Account Details
SteamID64 76561198040048374
SteamID3 [U:1:79782646]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39891323
Country Canada
Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted February 18, 2025 at 3:15 PM
Posts 863 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse ASUS ROG Sica
Monitor BenQ XL2430T
1 ⋅⋅ 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ⋅⋅ 58
#1 TF2 update for 2/14/17 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Improved Steam Voice support for servers that have enabled it
- Removed sv_use_steam_voice convar. Steam voice is now selected via "sv_voicecodec steam"
- Fixed demos not properly recording Steam Voice status, resulting in potential corrupt voice in demos with differing default settings
- Will now use the native Steam Voice sampling rate, instead of clamping to 11kHz
- Improved compatibility with Steam client beta
- Fixed OS X voice communication sounding high-pitched when using the default CELT voice codec
- Fixed an animation bug that would cause the client and server hitboxes to become out of sync
- Fixed the Scout not playing the correct animation when using the Shortstop's Alt-Fire to shove someone
- Fixed some missing VO sounds for the Scout when he picks up a baseball
- Fixed Spectators seeing the fake death notices for the Spy when he feigns death
- Fixed the Widowmaker not doing increased damage when the Sentry's target is a building, boss, or tank
- Fixed not earning Crikey meter progress with The Cleaner's Carbine when damaging a building, boss, or tank
- Fixed the Scout not getting assists for shoving players while using the Shortstop
- Fixed not being able to use non-tradable Giftapults
- Fixed powerups sometimes being removed from the game in Mannpower mode
- Fixed a case where the scoreboard would not update properly when players volunteer to switch teams in Casual mode
- Fixed a case where Casual servers would spontaneously terminate with "Server shutting down" upon losing connection with the matchmaking service
- Updated the logic used to pick the maps players can vote on in the end-of-match map vote on Casual servers to help maintain healthier game mode representation across regions
- Casual servers were often rotating to unrelated game modes during votes, resulting in partially filled servers in certain regions
- Updated the player_bodygroups that are hidden when equipping The Dark Falkirk Helm and The Sole Saviors
- Updated the model/materials for The Snowmann to fix some LOD issues
- Updated the localization files
- Added Gift Wrap back to the Mann Co. Store at a reduced price
- Added TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Winter Participant 2017 community medal
- Added Rally Call Charity Tournament community medals
- Added ozfortress Season 18 tournament medals
- Added new survey questions to the end-of-match survey for Casual and Competitive modes and fixed a bug where multiple surveys could be displayed at the same time

Rumor has it:

- The new survey questions are intended for those that don't frequently play casual or competitive, and one to rank quality of maps: http://i.imgur.com/0tnfHQh.png

- sigsegv__ (a responsible bug hunter) tells us a tale about the origins of the animation-related hitboxes bug originally discovered by Nicknine from TF2 Classic and reveals that this bug's been happening ever since The Orange Box was released in 2007

- A few HUD file updates and a local sync of Steam Datagram system configuration changes from the past month: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-TF2/commit/537a93b69227c91d3a58d852fe6be48032faed6f

- Here's the updated item schema, featuring the ozfortress medals, but no UGC medals

- Size is ~40 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 2/3/17 ( in CS2 General Discussion

Blog post: http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2017/02/17863/


Via the CS:GO blog:

Replaced Dust II with Inferno in the Active Duty Group.
– Created a separate Dust II map group for Casual and Deathmatch game modes.
– Separated Reserves Group into Reserves Group and Hostage Group.
– By default, players can now apply graffiti quickly by pressing and releasing the graffiti menu key. This can be disabled from the graffiti menu via checkbox. To alleviate any initial confusion from this change, we added one extra charge to all unsealed graffiti.
– Optimized water materials used in Inferno, Nuke and Aztec maps.
– Added convars mp_teamscore_max, mp_teamscore_1, mp_teamscore_2 to display best of N maps series in the spectator UI.
– Dust2
— Fixed various spots where C4 could get stuck
– Cobblestone
— Made cubby near bottom of platform stairs in Bombsite B deeper
— Smoothed out movement around B ramp and dropdown room
— Fixed various spots where C4 could get stuck (Thanks Residents_evil!)
— Fixed some surfaces playing the wrong footstep sounds
– Overpass
— Fixed various spots where C4 could get stuck (Thanks kame942!)
— Ground in CT spawn now displays decals correctly
— Fixed some surfaces playing the wrong footstep sounds
– Train
— Fixed various spots where C4 could get stuck

