I feel like we should get some "great guide to what we're thinking about" together (even if it's heavily summarized) if we're going to do this very well. I'm giving it a shot, but I know I'm not the best at these things since I literally just list stuff.
Matchmaking concept:
These are my original thoughts.
- People may sign in to play Highlander (in the future, perhaps and/or: 6v6 and "esoteric" formats like 4v4 and 8v8) as a starter exclusively or also as a sub/backup (which will put them into active lobbies/games which have lost or kicked a player matching their settings)
- People may sign in to whatever classes they want to predominately play (keep in mind that locking people onto classes is a naive idea, just keep classlimits in place and have some sort of grief reporting system if necessary)
- People may sign in to what kinds of map they want to play (CTF, Payload, A/D, "small" 5CP [like gullywash and badlands] or "large" 5CP [like foundry and well])
- People are matched according to whatever the best criteria are available to judge them by: performance in what level of matchmaking game, presence of league medals in their inventory (since it's the closest thing to an official steam-side tournament link -- fix me!), hours spent playing TF2, etc. If this is a bad idea, by all means, ignore it!
- There are no captains, players are placed into a lobby once their match is made and they've accepted it. Matches are started simply by everyone connecting fully with a small pre-game period like DotA 2's hero selection system to sit in the lobby, during which weapon voting can be done.
Weapon voting concept:
There are a bunch floating around, but I'll do my best to summarize the main ones.
- A nominate/vote system, working similar to some servers' map voting. When you get into the lobby, people are asked to nominate weapons they want to ban, which are put to vote. This would probably provide data and expand meta roughly evenly.
- A raw democratic system, where people vote ban/keep on each item in the game at the start of each match. There several ways to handle the threshhold for banning and to handle tiebreakers. This would probably provide data and expand meta roughly evenly.
- A save/ban system that emulates DotA 2's general idea of a pick/ban system, but with some kind of dynamic that changes depending on how same-y the banlist is -- if everyone in queue is treating the same items as first-saves/first-bans and second and so on (making it seem static), the length of the voting system would expand; if it seems like people are treating it random/arbitrary, it would shrink.
- Some system that starts with a list based on the general state of whether people ban-or-not each item, and then gives one of the above systems to deviate from that list. Would especially work with the nominate/vote system, and is similar to what ESEA's process already [socially] does. This would probably provide good data more than expand meta, but depends heavily on what other system is used with it.
- A rotation system where every class gets X guarenteed items and Y "extra" items that are rotated through/scrambled through the item pool. Some number of items is somehow banned from this basis item pool. This would probably expand meta more than provide good data.