m4risaI remember when people were being so hyped up that i46 was going to give TF2 a lot more exposure and bring big name sponsors into the game and such. $10,000 could be put to a lot more use in the community than just sending one team to a two day LAN.
Honestly didn't really do anything except prove that NA > EU.
I hate comments like this.
You're implying that people are going to either donate to a LAN fund or a community fund. But the truth is that people will donate towards what they want to see.
You're basically telling me that I should use the £30 I'd be happy to give to a LAN fund to some sort of community fund I really couldn't give 2 shits about. That's not true. I'm either going to donate £30 to an i49 LAN fund, nothing at all or to both a LAN and community fund. It doesn't have to be black and white.
At the moment there are 3 things that can happen.
1) Raise money for a LAN fund.
2) Raise money for a community fund.
3) Do nothing.
At the moment we're doing no.3. And your comment doesn't help promote either 1 or 2, it just shoots everything down.
Also personally, I didn't look forward to i46 because of how it could expand the scene - I didn't expect anything like that, but I did look forward to watching the styles of players from 2 different continents clash - and that really was awesome to watch. And that is exactly what I'd pay to see again.
Also I totally agree with CRow on the point about bridging the gap between the communities, when I got into competitive TF2 in the July just before i46 I didn't give a rats ass about NA TF2. But after seeing their aggressive stlyes at i46 I started staying up stupidly late and watching NA Invite casts. Who's to say the same cant happen with the new comp TF2 players of 2013 because of i49?
And even if it really does end up being as simple as NA vs EU, that is not a bad thing. It's competitions like that which both people within the community and outside can appreciate and enjoy.