2639 frames 25.656 seconds 102.86 fps ( 9.72 ms/f) 6.004 fps variability
windows 10 pro
1680x1050 resolution, fullscreen. extra monitor running off the card at 1280x1024
CPU: Ryzen 1700 (no overclock)
GPU: GTX 1060 3gb (no overclock)
RAM: 16 (2x8)gb @2133mhz DDR4
dxlevel: 95
no config or other graphics mods like no hats mod, graphics settings here: http://i.imgur.com/Rwg4Q7F.jpg
edit: dunno if its worth noting but it's able to stream pub tf2 while retaining around 150-250fps with those same settings. im still messing about with the computer as i just built it, but i think a decent amount of fps could be gained from an overclock. ill update this later with more solid numbers, but i think the 1700 was running at around 3.2 ghz
same specifications as before, but with the 1700 at 3.7ghz
2639 frames 23.319 seconds 113.17 fps ( 8.84 ms/f) 8.006 fps variability