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Signed Up July 22, 2012
Last Posted May 4, 2014 at 12:05 AM
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#2 Uber Animation Error in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah this happened to me tonight. Someone help plz :(

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Stupid People Are Stupid. in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#10 oh dear god no just no why in Off Topic

Prom really isn't that important, I don't know why she would force you to go. I didn't go to mine and never regretted it. Go do something else, or go to prom and just hang out with your friends, or go to prom for a few minutes then leave and do something else. The 22-year-old probably doesn't want to go anyway...no one that old really wants to be around a bunch of 16-18-year-olds. You'll have plenty of time for real parties in college where you can actually drink and have fun and not be awkward high school kids.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Not enough space for steampipe?? in Q/A Help

Delete tf2 and reinstall? Assuming your internet isn't awful, you could just let it download overnight.

posted about 11 years ago
#57 Your smoking story in Off Topic

I tried smoking with a friend when I was a kid, but it was pretty gross and I never had the desire to try it again. I really don't know many people at all who smoke, which is a good thing because I find the smell disgusting. I don't think I could be close friends with anyone who smoked frequently, not because I hate smokers as people, but I can't stand the smell. Anytime I'm at a smoker's house I have to immediately go home and change my clothes or shower to get the smell off.

posted about 11 years ago
#41 Competitive TF2 Guide to Everything in TF2 General Discussion

I think you could include both 6s and highlander in the guide, though it depends on how in-depth the guide is going to become. You'd need to add a section explaining the different formats though.

As far as a wiki goes, why not get the competitive community involved in updating the official tf2 wiki? There is already a competitive section (http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Competitive), but there is a lot more information that could be added and updated. The wiki already has mods, structure, and translators, and would probably get more recognition/traffic than something hosted by an individual or teamfortress.tv.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Competitive TF2 Guide to Everything in TF2 General Discussion

Wouldn't it be better if things like this were in a wiki? It seems like there is just too much to put in an article, and a series of articles wouldn't really be the ideal type of organization for something like this. It would be great to organize everything into seperate wiki pages with links, categories, etc., plus it would make it really easy for multiple people to contribute to the writing.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Sheet music for your favorite songs? in Off Topic

Have you looked at IMSLP? http://imslp.org/wiki/Main_Page They have a great collection of public domain scores and sheet music.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 I Got Scammed - NEED YOUR HELP in TF2 General Discussion

teamfortress.tv isn't the trading police. Most people here don't give a fuck about trading. Also those items aren't even that valuable. It sucks you were scammed but move on.

posted about 11 years ago
#51 Shooting at MIT in Off Topic
vanillaBut on a serious note, this is all pretty surreal. Kinda crazy (and scary) that there are people running around our major cities blowing up bombs and getting in shootouts in major cities :\

Events like these, while very saddening and unfortunate, get blown out of proportion. You're much more likely to die in a traffic accident than in a shootout or bombing, and while some degree of caution is always good, it doesn't do anyone any good to live in fear of being shot or bombed. Despite what all the media coverage of shootings and stuff may suggest, violent crime has been decreasing for quite some time now. (e.g. "In the last decade (since 2000) the homicide rate declined to levels last seen in the mid-1960s" - http://bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=2221 )

Sorry if that's insensitive, I just feel like all the media attention on events like this distorts peoples' perspectives on the reality of violent crime and causes unnecessary fear.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 On PUGs and IRC in TF2 General Discussion

atf2 is pretty self-explanatory, and you don't need to know anything about IRC to use it. Once someone is in a channel, if they don't understand what to do someone will probably explain it to them.

Has anyone contacted whoever runs tf2pickup.net and asked if an NA section could be added, if servers were provided?

posted about 11 years ago
#8 tablet + college? in Hardware

If you're doing engineering there's a good chance that you will be using programs that probably won't run on a tablet. In fact, the engineering school at my college required everyone to have a windows laptop.

Taking notes on a laptop/tablet is really overrated too, btw. You're a lot more likely to get distracted on the internet, have people messaging you in the middle of class, and it's difficult to draw diagrams and stuff.

Unless your laptop is so big and heavy that it would be difficult to carry around, I would just stick with that.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 Tip of the Hats Starting Tomorrow in TF2 General Discussion
PKIs there any way I can donate via steam wallet? I really want to donate but I can't otherwise :(

Probably the only way you could do that would be to buy a game or something with the steam wallet money and sell it for paypal money. I'm not sure if it would be worth it, because you'd probably have to sell the game for significantly less than you paid for it.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Pokernight 2 in Off Topic

Claptrap was annoying as fuck in borderlands, I really don't want to listen to him in another game lol.

posted about 11 years ago
#78 ESEA Season 14 Announced in TF2 General Discussion

Wouldn't sending more teams to LAN for small 5th-6th place prizes just force the community to donate even more money to send less competitive teams to LAN? It seems like a waste, why not just increase the prizes for 4 teams so they don't have to rely on donations every season?

And with a 12 team invite division, how many of those teams are actually going to be competitive? What's the point of adding more teams to get rolled by the top invite teams?

posted about 11 years ago
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