If particles are ever unbanned too many particle hacks (as in put together cleverly) could happen. Bigger kritskrieg particles, larger uber sprite, see through wall stickies, infinite disguise smoke spies etc.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197967818426 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:7552698] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:3776349 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 21, 2012 |
Last Posted | November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM |
Posts | 2126 (0.5 per day) |
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Monitor |
I guess people want to improve then.
The reviews on amazon say it's not so great. Sometimes I swear 120Hz are the Sandforce SSD's of monitors based on the varying reviews and problems.
The servers are still up, but pretty much untouched. Just give someone access to the CP and they should start going along again.
If you get a case above $70, you better be overclocking or live in a really hot place. Otherwise chances are your computer doesn't need the better airflow.
Could probably just talk about revisions in the thread that spawns under articles and then sigma/nigma can edit whatever they feel is good enough.
Or you could edit stuff into the official wiki where more people will see it.
unfcan you also add live chat, so you can click on a player and say chat now, then proceed to talk shit to said person for sheer entertainment, then you close the website and feel better about yourself?
thanks much
Facebook chat for gotfrag? Wat?
nested quote test, because it doesn't show the interior quote.
looks like the quote button doesn't add in nested quotes. hmm.
unfcan you also add live chat, so you can click on a player and say chat now, then proceed to talk shit to said person for sheer entertainment, then you close the website and feel better about yourself?
thanks much
Facebook chat for gotfrag? Wat?
Weapon is too ping dependent. Coming out .1 second late will make you miss a lot of close range shots (if you get into the habit of shooting feet, always fun when they jump and you miss. Aim for waist up if you can get into the habit).
One at like 2 in the morning then another at around 9-10 or something. Faults gotta slide I guess. Ridiculously annoying though because you're never sure if it's going to get stronger or not (the 2nd one this morning lasted like 10-15 seconds, instead of the usual 3-5 second shake).
infiniteMarisa: The thread was not deleted, but moved to the leaders forum as a case study about the difficulty detecting cheaters in TF2. The person using the cheat was using an OBVIOUS wallhack. This was made even clearer for folks after using wireframes. While not incredibly scientific, it shows a lot of people do not know what to look for in cheat detection.
So you got someone to wall hack to prove your crusade, then told him to act like he wasn't hacking therefore making it ridiculously impossible to figure it out or not, then try to claim on this biased-blind test that the community isn't as great and mighty as the admins who were told that they were hacking in the first place. Hm, that doesn't sound incredibly retarded and backhand and why everyone is making fun of you guys.
How about this: we start sending you in demos of wallhackers and legit players and see how many you can get right? I'm sure we can get ametrine or another hacker to prove that you couldn't tell a wallhacker from a legit person either. Double blind it for ALL groups.
edit: wrong quote
So long as you get a constant 60+fps, you should be fine. There is a huge improvement if you go to say, 120Hz though. Keyboard/mice don't matter so long as you can get comfortable with it. The only exception is if you have a buggy mouse that can't handle fast movements (I've had some terrible Dell mice that did this). But a $10 microsoft mouse is good enough to play the game.
If you spike from 30-90fps, you're going to do much worse than you can do. At least that's my experience with my 2.2GHz athlon 64. Once my fps stabilized above 90fps, game felt fine. I've had a 75hz monitor for a long time though, which is much better than 60Hz imo.
#22 but is it better for the newer players? The message when you add for the first time is pretty discouraging.
Just because you guys volunteer your time and effort doesn't make you guys qualified to find cheaters. Just saying, I know people who were inherently swayed by people or just extremely biased against single players all the time. Pub servers that skillban are prime examples. Also, not being able to back up bans with proof because it might help hackers hide future actions is also really ridiculous. If it's a triggerbot, there's not much changing the fact that it shoots when you cross over an enemy (or head in some cases). If it's in aimbot, it's not going to change the fact it's going to target someone (it can be hidden and/or smoothed, but I'm betting hacks have been made that way for a while anyways). Wallhacks being found are completely dependent on how the player chooses to act with them and are never really conclusive. Although UGC is obviously the forefront grounds for cheaters to figure out how to avoid getting caught, I think we can handle getting evidence from the matches that did have a POV demo.