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SteamID64 | 76561197967818426 |
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Signed Up | July 21, 2012 |
Last Posted | November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM |
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Flippers, I've dealt with my dad unplugging my router/modem for ~6 years but unless you live in a super rural place or a large property far away from other houses, you can always get internet. Always.
I wish people would just use the one steampipe thread to get their shit together instead of everybody posting a thread for their personal problem with steam pipe that's already been answered inside the thread.
They said they'd pay for damaged hardware if you're logged and have proof. If they go through with that, I honestly wouldn't hold it that much against them anymore. Though I'm pretty sure everyone wants the scapegoat asap.
Also, I think lpkane only knew about one of the bitcoin's that was a smaller accident (I don't know if they used the same bitcoin for every client), when in reality there was a miner added on the 13th that was the real deal. Him trying to handwave it was pretty retarded though.
CHEERISShttp://www.cad-comic.com/ - VIDEO GAMES
I remember when I used to read this. The drama during the miscarriage arc was the best. I'm glad I dropped it a while after that, because I've never seen such idiots on both sides about it. I expected a miscarriage anyways because I couldn't see them with children. <3 the copy paste comic drama.
Damn I lost everything on gamefaqs ever since I went inactive.
TCFailReally loving the idea for right now (on tf2center.com), can't wait for more! Hope tf2center wont go down as much as tf2lobby does. Anyways, loving the idea.
Please do not bump old threads just to say something like this. Something this old needs an informative reason to get posted in again.
2ci haven't taken stat in five or so years, I think it is s.d. squared then? which would just make the disparity larger.
You're also using the wrong test. You're suppose to be using a 2 sample t-test, not a Population test.
They're also significantly different anyways (you can tell because they're both outside of ~2 stdev of each other, which is basically always enough).
Day9 is a funny guy, but I realized I don't actually like his live casting (it's just meh).
I'm surprised the last joke thread died though. It would have worked out much better for him. So to fix it, lets make this an off topic gaming thread.
marmadukeGRYLLSto remedy the obvious first pick status of b4nny i think it'd be best to have the 1st pick haver get bumped to last pick for 2nd round of the draft.
That's exactly how drafting works...
I think you guys should look up how fantasy drafts work before posting.
It sucks to be an alpha/beta tester if the map changes a lot every update. Also confusing to run around and most lower level teams will be really disorganized because nobody knows what to call a place anything.
If you want a successful map that people might want to play, make it so that it's easy to uniquely identify places. Add a cow prop at a certain flank. Now it's called "cow." Everybody can remember what cow is because of the ridiculous cow prop that's there. Add kitchen props, now you have "kitchen." Add a saw/lumber, it's called saw room. People really overlook aesthetics that actually can have a much better purpose.
Map design itself is another issue, but please make everything easy to call out.
LimboI really like this idea, however I've never actually done a fantasy draft type thing, so my question is, what if everyone just picks the same people? I mean you'd be silly not to pick all stars like B4nny or platinum, so if everyone picks the same X amount of people then isn't it a bit pointless?
Fantasy leagues have a "snake" picking pattern. You get a group of X amount of players, and then they pick say 9 out of all the players registered on all invite teams each. The first pick will basically always be b4nny, but after that you have to actually think about who you want to pick before they get taken.
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Dark complexion
6’1” / 1m 85 cm tall
Thin build
Approximately 30-40 years of age
Wearing a black hoodie and grey pants