So a while ago I added the some random cute girl living in Bellevue that I met while searching Facebook. She added me as a friend but that's about it. So she pops up randomly today and I forgot who the fuck she was because I forgot that I even added her. I decided to message her and here's the convo (I cleaned up the time stamps):
Jack Zhu: Hey! =)
Her: hey whos this?
Jack Zhu: You're on my buddy list somehow, and I don't know why o-o
Her: ?
Jack Zhu: I looked and you were on my buddylist
Jack Zhu: And I don't know why you were
Jack Zhu: So maybe we're friends? My name is Jack
Her: ?
Jack Zhu: I really don't how much more clear I can make that statement =\
Her: what statement
Jack Zhu: The one I made before you replied with a "?"
Her: my aim signed off so i didnt get the mesage
Jack Zhu: Oh ok, I apologize. I said that I saw your on my buddy list, yet I didn't recognize the screen name. I figured I added you at some point. My name is Jack =)
Her: ohhhh, sorry. my names lindsay
Jack Zhu: Wow I know a few lindsays
Jack Zhu: I'm very confused
Her: u live in federal way?
Jack Zhu: I live in Bellevue. O_O
Her: lol..nowhere near
Jack Zhu: haha well that's very odd
Jack Zhu: Maybe we met in a distant time and place
Her: possibly. you added me is what i thought
Jack Zhu: Is your last name fernandez?
Her: yea
Jack Zhu: OOOH
Jack Zhu: Ok, so i randomly added you from FB
Her: lol thats cool
Jack Zhu: Sorry didn't mean to bother you, I was just confused as to why a random screename would show up on my AIM =)
Her: lol, its perfectly fine. it made my day that much more interesting. =]
Jack Zhu: hehe
Jack Zhu: So I'm willing to bet we have at least one friend or family member or aquaintence in common somehow somewhere in the world. That's how it always works..
Jack Zhu: Perhaps we were destined to meet through the interwebs? Who knows. I don't normally stare at my screen and add random people from facebook
Her: lol, you never know. i guess we'll have to see
Jack Zhu: Yeah. So if you see me randomly walking down the aisle of a grocery store, make sure to stop me and say hi. I'll do the same. Er wait, you don't know what I look like
Jack Zhu: Crap
Her: hahaha...maybe we'll have an ESP moment
Jack Zhu: Hahaha and ESP moment
Jack Zhu: That's funny
Jack Zhu: Yeah, one of those movie moments
Her: i try =] lol. well. ill be on tomorrow..i guess..tlak to u then maybe?
Her: goodnight =]
Jack Zhu: Yeah that sounds good, maybe..? =). Take care and have fun with life!
Her: you too
Jack Zhu: Goodnight
Finally, I am moving up in the world.