TF2 has things called detail sprites that typically show up on grass and such. Here's a picture of them on an old version of cp_sunshine:
There are two commands that control how far away they're drawn, cl_detaildist and cl_detailfade. cl_detaildist is the point at which they hit 0 opacity and cl_detailfade is the distance inwards from that where they hit full opacity. if cl_detailfade is larger or equal than cl_detaildist, fading is turned off.
the default values are a distance of 1200 and a fade of 400.
when you change maps, the values reset, regardless of what's in autoexec. just like water settings, these commands should be in your class reset config, not your fps config.
here's what happens to my FPS on a notoriously poor performing part of cp_sunshine when I set cl_detaildist 100000000:
... and here's when I disable detail sprites completely:
the default settings give me about 150 FPS, a distance of 401 and a fade of 400 give me 200fps.
Hope this helps someone out there, later. If I gave any misinformation, please correct me and explain.