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SteamID64 76561198034955422
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Country United States
Signed Up June 14, 2018
Last Posted September 21, 2024 at 11:48 AM
Posts 44 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity .7
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
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Mouse Zowie EC1-A
Keyboard Ducky One 2 (Brown Switches)
Mousepad QCK THICC
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT 1990
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#34 evil rgl in TF2 General Discussion
NoNoeWayPlus it's expensive af for what it is and I highly doubt anyone wants to moderate them.

According to the discord post, the forums would take up the majority of the $1200 yearly hosting, with the FORUMS taking up the most of that cost. How the fuck is that possible? Doesn't the site get like 20-100x more traffic? How do you fuck that up so bad, is the tech they use for the forums just that awful?

posted 5 months ago
#1051 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

prolander should be the default in game competitive mode (or well, at least 7v7 one per class)
it's better then nr6s, you don't need 18 people for the queue to pop, you can change classes if you're eating shit, you can play the popular pub maps like upward (that are actually competitively viable, unlike dustbowl or something lol), and most importantly, players can play their actual mains

posted about 3 years ago
#17 tf2 is get f new player game in TF2 General Discussion

tf2 is like the least toxic game with a competitive scene that i've ever played
like tf2center lobbies are toxic but not fucking the average pub
pubs are more like a bunch of weird teenagers named "femboy cum drinker" pencil bombing you and then pressing a shitty lenny face bind
meanwhile in cs mm every other game you get some 16 year old telling you to kill yourself for 40 minutes straight

posted about 3 years ago
#27 Habib banned in TF2 General Discussion

wait so habib got banned for 2 weeks for not submitting his demos but froyotech didn't play a single match in that time so he essentially gets off with a slap on the wrist? that doesn't sit well with me. I also don't understand how froyo (not just froyo tbh but the playoff delay in general) can go nearly 3 weeks between the last match of the regular season and playoffs. Other teams actually almost had exactly 4 weeks between the end of the regular season and playoffs, i don't get the point of the delay.

RGL has banned people before for not submitting demos but delays the ban until the start of the next season if it's in the middle of the offseason. Why hasn't that been applied here? Someone could miss 4 matches if this 2 week ban was mid-season but in this case, as long as habib doesn't fuck up a third time, it's like nothing ever happened? If someone said the funny word on wG and they get banned for like 3 weeks on November 5th, they also essentially never get truly banned either because their next match is November 30th?

posted about 3 years ago
#3 TF2 update for 11/15/21 (11/16/21 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

>Added new item_teamflag ouputs OnPickup1, OnDrop1, and OnCapture1 that fire outputs with the player as the activator
who says valve doesn't listen? they must be reading tftv with how much we've begged for this feature

posted about 3 years ago
#18 Does b4nny have a girlfriend or wife in TF2 General Discussion
weedyabyssno one want b4nny because he always finish first

bring 3rd place b4nny back

posted about 3 years ago
#23 PGL Major Stockholm 2021 in CS2 General Discussion

6/9 in Challengers Stage, 5/9 for the Legends Stage
Navi > Vitality
Gambit > Furia
G2 > NIP
Heroic < VP

Navi < Gambit
G2 > VP

Gambit > G2

  • G2 vs NIP is a cointoss, but LNZ and Hampus have never played a big arena event before so they might not perform well on top of REZ having a relatively poor event thus far.
  • Heroic vs VP is a complete cointoss, I have no idea who'll win that so I just picked the slight underdogs.
  • Navi on paper beat Gambit but arena mindgames have me really on the fence. This is their event to lose and they know it, plus Gambit have been able to beat them before.
  • G2 vs VP is another cointoss, going with G2 as if they can beat NIP I think they can beat VP.
  • The winner of Gambit vs Navi will win the major
posted about 3 years ago
#31 Reptile’s team in 2007 vs open team in TF2 General Discussion
clckwrktuaare we talking esea open level or amateur/newcomer level in RGL
because esea open level is closer to like IM or Main in RGL
esea open level could maybe beat a boomer team but newcomer/amateur players last I checked don't even know rollouts

long story short if you took a team from 2007, showed them nothing from today, put them on their best map with all original unlocks vs an open team with the same unlocks from 2021, the 2007 team would get rolled. sorry, it is what it is.

I totally get where you're coming from but how low of a skill do we have to go for that to not be true? There are newcomer teams out there with players with like 200 hours. What I was trying to say is that just because someone is on a team doesn't mean they even remotely understand how to play the game, rocket jump, or hit even 20% of their shots. We're not even talking about Silver Elite level in CS, we're talking Silver 1, UGC Iron level. I think you're underestimating how awful new players can be.

Honestly tho, you made some really good points and idk if arguing if they would be low open or mid open isn't an ultra valuable thing to nitpick on.

posted about 3 years ago
#21 Reptile’s team in 2007 vs open team in TF2 General Discussion

are we talking esea open level or amateur/newcomer level in RGL
because esea open level is closer to like IM or Main in RGL
esea open level could maybe beat a boomer team but newcomer/amateur players last I checked don't even know rollouts

posted about 3 years ago
#9 sigafoo becomes TF2 Project Manager for FACEIT in TF2 General Discussion

Sigafoo finally getting paid for all his hard work <3

posted about 3 years ago
#36 weird music you like in Off Topic

Eminem's experimental forays are probably my fav

posted about 3 years ago
#13 PGL Major Stockholm 2021 in CS2 General Discussion

6/9 so far!

3-0 Faze

0-3 EG

Gambit, Navi, Astralis, Vitality, Liquid, NIP, and ENCE

  • VP looked like they still haven't bedded in FL1T super well yet, barely scraping their way into Legends.
  • Heroic have a lot of pressure on them and they looked super shaky.
  • Liquid are a zany pick, but they've looked like a new team since they swapped Fallen to IGL and have collected some great bo3 wins recently, plus their skill can win them some bo1s.
  • Astralis didn't look good, but I think their experience will help them grind out close bo3s to go through 3-2.
  • I don't think both CPH Flames and ENCE will be able to pull off a cinderella run here, so I went with ENCE because CPH Flames didn't get any wins in the studio and ENCE performed better at the last RMR, which was a proper LAN.
posted about 3 years ago
#11 PGL Major Stockholm 2021 in CS2 General Discussion

I'd rather gamble looking like a contrarian idiot than wind up with no chance of being one of the only people with a good pickem (like the major gambit won), but didn't want to go full schizo with my picks and pick only underdogs. I wanted to take a chance but obv. hasn't worked out
Godsent looked really good in NA and they have two good, experienced LAN players. Unfortunately felps hasn't fucked like I thought he would. Ence played out of their minds at that last RMR but I wanted to gamble on that being an overperformance and once people started watching their demos/prepping for them they wouldn't be as good.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 PGL Major Stockholm 2021 in CS2 General Discussion

My pick 'em:
3-0 Heroic
0-3 Sharks

Astralis, Faze, Big, Mouz, VP, CPH Flames, Godsent

posted about 3 years ago
#1 RGL HL S8 W7 & Playoffs Week 1 Challenger Power Rankings in News

very grateful for the return of the large advantages

posted about 3 years ago
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