Rumor has it:

- MystikalEnergy as well as some others of reddit noticed that Cache's menu thumbnail was altered

- In-game trophies for ELEAGUE Atlanta have been updated with the new names of those that got past group stages and the champions, here's an in-game inspection video:


- Want to see it for yourself? Click here to view TaZ's finalist trophy, and click here to view dupreeh's champion trophy. Both links may prompt your browser to confirm, these URLs will then be handled by the Steam client and then it will start the game if not already launched

- Here's kame942's video demonstrating Overpass stuck C4 spots that were fixed for your viewing pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl6RoEO621c

- WhiteCakeLies of reddit took a screenshot of the new quick graffiti option in settings

- Now that the ELEAGUE Major is over, the default tab for the Watch menu is Live

- GameTracking (run by SteamDB) is running into issues with the Steam CDN (which were also experienced with both Dota 2 updates last night), so a complete teardown may not be available for some time It's alive: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-CSGO/commit/ec29f2787501143fa59152cdb37b36748563954d

- Size is ~90 MB (except ~100 MB on Linux, per reports from /u/roge- and /u/Drahok)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 Blog: "Item Trading" in TF2 General Discussion


ValveIn July of last year we outlined our position on gambling web sites, specifically noting that Valve has no business relationship with these sites. At that time we also began blocking many CSGO gambling accounts. You can view the original post here.

More recently, some gambling web sites started leveraging TF2 items. Today we began the process of blocking TF2 gambling accounts as well. We recommend you don’t trade with these sites.
posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 1/19/17 (1/20/17 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Added countdown in the main menu that shows the time till the active stage picks will be locked.
– Fixed a bug in the Watch tab match lister. Match data should now auto refresh after the client downloads the match data.
– Fixed a bug where HTTP 200 OK was not returned for a successfully completed request to UploadTournamentPredictions when clearing a pick.
– Fixed a regression for Steam help site to correctly localize information about PickEm authentication codes.
– Added a command-line flag -ip_relay for GOTV relays behind NATs to communicate their relay public address to master.
– Added mp_logmoney setting to output player money and purchases in server logs.
– Added a convar mp_halftime_pausematch which will pause the match after halftime intermission.
– Added a log line saying “Game Over” after the last round of the match has been completed.
– HRTF now works correctly on older versions of OSX.

Rumor has it:

- The countdown timer for Pick'Em locks for the group stage is now more prominent, it'll appear under the Watch button in the main menu: http://i.imgur.com/6LpCg82.png (thanks to /u/TactXO of reddit for the screenshot)

- Final preparations ahead of the ELEAGUE Major, including localization file changes that are still English in some files, additional actual translations in other files, and a local sync of recent Steam Datagram system configuration changes (which includes a brand new server cluster in Chennai, India that became operational a few days ago): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-CSGO/commit/ca8a3f821797d9f99e0ae5035c56fac057805fab

- <60 hour warning! Make sure to have your group stage Pick'Em picks for the ELEAGUE Major ready to go before they're locked in.

- Did you know that souvenir cases will also be a thing? Valve hasn't mentioned it yet on the blog, but you can get them by watching matches in-game, or on Twitch. Make sure you're ready by heading to https://www.twitch.tv/settings/connections and ensuring you're linked with Steam.

