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Signed Up April 14, 2013
Last Posted September 29, 2018 at 5:46 AM
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#13 dvi-d cable problem in Hardware

Only HDMI 2 officially supports 144hz at 1080p. 1.4b officially supports 120@1080, but only for what they call "3D processing", which I'm not sure what they even mean by, maybe Setsul can explain (I think it means it just copypastes the same 60hz signal to output it twice for 3D viewing), but it's not 2D viewing aka what you want.
Anecdotal evidences exist of people hacking and OCing their way to 120hz over HDMI 1.4 but basically, it's not supported.

You should get a new DL-DVI cable and hope for the best and get your monitor fixed if the input is really fucked.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 dvi-d cable problem in Hardware

Your HDMI 1.3 most likely won't support 144hz 1080p.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 dvi-d cable problem in Hardware

Specs say it should have a DL--Dvi connector. Maybe your cable has broken pins?

posted about 8 years ago
#63 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion

Ok I guess it is mildly comforting to know that there's a 50% chance that our kids might be able to play tf2 matchmaking and it won't suck.

posted about 8 years ago
#59 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not saying they are supposed to promise money. I didn't say they have never done anything, I said they are not visibily doing anything positive at the moment.

But dude this discussion is so pointless. You're saying thst valve are gonna do their thing and it's fine with you. Great. You're right, valve don't need anybody in the comp communty and they don't care about the knowledgeable minority, that's why their game mode is shit and may continue to be so indefinitely while they create "the perfect product" the way they see it. Similarly, nobody in this community needs valve and if everyone quit for overwatch right now like you said, everyone would be just as fine as valve. Thus, you're rendering this entire discussion utterly meaningless by acknowledging that neither party has anything to gain or expect from it.

posted about 8 years ago
#54 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion
I think one thing that may have gotten overlooked in my opinion piece is our ongoing relationship with the developers thus far. I think that the Valve visits were more than just a flight to Seattle -- they were building bridges between our community and the developers. While you guys might not see the bridges that were built, I can confirm that we definitely have a stronger relationship with the developers today than ever before. The issue that I also tried to address is that we can't reveal the nature of those relationships for fear of burning those bridges. If the developers tell Sigafoo something in confidence and he reveals that secret, they will never tell him anything ever again so while we didn't sign any non-disclosure agreements, we definitely want to keep this relationship going.

Unfortunately the only indication that you have that the developers are listening is our word, and every person who has visited Valve to date has told the community that they're reading the forums, listening to our streams, and watching our communities. If you don't believe us then okay, but don't expect an official notice from Valve saying "HEY WE'RE READING YOUR FORUMS" since we all know that that is not how they operate. I think that a forum post from Jill should be evidence enough but it seems like it is not.

And sorry but this is a borderline heinous attitude and simply not how the real world works.
Firstly, of course nobody believes this. There is NO LOGICAL reason to believe it. Secondly, there is obviously no negative consequence to transparency and- wait this has been said a million times before and its 100% irrelevant because no matter whether tf2 illuminati valve visiting evangelists actually know the secret machinations of the developers but are only allowed to spread the holy word according to their wishes, nobody gives a rat's ass because all that matters is what's written in patch notes. The hell do I care whether nothing happens for 10 years but you know valve's secret pillow talk or nothing happens and you don't? Disclosing EVERYTHING they are doing in a comprehensive , official and 100% committal fashion to the community could possibly, maybe be a way to slightly increase some people's patience about nothing happening and maybe improve communication a little bit, but that ship has sailed and it won't happen and nobody cares if valve have privately said anything to anyone because everyone only cares about what they visibly do, which is nothing .

posted about 8 years ago
#49 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINthe301stspartanMate your main argument here seems to be "Valve need an indefinite amount of time to do whatever they're doing, so just play and give feedback if you like, but I can understsnd if you don't".

That has veen the status quo forever so if all you're saying is that you're fine with that situation, what the hell did you start this humongous thread for?
It's an article on the current state of TF2 and you're kind of right that it hasn't changed much over the years. Competitive TF2 in general hasn't made as much progress as we would have liked since its inception, so the state of TF2 won't change much from year to year. The main difference between the state of TF2 today and the state of TF2 four years ago is that the developers are actively building a competitive game for us.

This article also comes as a response to the outrage regarding Sigafoo. People were disagreeing with his desire to run a non-standard comp TF2 format, and they were wondering why he was choosing to do that when the competitive format was decided long ago. My point was that the developers of our esport haven't figured out the final competitive format for comp TF2, so he's just trying to do them a solid and we should all be supportive.

In addition, people are urging Valve to invest money into the game but I'm trying to tell the community that it's pointless to invest money in a game when your competitive format has not yet been settled. Once the competitive format is settled it will make more sense to invest money into the scene.

Not to deride your post but these arguments have been discusswd a trillion times before and the sigafoo sotuation is still being discussed in its own humongous thread... and the fact is that even with the most generous assumptions that all you say is true, the chance that sigafoo's whateveritis will be catalyst to a future positive change of any kind (except players and viewees having some fun during it) that wouldn't gave taken place without it is ludicrously small. This is why people are upset and whether this is justified or not is best discussed in its own thread imo.

I mean I don't mind you starting this again if you enjoy the discussion, but if you believe that something new might actually come from it, I urge you to read trough all the previous similar threads of the past 500 years and see if anything you want to mention hasn't been discussed before.

posted about 8 years ago
#51 Been gone 3 years, what have I missed? in TF2 General Discussion

It has become fashionable to spend more time arguing tf2's competitive future than playing the game.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion

Mate your main argument here seems to be "Valve need an indefinite amount of time to do whatever they're doing, so just play and give feedback if you like, but I can understsnd if you don't".

That has veen the status quo forever so if all you're saying is that you're fine with that situation, what the hell did you start this humongous thread for?

posted about 8 years ago
#34 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion
the301stspartanDont u guys get bored of these threads? Some nerd has money left over, flies to valve, they don't give a shit and don't tell him anything new but he feels like the next b4nny competitive spokesperson so he lets us know that valve don't care but with a twist, then there's 10 pages of the same "future of competitive tf2" thread that makes up like half of now and in the end, the whole thing gets 0 attention from valve and everyone forgot their own posts by the time the next thread happens and they post the same things there.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Why is the null move. script useful? in Q/A Help

Arguably less wrist strain if you enjoy wiggling around like a slippery snake

posted about 8 years ago
#38 kink thread in The Dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Cleaning up my PC in Hardware

Tbh I doubt that junk actually slows down your PC that much in a fullscreen game. It might very well just be Valve performance.

But maybe it's not in that case fuck cleaning ur PC and do

Brimstonemy favorite method is backing up only the things i absolutely need/want

and then reinstalling my os

it's so much easier. After u copy over all your files, defrag with ultimate defrag if you like and if you're gaming from an HDD.

Also you can use Ninite to safely and easily install essential tools after your reinstall without fear of adware and outdated programs.

Good luck, gamer!

posted about 8 years ago
#12 kink thread in The Dumpster

Why is interracial under "taboo" along with necrophilia and bestiality?

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Tf2 shitposting group in The Dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ⋅⋅ 158