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Country Norfolk Island
Signed Up August 2, 2012
Last Posted July 27, 2014 at 2:19 AM
Posts 272 (0.1 per day)
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#439 yahud in Customization

Major update time!

You can find some picture here:


Prepare for a wall of text, I hope you're used to it since the recent TF2 update :D


First a quick info/intro thingy:

This is pretty much a complete re-design of the HUD. I had the luxury of having Garm3n and Ell help me make this. Some of the new elements are pretty much straight from Garm3n's new HUD "REX" (it's an amazing HUD btw).

This design is not final, but I will keep yA_HUD to a single version from now on. I will expand the options a bit again and I will try to make it as easy as possible to modify the HUD. The clientscheme is now the new home for a lot of the customization. You can make various elements visisble there.

Please provide feedback for this new version using the tf.tv thread, steam group or the GitHub issue tracker.
I know that some changes might be a bit hard to get used to, but I believe that many changes I made are for the better.

The old version of the HUD should be usable for a while and you will be able to use some of the new stuff with your old version as well. I won't offer much support for the older versions. If you miss certain aspects let me know. However, please don't dismiss this re-design simply because it's different.


About some specific design choices:

Alignment of the HP/Ammo and their boxes.
This creates a stronger visual effect for being "low", since there will be a bigger empty space in the red background.

Medic HUD
The charge count panel on the right is smaller, the % sign disappears when have the uber ready to create space for the "100".
The meter subtext changes from "UBER" to "UBER AVAILABLE" when you have the uber ready.
I put a box over the vaccinator HUD in order to be able to use custom shadows for the %-label.

Top left corner
The quake-like timer location allows for the font size to be bigger. This makes reading it easy and makes it work better for lower resolutions.
The top-left corner became a location for general game info with this re-design, including the CTF info, Arena player count, KOTH timers & MvM info. The small amount of space gained in the center can be used to see bombers and general action now. This change will probably take some time to get used to.
Timer supports "tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1" now.

Building Panel re-design.
You can see more now, yay!

Gives you more vision in the center. You can even disable the MeterText easily to be able to see even more.

Deathnotices have no background by default now, which again makes it easier to see what's going on behind the text. The font is slightly larger to help make it easier to read. Colors are re-adjusted as well. You can enable a background for the killfeed in the clientscheme.

Info for various game modes
CTF interface now includes the "Playing to X" info.
Visuals for the ctf pointers are a bit cleaner as well.



Re-did almost everything.

Re-design of core elements
- colored BG when low or buffed
- re-positioned counters (heads, kritz) to be under the reserve ammo
- compact medic HUD
- optimization for lower res (needs more testing)

New Menus and Intros
- consistent shortcuts (Q,E & R)
-> old shortcuts still work (enter for continue on map intros, 3&4 button for team menu, 1-9 for class selection)

New ChargeMeters
- thin design with label text that can be turned off in the clientscheme

New TimePanel and ObjectivePanels
- re-located to top left position
- support for new "server time left" feature (tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1)
- added bonus time notification
- bigger font to make it easier to read at lower resolutions
- Various game mode info changed to fit the new style

New Specator HUD
- Cleaned up visuals on the SpecPanel
- Experimental team indicator on TargetID

Changes in look and feel
- Took in changes from Garm3n's recent updates.
This includes menus and the winpanels.

- re-did labels and info panels to fit the screen-edge style
(centered alt freezepanel included)

- re-did engineer & spy building status panel
no backgrounds, made warning tray smaller

Other fixes / changes
- Added resistance & new buff icons to player status
- Added ItemMeter for heavy in MvM
- Added enemy info to MvM scoreboard
- Tweaked chat
- Tweaked MvM currency/powerup and stopwatch mode to fit the top-left info style
- Demoman stick counter is now invisible when there are no stickies out
- Added "krit" indicator to MvM wave panel
- Moved HP pickup notifcation and last damage done.
- Added +/- metal notification for the metal counter
- Ported FragVid HUD
- Added support for the searchbox in the backpack

- Minor tweaks & various bug-fixes


Recommended settings (put into console or autoexec)
tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1
cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
cl_spec_carrieditems 0

More in the FAQ / autoexec file


Known Issues
- New MvM enemy info on scoreboard is off-center
- Alternative TargetID locations are broken


- Alternative menus for spy/engy
- Alternative scoreboards
- MvM testing
- SpecHUD features


Massive thanks to everybody that helps me do things.

Special thanks go out to Garm3n, he's the best!

posted about 11 years ago
#47 Compiling competitive changes we want for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I would prefer the exit sign over badlands last main to be solid again, it was a cool walking route, same goes for pretty much every hiding spot & route that involved those signs, not sure if valve simply considers them all to be not intended before.

posted about 11 years ago
#438 yahud in Customization
thrasheroh also, how do i change the size of the HP cross? i got the white part of the cross to change, the border doesn't change tho.