- Size is ~20 MB (except ~40 MB on Mac OS X/macOS (thanks, /u/BobJonesies
and /u/Dannyboy_285))

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 1/16/17 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed a bug related to changing teams that caused various issues related to weapon projectiles, Engineer buildings and game modes
- Fixed using the wrong thumbnail images for pass_district, pass_timbertown, and pl_swiftwater
- Fixed the developer commentary audio files not being played properly
- Fixed not being able to taunt with the Cleaner's Carbine
- Added the LBTF2 6v6 Season 14 tournament medals
- Added an option to hide the 'View Promotional Codes' button in the main menu
- Can be toggled in the Adv. Options menu under the Miscellaneous Options section
- Updated the models/materials for the Special Snowflake 2016 and the Gift of Giving 2016 community medals
- Updated Mann vs. Machine mode
- Fixed a case where late-joining a Mann Up match during the final wave could result in erroneously receiving a ten minute cooldown
- Fixed a bug causing Invader's buildings to blow up if another Invader building of the same type is destroyed after the Engineer has died

Note missed from the Smissmas update:
- Fixed security issue reported by Amat Cama via GeekPwn

Rumor has it:

- /u/sigsegv__ (a responsible bug hunter) posted a video about the MvM bug which caused multiple Engiebot buildings to be destroyed in one go

- Item schema update for the LBTF2 medals: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/c00e4d6dbb7a10b3d3cebca04f156e8d407532cc

- Script changes and a couple of low-level tweaks: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-TF2/commit/f555d96f5f5d3f0c12436bd44528a2fa9dc10ced

- Size is ~10 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for late 1/12/17 (1/13/17, in CS2 General Discussion

Blog post: http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2017/01/17467/


Via the CS:GO blog:

Team stickers, stickers autographed by professional CS:GO players, and all-new team graffiti are available for purchase in-game and from the Steam Community Market, with 50% of the proceeds going to players and organizations. For more details, visit http://www.counter-strike.net/pickem/atlanta2017
– Team stickers can be used as game pieces for the Atlanta 2017 Team Pick’Em Challenge.
— Group stage picks can be made immediately, Playoff picks can be made when the group stage has completed.
— Group stage picks lock at the start of the group stage matches.
— Playoff picks lock at the start of the first Playoff matches.
– Players killed during grenade-throwing animation will no longer drop a duplicate grenade if that grenade has already been thrown.
– func_breakables will no longer make noise when hits deal no damage.
– Added a server setting sv_steamauth_enforce to allow tournament organizers for LAN events to delay player kick due to No Steam Logon client issue until the end of a live round when tournament match will automatically pause and a round backup with all correct information will be saved for reconnect.
– Lowered volume of bullet-bys and bullet impacts.
– Changed default weapon near/far crossfade max distance so that a slight perceived volume bump doesn’t happen at crossfade junctions.
– Also lowered volume of distant weapons slightly to address the same issue.
– Slightly increased the min distance of the falloff so that 3rd parties can hear max volume at about 1m away from shooter.
– Increased the input curve amount so that rate of volume decay over distance is more pronounced.
– Added descriptions to many mixer groups.
–Fixed various spots where C4 could get stuck
–Removed some slight gaps in cover in Bombsite A
–Fixed bug where jumping inside of Toxic in Bombsite B would clip the playermodel through the ceiling
–Removed vent-sound from top of Mini, Bombsite A
–Fixed sound-spam when shooting at vent in Checkers through a prop
–Clipping improvements
–Fixed some minor graphical bugs
–Fixed a spot where players could get stuck near Boiler, Bombsite A
–Added backfaces to gate used at bottom of Banana, Bombsite B

Rumor has it:

- The Mega Bundle consists of:
- One sticker for each of the participating teams
- One graffiti for each of the participating teams
- One autograph capsule for each of the participating teams
- One ELEAGUE sticker/graffiti

- Souvenir cases are returning for the ELEAGUE Major, here's Cache's case:


- You can get souvenir cases by watching in-game, or on Twitch with a linked Steam account

- Full-resolution versions of the Pick'Em Challenge trophies: Bronze, Silver, and Gold
- Player Pick'Em appears to be a goner.

