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Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted June 4, 2015 at 4:52 PM
Posts 715 (0.2 per day)
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#96 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion
Lunacidethere are situations where teams are surprised by kritzkrieg, which is 100 times more game changing than a pick on a roamer that wasn't deserved.

being surprised by something isn't inherently a bad thing

fox only final destination

everything else is slow, random, and not competitive

posted about 10 years ago
#90 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion
hoolilisten folks im not saying the bb is OP
all i'm saying is that in a perfect world the guy who hit more of his shots should win

And... that still happens with the black box??

posted about 10 years ago
#84 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion
hoolithat's not a specific scenario

Please explain how both weapons dealing the same damage, with one of them having predictable differences (one less rocket to shoot, +15 hp on hit), is chance.

posted about 10 years ago
#83 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion
hooliwhile you are right it doesn't matter some of the time, you admit yourself that sometimes the bb soldier will win because of the regained health.

Yes, which is why he sacrifices his 4th rocket. It's a team game, not 1v1; even if he does win the trade, the other team can easily clean him up before he gets away and he won't have anything to defend himself with. If you don't get him, then your soldier shouldn't have been there in the first place.

You've made two arguments:
1. Slows the game down, which is purely subjective in this case and depends entirely on playstyle, not to mention it has a minimal impact on the game anyway.
2. A worse player can win with it, which will only happen in the rarest of scenarios, and it's not because they have the black box, it's because the "better" player messed up. Not to mention, if you know the other soldier has black box (pretty hard not to), you can make sure you're never in a position to lose to him 1v1.

posted about 10 years ago
#78 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion
hoolilet's not get into specific scenarios, there are an infinite number of possibilities with countless parameters that decide who the victor is. you guys are assuming the exchange is happening at close range and both soldiers have godlike aim.

Which is the exact scenario you're laying out. Nine times out of ten, the better soldier will win the trade, black box or not.

posted about 10 years ago
#76 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion
hoolithat's true except you'll probably have less health(no boats) and less opportunities for 1v1s considering you'll have poor mobility but that's not what we're talking about here

allow me to help you visualize:

soldier v soldier
same health
each shoots 3 rockets
the one with the better aim should win
that's that

I don't understand this logic.

If both soldiers shoot 3 rockets, assuming they both hit directs, they both die.
One of them had the sense to run black box, they barely live (~30 hp?)

If both soldiers shoot 3 rockets, one of them hits 2 directs, he wins.
If he had the black box, he had the better aim, he wins.
If he did not have the black box, he had the better aim, he wins.

I'm failing to see the issue there.

posted about 10 years ago
#63 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion

Making a case for something to be banned because it potentially slows down the game is asinine, especially if it's something you see in one out of every 50 matches. If suddenly every team started using blackbox and a ton of games were getting stalemated by it (ie. double heavy) then sure, I could see it as an issue. Saying "but it could slow the game down a bit" is a terrible argument without some strong evidence to back it up.

I know I'm only playing in open, but for me running the blackbox has opened up a really fun playstyle; I'm actually more aggressive on the flank, because I know I can easily retreat and gain some health back if a fight goes south. Plus, I have more kill potential with a shotgun against scouts who like to dance around splash damage.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 test in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#9 test in Off Topic

THIS is art.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Help with translation in Off Topic

There are probably better places to look for help with this than a TF2 forum...

posted about 10 years ago
#24 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion
Dell_Conagherfrag clip

I don't understand, the only time the +15 actually would have made a difference was after you killed the med (you were down to like 90?), if you had also killed the soldier (but he killed you before it mattered). Other than that it was just a bunch of people running around not hitting you. I'm pretty sure you could have been under 100 that entire time and it wouldn't have made a difference.

In fact, if you had 4 rockets instead of just 3, you probably would have done more there.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion

I tried out roaming with Black Box and Shotgun the other night, and it was a lot of fun; pretty effective too. I ended up doing way more damage than I usually do, and was still able to get behind people and wreak havoc.

I'm still just not sure if the 15 HP is worth losing one rocket for, sometimes it seems like I should just run the classic rocket launcher and deal with heaving less health. Having a shotgun on roamer is sweet though.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 People getting hacked! in TF2 General Discussion

In Chrome, when you're on an HTTPS site of sufficient prominence, they should have this green badge that says the name of the company beside the URL. This is usually a good indication of if the site is legitimate or not (aside from checking the spelling and all that).

This is an SSL certificate that's obtained by Valve 1) paying a bunch of money 2) providing proof that this website belongs to them, and that they are who they say they are.

If you do get added by someone like this, make sure to go to their profile and report them for phishing.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 People getting hacked! in TF2 General Discussion

I've been getting added daily for the past week, people just messaging with a typical scam message (linking to something like "").

If somebody adds you out of the blue and says you're their new best friend and to have some free games, you should probably report and block them.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 "Segway 3" - a new tf2 minimovie in Videos

I think this video is amazing, and I think people's expectations are a bit off when it comes to this type of thing.

Traditionally, frag videos are about showcasing awesome kills. From a competitive player's perspective, the excitement comes from watching people with talent pull off skilled and challenging plays.

From a general spectator's standpoint, though, I think this type of video is much more exciting. It might be a bit too over-the-top, but I think to the casual viewer something like this, with up-beat music and lots of action combined with fun special effects, is much more entertaining than going through someone's POV while music plays in the background. It's less of a "frag video" and more along the lines of a promo/hype kind of thing.

All that being said, as cool as the movie was, I think my biggest gripe was just that 1/4 of it was an intro of logos. At least if they were at the end as credits it would have been a bit less obnoxious, although they did give a good preview of what was about to come.

I think my favorite effect was having the sniper scope be superimposed on the regular view at snake last, it looked really good.

posted about 10 years ago
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