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SteamID64 76561198021080063
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Country Norfolk Island
Signed Up August 2, 2012
Last Posted July 27, 2014 at 2:19 AM
Posts 272 (0.1 per day)
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#404 yahud in Customization
etherHi. How do I just use the custom + crosshair but with the normal hud?

I have tried removing everything and just keeping the crosshair stuff but that also removes my default hud?


you'll need to edit a copy of the default clientscheme and hudlayout files to include that crosshair. See this guide and fog's tf.tv post that i've linked in the FAQ

posted about 11 years ago
#403 yahud in Customization


the one before "Font and colors tweaks, re-worked scoreboards"

posted about 11 years ago
#400 yahud in Customization
NanerzI can't seem to get the comp main menu working, it just keeps poping up as the default one. Help! :(

Is the normal menu working for you? Make sure that you merge the correct folders.

posted about 11 years ago
#399 yahud in Customization
Yes unfortunately. Is it that screwed up?

Yup. I'll have to edit the fonts to make it work. It will take a while, since i can't test it atm.
scoreboard is intended. http://i.imgur.com/cjRdFFv.jpg

posted about 11 years ago
#396 yahud in Customization
SevinI have a 16:10 aspect ratio and everything is off-center or clipping with other elements on the screen.

are you using a mac?

posted about 11 years ago
#389 yahud in Customization
PyrotechnicallyinsaneIs there a way to make the ubercharge percentage flash green at 100% while using the underline version?

You can use this website to compare the normal animations file and the line one: http://www.diffchecker.com/. Paste the section for Uber from the standard one into the line one.

posted about 11 years ago
#159 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization


Custom main menu thingy. It's not entirely serious though, a friend jokingly suggested making a menu with only a play button. The top bar is for coop, the bottom bar for options. The play symbol opens the server browser.

I open the rest through the console and through aliases in the autoexec

alias "store" 			"open_store"
alias "shop" 			"open_store"
alias "givevalvemoney" 	"open_store"
alias "bp" 				"open_charinfo"
alias "backpack" 		"open_charinfo"
alias "items" 			"open_charinfo"
alias "demo" 			"demoui"
alias "d" 				"demoui"
alias "replay" 			"replay_reloadbrowser"
alias "sb" 				"toggle cl_hud_minmode"
alias "scoreboard" 		"toggle cl_hud_minmode"
alias "qt" 				"quit"
alias "dc" 				"disconnect"
alias "vote" 			"callvote"
alias "adv"				"opentf2options"   

Typing "givevalvemoney" would open the store for example

posted about 11 years ago
#386 yahud in Customization

After battling with the silly "yres" value for font definitions I'm finally done with this next update.

I reworked some fonts and colors and re-worked all the scoreboards.


hudminmode toggles the white stat panel at the bottom.

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The default green color is a bit more subtle, the small scoreboard labels (ping, name etc) are invisible now and tweaked so that the scoreboards are more consistent throughout different resolutions (less clipping on lower resolutions).

The font for the killfeed is now a lower weight for lower resolutions to make it easier to read.

I changed the quality colors for "Unique" and for "Strange" to be a warm white and a dark red.


Custom menus are a bit brighter and friendlier as well.

posted about 11 years ago
#385 yahud in Customization
bl4zeI tried Light9 but that only messed it up and I wasnt enough witty to try the Medium9 as well. Tyvm.

I'm fixing it properly with the next update, don't worry.

posted about 11 years ago
#383 yahud in Customization
bl4zeHi whayay, how can I make the font of the killfeed thinner as it was before. (1366*768)

Replace "Bold9" with "Medium9". I assume you know where, since you've changed the corners of the killfeed.

posted about 11 years ago
#381 yahud in Customization

Added another one :)


posted about 11 years ago
#379 yahud in Customization

Found a way to cut out the "Server map time left" label without editing the english text files (which break with most tf2 updates) and I implemented that for the 6v6 scoreboard.

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Foster has allowed me to add a basic verion of his scoreboard. It looks like this:

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It supports up to 9 players:

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I added a version that is closer to the overall style of the HUD. Here it is:


posted about 11 years ago
#378 yahud in Customization

Added some new crosshairs

konr wings & konr wings with outline

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Pilot crosshair

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Custom "Bar" crosshair

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posted about 11 years ago
#377 yahud in Customization
PeteTehHitmanI'm pretty sure I scoured the entire thread and didn't see an answer to this, but do you think you could add an optional replacement for the engineer's on screen building display in which the building elements are located in the top left of the screen rather than the middle? These being the building elements which tell you your buildings health, whether it's sapped, and stuff like that (hud_obj_sentrygun, hud_obj_dispenser, etc.).

I'll add instructions for it. You have to go to hudlayout.res in your scripts folder. Search for "BuildingStatus_Engineer" and change its "ypos" entry.

posted about 11 years ago
#375 yahud in Customization
joseCuervoMy pleasure, also apparently you've defined fonts in sourcescheme.res which aren't in the fonts folder, specifically HelveticaNeue Light.ttf and HelveticaNeue Medium.ttf. I see they aren't referenced anywhere else so I just went ahead and removed them.

EDIT: Are the console and other menus supposed to have the black bar over them? I understand that it's there to dictate which window is in the foreground but it seems a bit unseemly when compared to the rest of the hud.

I added slightly more transparent bars for non-selected windows now. I like the effect since it shows the region where you can drag the windows around. I also added a replacement file to remove the black bar. The helv entry is gone now :)

posted about 11 years ago
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