- Not mentioned was the fact that Christmas decorations have been packed away, they'll be collecting dust for about 11 months

- A lot of low-level stuff was shuffled around: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-CSGO/commit/4f573e8b0125f28c275a673d790a32a629bf1f11
- Do you remember "PlayerDecalDigitalSignature" being found in a protobuf with the 12/14/16 (12/15/16 UTC) update? Unfortunately, fears that it was going to be scrapped turned out to be true

- Not necessarily part of this update, but you should be aware anyway: earlier in the day with update #1 for Dota 2, currency conversion rates were altered in an item schema update. If you're in Japan or Norway, expect things to be a bit more expensive. If you're in Colombia, expect things to be a bit cheaper. Theoretically, if Steam supported Australia's dollar, you'd expect things to be a bit more expensive, but unfortunately they're still stuck paying USD at the mercy of rates separate from Valve's

- Size is ~625 MB - data capped users should be on alert

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF Comics #6: The Naked and the Dead in TF2 General Discussion




TF2 TeamIssue #6 is live, everybody, and it's our biggest issue yet!

New to TF comics? Catch up here.
posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 is a Test of Time Award finalist in The Steam in TF2 General Discussion

...Awards (damn it title limits)


ValveIn November, we asked the Steam Selection Committee to nominate games for the prestigious Steam Awards - and while we expected to receive a large response, even we couldn’t have anticipated the over 15 million nominations that came through.
But the time for tabulation is over. The Steam Selection Committee has spoken… here are your 2016 Nominees. Come back every day from December 22nd to December 30th to vote for each award, and find out the winners on New Year’s Eve!


December 24th 10 AM PST
The “Test of Time" Award – This award is for the game that is just as good today as the day you first played it. Newer games may come out, but it doesn’t matter… you’ll always come back to play this one.
- Age of Empires II HD
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Sid Meier’s Civilization V
- Team Fortress 2
- Terraria

Question is, will people actually want the game to win it, or will people protest and vote for something else?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 12/14/16 (12/15/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Fixed non-solid parts of SAS Counter-Terrorist models.
– Fixed rendering issues with new character footstep shadows.

Rumor has it:

- In the protobufs, "PlayerDecalDigitalSignature". Nope, totally not suspicious at all: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-CSGO/commit/a73b8b32d3bfd62d185d3496ce968f15f5ed2de6
- FYI: GameTracking has been broken up into separate repos for most of the popular games, like the repo you see above for CS:GO, and other Valve titles which can be viewed here. If you're a user of it for your own purposes, make note of the split, and be sure to update your stuff accordingly to your needs.

- Perfect World (Telecom) servers for CS:GO (and Dota 2) in mainland China will use the new Steam Datagram system, as you can see in that local sync of system configuration changes

- Size is ~10 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 12/13/16 (12/14/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Blog post: http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2016/12/17343/


Via the CS:GO blog:

– Visually upgraded the SAS Counter-Terrorist player model
– New C4 beep sound for increased sound positioning with HRTF.
– Fixed issue where some sounds were muffled as a result of upsampling for HRTF compliance.
– Added option to audio settings to enable/disable HRTF on OSX.
– Reduced latency of HRTF.
[Public Lobbies]
– Improved algorithm and performance of public lobbies discovery
– Updated radar map for Nuke

Rumor has it:

- Is audio a bit screechy? Try out Shizrah's steps as a fix

- Script changes for HRTF sounds, and VPK contents diff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-CSGO/commit/feddcd86ad710182bbd2f9736f00f029bd6b0c30
- FYI: GameTracking has been broken up into separate repos for most of the popular games, like the repo you see above for CS:GO, and other Valve titles which can be viewed here. If you're a user of it for your own purposes, make note of the split, and be sure to update your stuff accordingly to your needs.

