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Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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#12 ugc highlander rule in TF2 General Discussion
obe_I'm torn on this one. The very idea of having a limit on good players is downright stupid obviously. Removing this cap will definitely make the HL scene so much more interesting to follow since the skill cap will raise exponentially, but without it, I'm worried about a team full of invite level players downright rolling all over every team they play against. If a team has 9 invite players they could probably scrim once a week and still roll over half of the teams in platinum. The best solution I can think of is a new league that's a step above platinum and the invite players can form full teams and play against each other there.

Or maybe the challenge of beating a juggernaut team full of invite players will actually fuel the platinum scene further and makes things even more interesting to follow/spectate. Can't exactly predict the future. This is just how I'm looking at things.

#9: There's nothing wrong with stacking good players in a competitive environment but UGC HL isn't exactly played for huge cash prizes and you need to think about HL as a spectator sport. It may not be as interesting to follow the platinum scene (currently the only HL league worth following imo) if there's one supercharged team that's just eating the entire league's lineup alive.

Never heard of a top competitive league banning a team because they were better than other teams in any sport or game. Yeah you could have an invite HL league but it'd be less than 4 teams more than likely. I don't get why you should feel afraid of better players in the pool. You're completely denying the point of competitive play. If platinum is the top league, why aren't they playing against the best teams? It's ridiculous that the rule could ever be in place, and it basically bans players from competing (assume every invite team has 7 players, 8x7=56 players, 16x3=48 players, well fuck those 8 players you guys are banned). Honestly whoever was in favor of the rule should go back to pubs if they don't want competition.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 ugc highlander rule in TF2 General Discussion

Makes sense. Why let a team made up of better players win? Force teams to not have too many good players and you've got yourselves a match/league!

posted about 12 years ago
#2 ugc highlander rule in TF2 General Discussion

stupid rule finally done with, maybe there will be amazing highlander teams.

posted about 12 years ago
#32 Vote and get MLG to host a 6v6 division. in TF2 General Discussion

Was ESEA LAN stream littered with advertising? I honestly don't remember that much advertising when watching the ESEA stream, so I don't think there's a sponsor conflict and I'm sure that ESEA would be fine not scheduling during MLG events. I don't see them as competitors because of the smaller number of ESEA sponsoring and advertising (free stream for LAN too) while MLG is run by advertising and MLG spectator/stream passes. I could see the conflict, but it doesn't seem like a big deal yet.

posted about 12 years ago
#29 Vote and get MLG to host a 6v6 division. in TF2 General Discussion

I guess get Torbull to help? Eventually they'll need their own admin, but I don't know how their source admining is.

posted about 12 years ago
#27 Vote and get MLG to host a 6v6 division. in TF2 General Discussion

If we keep depending on extv funds for domestic LANs that's a sign that it's not going to work. Need reliable sponsors to send people instead of always out of our pockets, which is why MLG is a gamble (considering it's going to have to make orgs want to sponsor a TF2 team). If TF2 does make it, I hope the first showing of teams can increase TF2 viewership by a lot to get sponsors back like the earlier years of TF2. If it's crappy though (due to bad admining/servers, too many rolls, etc) people will probably stay away from the TF2 stream and it won't help the scene.

At the very least though, I'm sure the community will spam emails to get you to be the admin of the event. I just hope they'd give you enough control.

posted about 12 years ago
#24 Vote and get MLG to host a 6v6 division. in TF2 General Discussion

How many teams could we actually get to an MLG event?

posted about 12 years ago
#13 official valve support in TF2 General Discussion

Didn't they just add the party find a game system?
That's only 2 years after. Standard valve time.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 official valve support in TF2 General Discussion

it's not too late, it's never too late

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Ragdolls in TF2 General Discussion

Kinda off topic, but a warning for those who try to optimize by taking out ragdolls, don't use ragdoll_physics_enable 0 unless you want models to appear at the center of the map (hammer coordinates wise).

posted about 12 years ago
#3 MGE videos in TF2 General Discussion

They're coming once tftv premium is set up, don't worry.

But honestly a video section will probably just link to youtube since it's much more efficient (bandwidth saved, space saved, etc).

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Demo? in Site Discussion

My current table prototype for my attempt at a demo system is right here:
I forgot to add downloads before uploader. Type is a png with the class or STV, team 1 is interchangable with a username (just put team in title or tag), match type is either 6's or 9's. If you guys have a better layout, I'll try to make one.

posted about 12 years ago
#10 Demo? in Site Discussion

How do you guys want demo browsing to look like? There are so many fields that it might be better to do a multi-line layout since it's kinda hard to fit what you're looking for in a format like this http://teamfortress.tv/articles . Also considering whether or not it's worth it to have map thumbnails or not.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Is this your team's second season in open? in TF2 General Discussion

Well I'm an idiot, -frag away.
But at least I found




posted about 12 years ago
#5 Who is the best demo? in TF2 General Discussion

Copy paste from gotfrag. DND's gotta prove he's still king with new stuff.

posted about 12 years ago
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