UPDATE 7/26/13
Due to the massive ammount of streaming competition we had on wednesday night we didnt get as many viewers or donations as we had hoped. We did however get a LOT of generous unusual donations to go towards the charity for ghos7. We decided to hang on to most of the items for now and do a second charity stream.
IARENOBODY (one of our viewers) donated a bubbling geisha
Cole donated a blizzard backwards ballcap
dflame donated an orbiting fire tosslecap
Playboy (owner of pbfortress.com and their servers) donated a bubbling football helmet
I still have my orbiting fire tyrant to give away as well. So far the only unusual given away was Coles ballcap. We also gave away a mousepad, the GPS, and a bunch of steam games and random hats/items. I still have a mousepad, and the Roccat Savu mouse to give away.
I was hoping to do another charity stream this weekend but it doesnt look like thats going to be possible. Due to all of the extra items we have to give away now I have to come up with fun, entertaining, and fair ways to get rid of everything, while raising as much money for ghos7 in the process.
Im currently planning to do the next charity stream for ghos7 on wednesday (7/31/13). Hopefully we wont have as much stream competition that night and we can get some more viewers/donations. Please spread the word. We have a LOT of cool stuff to give away for a good cause.