- Size is ~70 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 12/8/16 (12/9/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Fix to directionality issues when using headphones with HRTF. Sounds now spatialize correctly when looking up or down.
– Fix to sound distortion on some weapons.
– Improved rendering performance on Intel GPU systems.
– Improved performance for some OSX users.

Rumor has it:

- On first glance this looked like HRTF bits were partially removed, but that doesn't seem so: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/a7dfc5c6389250ae462b5448f9430ac00125eb92

- Size is close to 10 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 12/7/16 (12/8/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

BLOG POST: http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2016/12/17260/


Via the CS:GO blog:

– Deployed Holiday Cheer for your festive fragging season.
– You can spread the Holiday Cheer! Gifts are now available for a limited time.
– Added new audio option that enables Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) processing on in-game sounds. The goal is to vastly improve 360 degree vertical and horizontal sound positioning.
– By default, Speaker Configuration in Audio Settings has been set to “Headphones with HRTF.” Selecting an alternative speaker configuration will disable HRTF.
– NOTE: For an optimal experience with HRTF, we recommend turning off any external 5.1 or 7.1 surround audio driver options.
[Public Lobbies]
– In the friends panel “Steam Groups” have been renamed to “Public Lobbies”.
– The “Public Lobbies” tab now shows nearby public lobbies and suggested steam group lobbies in addition to your steam group lobbies.
– Lobbies now support broadcasting to nearby players. Players can use this setting for friend or steam group lobbies.
– Steam Group lobbies now display the country associated with the majority of lobby members.
– Third-person weapon angles now visibly match first-person weapon recoil.
– Fixed 5 Year Veteran Coin to be granted to accounts that cancelled and later reactivated their old Counter-Strike license after they restart their CS:GO client.
– Loading screen tokens can now be localized when loading Overwatch evidence or maps created by community members.
– Bot names can now be localized in game language.
– Added experimental plugin support for managing network channel encryption keys on community servers.
– Removed railing on crane in A site rafters
– Removed ability to climb up on/plant the bomb on top of silos in both bombsites
– Moved T entrance to squeaky to make movement smoother
– Removed window in Toxic, replaced with double doors
– Removed yellow bollards near Garage and Secret
– Removed cover on top of Mini
– Added some full cover in cubby next to ramp in bombsite B
– Replaced exposed bombsite silo with simple version in bombsite A
– Fixed small collision bump on ramp in ramproom where players could get stuck
– Added white, flat surface on fence at T side of yard
– Fixed various bugs listed on CSGOBugtracker.com (thanks to all contributors!)
– General optimizations

Rumor has it:

- Are you unable to start the game? DavidWValve wants your help while a fix is being worked on

- If for whatever reason you need to disable the HRTF system but you can't through traditional means, use "snd_use_hrtf 0" in the console

- 2017 Service Medals are now ready to go! Here's each level:

- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 6
- Level 7

- Service Medals can be obtained by reaching a profile rank of Level 40 at least once, additional levels also require you to get up to Level 40

- Here's a diff of all of the associated script updates: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/f9275ce6fc15f5f6689635690746fde9192fc165

- Size is ~160 MB

- A second ~1 MB update was released, which may be absorbed into this size by the time you read this

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 11/29/16 (11/30/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Fixed a problem equipping music kits, sprays and flair items.
– Fixed friends list not scrolling correctly when only one page of friends is visible.
– Fixed a crash encountered while minimizing the game while in full screen mode.
– Fixed an issue where some UI sounds would play very quietly when the player is dead.
– Fixed ragdolls sometimes having incorrect gloves after killer replay.
– Removed barrels from Dust2 radar.
– Fixed market images for some weapons from The Glove Collection.

