Meant to try comp TF2, my bad.
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SteamID64 | 76561197967818426 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:7552698] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:3776349 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 21, 2012 |
Last Posted | November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM |
Posts | 2126 (0.5 per day) |
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If lobbies had mmr and admining to prevent people from faking/cheating in games, lobby stacks would happen a lot less. Would take 100x the effort though.
And IRC isn't a big hurdle. Anyone who really wants to try TF2 has to know about IRC eventually and really just part of the process.
Then again, what about ESEA. Maybe free TF2 ESEA pugging would make ESEA's business explode for TF2. I really think that if ESEA could try to get the lobby people on board they'd be able to get TF2 servers occupied and people subscribing.
Cinq dunking on the admins.
Also, the devs should take debuging 101 if they didn't bother checking the PUG start conditions.
What if the scout winner is also the soldier winner? Rules don't say you can only play as one class.
But it sounds like he really buys it off only the ugc admin's statement. The tone is based off the one testimony he has instead of all the people's inputs. You can't say that what Sal said isn't biased against marisa, and that's what the -frag is for. I mean I don't know what the whole story is, but Sal's wording isn't that great.
enigmaThe tf2.pug bot was broken. I'm fine with the bot until that one is in working condition.
wasn't the purpose of a new bot to ensure that everyone who wanted to play, could play?
what's the point of two channels running the identical bot?
So the fat kids can fat kid people.
I wonder what exactly broke though. It seemed simple enough (queue 4 classes and then protect the ones directly in the queue).
I love how adding in tf2.pug gives you a message.
[17:50:48] -Pug-Messenger3- Welcome to! The channel has certain quality standards, and we ask that you have a good amount of experience and understanding of the 6v6 format before playing here. If you do not yet meet these requirements, please type !remove and try another system like
how many refined = a key?
#10 making a bunch of steam accounts is pretty boring, plus that guy has gold username.
infinite-May your wish be granted..
Awesome. I don't mind the limit on invite players in lower leagues since it's stacking a free league for no reason, so long as 4+ invite players can be promoted to plat right away.
Know where your medic is at all time. Both of you share the responsibility of knowing where each other are.
Work with the demo as much as possible. 2 heavy classes secure almost every choke.
Know when to leave your medic to die and when not to. When you see 2 people bombing with a scout flanking and your meds in the red, it might be time to just jump away and go for picks.
On places like spire, call when to rotate onto point with the roamer. Situational.
Don't overextend, and don't get pocket soldier syndrome. You're seemingly doing the best because you have the most heals/ubers.
More than likely they'd fill the remaining slots with their friends. Not every (or most, not sure honestly) invite player wants to play HL anyways.
The admins who decided the rule was dumb. The HL people I've pugged with never seemed to support the rule. Who even came up with it though, that's the problem.
I think if you have an i7 OC'd, you probably will be fine streaming at pretty good settings. Capture cards I've seen cost as much as a mid range video card from what I've seen, so I don't know if it's really worth it unless you have a decent older system.
disengageIt seems way too easy to get nerdstars. In gotfrag you had to bot for that shit