Account Details
SteamID64 76561198341784551
SteamID3 [U:1:381518823]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:190759411
Country United States
Signed Up January 5, 2018
Last Posted December 16, 2022 at 11:17 PM
Posts 56 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.8
Windows Sensitivity 4
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
144 Hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Glorious Model O w/ Corepad Skatez
Keyboard CIDOO V75
Mousepad Artisan Hayate Otsu v2
Headphones HyperX Cloud Alpha S
Monitor KOORUI GN05 240hz
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#14 TF2 update for 7/7/22 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#12524 stream highlights in Videos

posted about a year ago
#5 What is ur chess elo in Off Topic

1000 on I got into it right before chess streams blew up with Twitch Rivals and then stopped playing about a year ago. ChessBrah and Eric Rosen goated youtubers though.

posted about a year ago
#14 Fight Event? in The Dumpster

posted about a year ago
#24 #freeb0nes in TF2 General Discussion
brodyalso june 5th -> june 9th is not "2 days" lolssquare2 days late

2 days after 48-hour submission period.
Anyway, this is kinda irrelevant. It's too harsh a punishment for something so inconsequential.

posted about a year ago
#1 #freeb0nes in TF2 General Discussion

My beloved Jon Taffer Bar Rescue enjoying combo scout got banned for 2 weeks for submitting his pov demo 2 days late. Sure it was the 2nd offense, but his first one was over a year ago during his first season playing RGL. 2 weeks is too much, especially since they didn't find anything suspicious in the demo.
he dindu nuffin #freeb0nes

posted about a year ago
#1433 worst steam profile in Off Topic

le coomer
i wonder what this guys room smells like

posted about 2 years ago
#1264 Post your setup in Off Topic
zhernty for the mousepad recommendation, are artisan pads worth the money?

depends on your definition of "worth the money" but judging from your setup it looks like you can probably afford it.
if you're going to get one, [based on my research from 1 year ago] I recommend picking from 3 options:

  • Hien
    - Speed: fast
    - quirks: the x and y axis are different speeds-- the stitching of the fabric is horizontal so y-axis movement has slightly more resistance. the fabric is also rough but not in a scratchy way and it doesn't cause discomfort long term unless your skin is particularly sensitive
  • Zero
    - Speed: slow/control
    - quirks: because of the fabric, loose hair (especially from pets) can get caught and may require slightly more maintenance with a lint roller
  • Hayate Otsu
    - Speed medium
    - quirks: none that I'm aware of, kind of a god pad tbh; doesn't have any of the quirks from the other 2 mentioned and is also newer than the other two mentioned

regardless of which one you get, I recommend getting them in XL size and either Soft or XSoft hardness; I've heard Medium hardness pads have a tendency to slide around more than Soft or XSoft. Also, Soft and XSoft give you a better ability to press into the pad for extra control.
once you have one, be careful not to roll or fold it too harshly because it can make permanent creases in the foam (just like any other mousepad basically, but you probably want to protect your investment).

posted about 2 years ago
#59 Alfa legacy 2 in TF2 General Discussion

this was a clip about Satan tho

posted about 2 years ago
#15 Could Young Sanity be the next big thing? in The Dumpster

posted about 2 years ago
#3 name indecisiveness in Off Topic

ok skoti

posted about 2 years ago
#2 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization

I always wondered when tf2 would reach csgo's equivalent of nade setups

posted about 2 years ago
#317 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread v2 in Hardware
skotithe mouse i have had for a while now has begun to die (straight up doesn't register clicks, cannot highlight or move stuff) so i need a good and relatively cheap mouse for a medium-ish sized hand

Glorious Model O is quite good for $50

posted about 2 years ago
#23 why wont we just enable fov beyond 90 in TF2 General Discussion
aierabrodyaieradella......messiah......, but instead to suggest that TF2s cap of 90 (106) is outdated and that games retain balance with wider FOV values.

But it's all pointless in the grand scheme of things.
A lot of players are against changes like these simply because it alienates non-comp players and raises the barrier to entry-- especially something as fundamental as your fov.
b4nny, for example is a big critic of and their projects of "updating" maps by adding and removing insignificant details that do more harm than good. If you don't think this will be an issue, just look at the dodgeball tf2 scene; in order to be able to compete even a little bit you HAVE to use 130+ fov and it's hard to transition into it if you've never played that way before.
106 horizontal degrees has been good enough for more than a decade now, why change it now?

posted about 2 years ago
#25 Reputable keyboard manufacturers in Hardware

use for deciding peripherals-- they have some pretty detailed analyses

posted about 2 years ago
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