Rumor has it:

- This is mostly low-level things, as well as a Train prop update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/b91acc004808fba855b1332a2819e79b21d36c13

- Size is ~15 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#6 MAJOR CS:GO update for 11/28/16 (11/29/16 UTC) in CS2 General Discussion
maxc232wait wasnt this some reddit meme? glove cases looool

You'd be right, but apparently some people are freaking out that it's now reality.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 MAJOR CS:GO update for 11/28/16 (11/29/16 UTC) in CS2 General Discussion

Here's the related blog post: http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2016/11/17081/


Via the CS:GO blog:

– Introducing the Glove Case, featuring 17 community-designed weapon finishes. Unlike previous cases, the possible Special Items in the Glove Case are 24 all-new gloves. For more details click here.
– Introducing the Radicals Music Box, featuring 7 new StatTrak™ music kits from “Radicals” artists.
[Steam Group Lobbies]
– Players can now join lobbies created by members of their Steam Groups. For details, visit the Steam Group Lobby FAQ
– Added the Steam Groups tab in the Friend Lister on the Main Menu.
– By default, if you click Play With Friends and are displaying the Tag of one of your Steam Groups, your lobby will be broadcast to (and joinable by) members of that Steam Group. You can adjust your default lobby settings in the Game Settings menu.
– Looking for players from your region or who share a common interest? You can search for new Steam Groups to join, view a friends’ groups by visiting their Steam Community Profile, or create a group of your own!
– Fixed an interaction between defuse kits and water that would sometimes cause a defuse kit to be unable to be picked up.
– Fixed miscellaneous vulnerabilities (thanks GeekPwn).
– Players who get kicked from a lobby cannot rejoin for three minutes.
– Fixed a bug where some potted plants were playing incorrect collision sounds.
– Fixed a bug where some UI sounds would incorrectly spatialize immediately after player death.
Dust II
– Removed barrels outside of doors leading into B site
– Blocked visibility through some props around A site
– Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck
– Fixed some minor graphical bugs
– Fixed ladders on train cars so they no longer move the player view when attaching
– Added more accurate collision for various models
– Blocked visibility under some trains from far angles
– Blocked grenades entering small crawlspace near popdog ladder
– Raised pipes in tunnels near Ivy
– Fixed a spot in T spawn where weapons could not be retrieved
– Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck
– Removed that bump in T stairs. You know the one.
– Fixed some surfaces playing the wrong footstep sounds
– Some graphical tweaks
– Updated with new content and lighting
– Updated navigation mesh

Rumor has it:

- CS:GO Stash has put up images of the weapons of the Glove Case
- If you'd like to view the item schema update for yourself, here it is

- Here's some more news on the Perfect World front involving CS:GO's release inside of mainland China within a little while:
- Did you know that Dota 2 has a special launcher which is pretty much a 1-app miniaturized version of Steam? It seems that based on these GC protobufs, CS:GO will use a similar model as well for handling getting in the game
- You're likely gonna be locked in to using one currency, if you use something else this error message will appear asking you to contact "support", which is Perfect World's own support and not Steam Support
- Those that are under 18 are subject to an Anti-Addiction System which is also found in the Perfect World version of Dota 2 as well
- There's also some modified achievement images to fit in with the "no blood, no skulls" theme going on, mostly for Arms Race achievements for now

- Do you happen to be fluent (or near-fluent) in another non-English language? If so, consider signing up for the Steam Translation Server to help translate the close to 200 strings added in this update

- Here's all of the supporting bits for everything from the gloves to group lobbies and other minor things: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/9841b0bf5a56e2cce59e337b600341f1dc573b02
- Lots of low-level things appear to have been stripped out. No clue what, if any effect it'll have on performance.
- It seems that Valve went on a typo fixing spree, as numerous typos have been fixed
- Valve also went on a hunt to eliminate "’"s in favor of "'"s

- Size is close to 1 GB - data capped users should be on alert

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ⋅⋅ 58