You can look at the blank version with the team-colored hp cross for the team colored BG. There are 2 entries for the 2 parts of that border there.

You'll have to change "PlayerStatusHealthImageBG" alongside with the hp image to change the backgrounds. I linked some stuff in the FAQ if you want to dig deeper into this.

posted about 11 years ago
#435 yahud in Customization
hooliWhayay, can you explain the process of cutting out the servertimeleft text? I can't seem to replicate it and I'd like to implement it into my hud.

It's a custom font (I used FontForge). Then you can use textinset to cut off the colon on the left side of the time turning ": 27:15" into "27:15".

posted about 11 years ago
#431 yahud in Customization
joseCuervoYou can save some space by re-rendering the vtfs for that new woodsy background by setting the normal and alpha format to BGR888 as the source image appears to have no alpha channel, just 2048k of empty blocks for the alpha channel atm.

Thanks for the tip, took in the change for all the background files :)

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Headphones advice? Looking at superlux in Hardware

I love my Sennheiser HD380 Pro.

They are sturdy, closed headphones & you can fold them together for travelling purposes. The cable is very long, heavy, extendable & can be unplugged, which means that you can replace it easily if it ever breaks.

If you don't plan on travelling that much with your headphones you should also take a look at AKG headphones, they make great monitoring headphones as well.

posted about 11 years ago
#429 yahud in Customization
DrakeMegrimThe font size is /really/ small in the chat window for the MVM Co-op setup. Anyway to change the size of that font easily?

I know about this issue (I put it up on GitHub already), but changing the font size in the clientscheme makes some other fonts way too large and changing it in the .res file for the MvM interface does not make a difference. I would have to re-do some files to make it work. I will take a look at it again at some point, but it will take some time.

Edit: I did a quick fix for the font size now, let me know if any text appears too large. I fixed the text being too large on the TimePanel, but there might be some other places where that font is being used.

posted about 11 years ago
#424 yahud in Customization

New Class & Team selection screens.
These are closer the original style of garm3n's menus.



posted about 11 years ago
#421 yahud in Customization
Sevin2 more quick things:

The engineer build panel is located in the middle left with this HUD. I like that, it's fine. But, when I die, the killcam shows no build panel (as normal) but then the build panel appears at the top left, like in the stock position while I'm in spectator cam waiting to respawn and it conflicts with my chat box. How might I fix that?

Also, how could I turn on the add and subtract metal text? In the stock HUD, green text with a + sign appears above your metal count when you pickup metal, and red text with a - sign appears above your metal count when you use metal. I'd like to turn that on, and the most likely spot I could think of to edit it would be HudAnimations_tf.txt. I checked, and under a heading called "Metal Account", I found nothing. I figured Metal Account would be it, but there's nothing there at all to edit. I even checked a stock HUD's HudAnimations file and there was nothing there either.


First thing is so that the spectator hud does not clip really badly. It's not solved properly in the HUD though. Afaik this might be hard-coded.
The metal pickup thingy is in HudAccountPanel.res.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 640 x 480 resolution konr wings in TF2 General Discussion

Garm3n has ported one of his HUDs for konr and it's 640 x 480.


afaik it includes all of the new konr crosshairs.

posted about 11 years ago
#419 yahud in Customization


Added this menu, since some wanted it added to the HUD.

Here's what I wrote in the other thread:

Custom main menu thingy. It's not entirely serious though, a friend jokingly suggested making a menu with only a play button. The left bar is for coop, the right bar for options. The play symbol opens the server browser.

You can open the rest through the console and through aliases in the autoexec
alias "store" 			"open_store"
alias "shop" 			"open_store"
alias "givevalvemoney" 	"open_store"
alias "bp" 				"open_charinfo"
alias "backpack" 		"open_charinfo"
alias "items" 			"open_charinfo"
alias "demo" 			"demoui"
alias "d" 				"demoui"
alias "replay" 			"replay_reloadbrowser"
alias "sb" 				"toggle cl_hud_minmode"
alias "scoreboard" 		"toggle cl_hud_minmode"
alias "qt" 				"quit"
alias "dc" 				"disconnect"
alias "vote" 			"callvote"
alias "adv"				"opentf2options"   

Typing "givevalvemoney" would open the store for example
posted about 11 years ago
#418 yahud in Customization
atmokritz.me was down for a bit sorry https://my.frantech.ca/announcements.php?id=155

Thanks again for the shortlink, atmo :)

posted about 11 years ago
#416 yahud in Customization
SevinIt's never happened with the 4 other ones I've used, and the one I built myself.

Because those don't have the model preview thingy (most likely).

posted about 11 years ago
#180 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Show Content
could you add a download link for that?

I'll probably add it to the HUD once I've finished editing it, I'm thinking of moving those bars to the sides so that it works with all resolutions.

posted about 11 years ago
#411 yahud in Customization
Bat_BatI can't see my metal when I play engineer. Did I break something?

Which hud variant are you using?

posted about 11 years ago
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