KhanTF2I'm currently editing the koth hud of my yahud cmyk. I've using the HudObjectiveKothTimePanel file from yahud flv, then changed ypos of the elements. This is how it looks normally:
However, when dead and waiting for respawn, the timer backgrounds overlap the cp icon:
I could probably just edit the wide and xpos values of the timer bgs, but wanted to know if there's a fix for this, already tried changing zpos of the backgrounds.
Also, if anyone has a bigger version of these control points (These are stolen from, I think I saw a bigger version somewhere), I would love you if you uploaded them, thanks!
Ah yes. I was working on a similar layout for bwhud, but unfortunately, I couldn't find a fix. Your best bet is to edit the positioning of the bgs in hudobjectivekothtimepanel, and then adjusting the active timer bg in hudlayout.res