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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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#10 Looking for dota 2 group in Off Topic

Why not, I don't know, play on your main and get amazing MMR and then make friends with good dota2 players? Instead of shit talking everyone and crying about playing with shitties when your MMR is also shit (to get all mid carries).

posted about 11 years ago
#37 stalemate timer in TF2 General Discussion
Kakiagain, i'm just saying that since its a part of the game, it should actually be a part of the game

Bring back 2fort, shipped with the game, it should be part of competitive TF2. Also random crits, since that's a part of the game. We should have never removed it.

I feel sorry for you Aussies and New Zealanders if you always have to deal with this guy.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Path Of Exile in Off Topic

I still play it a bit. I wish I wasn't awful at layouts and super lazy, since I made a gem planner for the game (http://poecraft.com) that hasn't been updated for new gems + haven't added all equipment slots. Not having enough gear on merciless is really annoying though (I went through about 15 portal scrolls solo fighting him as a ranger ~lvl 62-64, aka "underleveled").

Also play hardcore. Char name Fourshow.

I only play the game to race or try to theorycraft though.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Need new Dayz player to play with! in Off Topic

If you can teleport everybody into one spot using a client sided hack, that tells me the game was coded terribly fucking wrong.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 stalemate timer in TF2 General Discussion
Kakiconsidering how wasted i was when i was posting this, that english fail wasn't too bad.

u guys keep thinking this is all about turtling and trying to get resets.. i think it would prevent teams from parking the bus, and make the game faster paced in general

American's rarely park the bus. And parking the bus has more to do with the map timer, not the stalemate timer. You have zero proof that lower the timer would even increase the pace of the game, just that you think teams will conform to your mindset when in fact they won't and instead will do the opposite of parking the bus, which is blockading the bus.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 stalemate timer in TF2 General Discussion
Kakiok then; how many games have u played where there was a recent out of your total?

it's honestly like some of u guys just can't read

It's like you can't even speak English.

If you're talking about resets, none, and I like it that way. However, I've had plenty of games where I'm this close to winning/losing and a longer half/game timer would have helped. Why don't we adjust that for every map? Fine tune that? I mean every map is different, has different distances between points, different respawn timers, etc that might have a better optimal match time. 100x more relevant, and doesn't even need to remake the entire map to implement.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 stalemate timer in TF2 General Discussion
Kakianyone who thinks its bad to alter the timer: do you therefore feel 10minutes is optimal?

(that is my point)

I don't think 30 minutes is an optimal time for a half. I think it should be 32:52 minutes. I also think instead of mp_respawn_times from 10.0 to 9.8.

There's literally no fucking point to optimize shit like this. It's fine at 10 minutes. If you "fine tune" it, you either a) do fucking nothing or b) ruin the map by making the timer run out too fast. Therefor, it's best to just leave it as is because it's the standard since the start of the game and has never needed adjustment. 10 minutes is a nice, flat time, much like 30 minutes, much like 10 seconds, etc. You're nitpicking a timer to justify creating pro maps of every single current map.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 stalemate timer in TF2 General Discussion
Kakimost of you seem to be caught up on the fact i suggested 3mins, but my intent is that you realise the 10minute timer is clearly not perfect, and each map could have a 'better' timer.

the timer being lower should increase incentive for the attacking team to move on small advantages, which is what i think the game should be more about.

That's not an incentive, it's a deterrent for being more cautious with pushes and greater punishment for failing a push.

It provides an incentive for defenders to just lame it out for another mid fight. After all, they don't have to reset the stalemate timer and can magically get 2nd point and make the offensive team lose mid after the opposing team fails a push onto last. You make pushing out of last have no purpose the lower it gets. There's zero point to fine tuning it when you can just leave it at 10 minutes. If a defending team has trouble pushing out of last, it's either their fault or the maps fault or the opposing team's better.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 stalemate timer in TF2 General Discussion
Kakidefenders should be rewarded imo.

What? Losing ground should be rewarded?

What I really don't understand is how exactly lower the timer improves gameplay. All you're doing is encouraging more stalemates to happen, causing things to equalize once again and now you'll be stuck at second again once the team loses mid again. Or the other team will be stuck at the other teams second and then stalemate out because they failed 2 pushes.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 stalemate timer in TF2 General Discussion
SideshowbrownymasterEDIT: Also, we generally say no to pro_maps of stock maps. Except granary, since that map has been fucked with for so long like when they added gates then removed it and the lack of symmetry/spawn locations and what not.
And except koth_pro_viaduct, and then all the rest are custom maps designed for the comp community except gravelpit and badlands. I don't think there's anything wrong with making pro_ versions and they're often better, it just has to be done well. And on topic I don't think this is really an issue, lowering the time wouldn't add anything to the game imo.

You're right, I forgot about viaduct. And yeah, most of the maps we play are already fine tuned community maps to competitive (gully snakewater etc), which is why there's really no point to adding new maps (that are basically the same minus the timer) just to change the timer.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 stalemate timer in TF2 General Discussion

I honestly like the longer push timer. If the game gets too back and forth at every single point, it's going to be all about playing for wipes. Maybe it's more relevant to the euro ruleset, but attackers should always have an advantage over the defending team in push maps so that they can actually win/cap last.

EDIT: Also, we generally say no to pro_maps of stock maps. Except granary, since that map has been fucked with for so long like when they added gates then removed it and the lack of symmetry/spawn locations and what not.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Genius Invention in Off Topic

It was only the flash file that spawns the new windows (if you enable the flash it enables javascript for the flash object, which can create new tabs/windows), so if you could close that one the rest of the tabs didn't matter. Either way, it's probably a good way to get banned.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 Moist in Off Topic
kirbycan someone explain, if there's an explanation, as to why there are people who can't stand certain words that otherwise don't seem to be problematic?

like i can understand how people don't like words such as "fuck", "faggot", "cunt", etc. but moist?

Brains are weird. Why are certain people afraid of X but not afraid of Y? Different people. I don't think you understand that their is no real answer except it's a culmination of genetics and the environment (mostly the environment I'm betting).

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Moist in Off Topic

K thread quality just went down by a lot, no more need to discuss.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Moist in Off Topic

I know people who also hate it. I'm fine with the word, because moist cakes are good.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 ⋅⋅ 139