was thinking that for the first time hanging out with the girl I like, I could get a mutual friend to tag along with us. The pros are that the girl will feel more relaxed and comfortable to have someone else around, that she will be more likely to accept to "go out" with me in the first place, and that she won't really know that I want her. The cons are that it might be seen as too "friendly" of an excursion and that it might move me closer to the friend zone, and that the other friend could cockblock by accident. Of course the pros and cons are my opinions from what I have seen and from what I believe, that's why I'm making this topic. So, should I try to arrange it where three of us hang out, or should I try to work it out so that it's a real date type thing between just the two of us?

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Planned Series: ESEA-I Top 10 Plays of the Week in TF2 General Discussion

You should make it top 5 plays instead of top 10 imo

posted about 12 years ago
#30 Competitive TF2 team page in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 12 years ago
#21 Competitive TF2 team page in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 12 years ago
#117 The skill_detector Returns! in TF2 General Discussion

hello, could you please give tri and i the "treatment"

posted about 12 years ago
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