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SteamID64 76561198040048374
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39891323
Country Canada
Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted January 16, 2025 at 8:09 PM
Posts 857 (0.2 per day)
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Monitor BenQ XL2430T
1 ⋅⋅ 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ⋅⋅ 58
#1 TF2 update for 10/23/17 (10/24/17 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via HLDS and the Steam store:

Valve- Fixed a client crash related to the Dragon's Fury
- Fixed showing only a few weapons instead of the full set when redeeming a War Paint
- Fixed an exploit related to the Heavy's health and the G.R.U.
- Fixed contract objectives related to the Direct Hit not registering
- Fixed contract objectives related to sentries not registering
- Fixed War Paints and weapons that came out of campaign cases not displaying the correct rarity
- Fixed being unable to turn-in one of the bonus objectives for the Medic contract
- Fixed players being able to use the Thermal Thruster during the freeze period at the beginning of the round

- Updated koth_lazarus
- Fixed an issue with map-specific sprites not loading

- Updated pl_enclosure_final
- Fixed various errors related to textures

- Updated cp_mercenarypark
- Fixed enemy players being able to enter opposing spawn rooms
- Fixed areas near cap A and cap B where Engineers could build in inaccessible areas
- Fixed spawn room doors sometimes becoming blocked

- Updated Steam Controller support
- Game controllers which are attached but left idle no longer cause the game to assume that Steam Controller input is desired.
- Reverted configuration change which caused some non-Steam Controller devices to default to using Steam Controller configuration. Users can re-enable this via the Steam Big Picture UI if desired.(Conversely, players who prefer the legacy gamepad mode, should ensure this setting is not enabled.)

Rumor has it:

- Did you know? You can report users for knowingly abusing exploits by heading to the main menu, clicking the ! icon, selecting the user, and then selecting Griefing as the reason

- A few string typo fixes too: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-TF2/commit/9ad40f8c68d94758e25091b3bbcb38f746f6658f

- Size is close to 150 MB

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Is the new UI from source 2? in TF2 General Discussion

Nope, it's not Panorama, but its implementation most definitely is inspired from Dota 2 in a way.

posted about 7 years ago
#31 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/20/17 (Jungle Inferno) in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 update #3 for late 10/20/17 (10/21/17):

Via the Steam store:

ValveFixed a client stutter related to the Friends panel in the main menu

Rumor has it:

- Offline friends are no longer shown in the in-game friends list, which now matches in-game friends lists found in CS:GO and Dota 2

- Continue to expect widespread extreme GC instability and queue gridlock for a long while...likely continuing overnight through to tomorrow

- Do you happen to be fluent (or near-fluent) in another non-English language? If so, consider signing up for the Steam Translation Server to help translate the ~600 strings added earlier today

- Size is ~5 MB

posted about 7 years ago
#30 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/20/17 (Jungle Inferno) in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 update #2 for late 10/20/17 (10/21/17 UTC):


Valve- Fixed not being able to redeem War Paints
- Fixed War Paints not displaying properly in the backpack
- Fixed a bug where the first shot fired from pistols was off-center
- Fixed the ConTracker UI not working properly in DirectX 8
- Fixed being able to select a style for the ConTracker in the loadout screen
- Fixed not being able to use the Thermal Thruster after taunting with it

Rumor has it:

- Continue to expect widespread extreme GC instability and queue gridlock for a long while...likely continuing overnight through to tomorrow

- Do you happen to be fluent (or near-fluent) in another non-English language? If so, consider signing up for the Steam Translation Server to help translate the ~600 strings added earlier today

- A few HUD file updates, and some texture and particle updates: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-TF2/commit/0b3de1825cd08b3ff45559525507410801419b1f

- Size is ~10 MB

posted about 7 years ago
#5 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/20/17 (Jungle Inferno) in TF2 General Discussion
lettothe most broken the game has ever been after an update

I'm surprised the GC is even breathing at this point, it sure wasn't during Meet Your Match.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 10/20/17 ( in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

Valve[Dust II]
– Fixed sun not showing.
– Smoothed out terrain by CT spawn to allow smoking off from X-Box.
– Removed taxi sign from certain car models.
– Cleaned up alpha painting on Tunnels building for player reads.
– Added window shutter above Catwalk.
– Fixed glowing CT player models on low end settings.
– Adjusted fog values.
– Cleaned up player reads from CT Mid up toward Suicide.
– Improved collision of cover props at B Bombsite.
– Fixed bad surface property sounds on cover props at B.
– Some clipping refinements.
– Fixed a few wall-bang bugs on buildings.
– Grenade clips added to CT spawn.
– Fixed small walls at Outside Tunnels not being reliably jump-able.
– Adjusted a number of models that were not lined up properly.
– Fixed interpenetrating barrels at Mid.
– Fixed some crates at A there were hanging players up.
– Smoothed out wall behind Car at A.
– Fixed displacement that had too high an angle at CT Ramp.

Rumor has it:

- What you see above is what you're getting, a nice set of fixes and adjustments

- Got even more bugs, or general thoughts on the new Dust 2? Send them in by heading to http://www.valvesoftware.com/email.php and selecting the "CS:GO Team" entry. The more detail you provide, the better chances there are that your bug will be looked at and fixed!

- If you're intending on reporting other issues in this thread that don't involve the new Dust 2 (don't be afraid, you never know if you're not the only one!), and you happen to be on Windows 10, please make mention of whether or not you're on Redstone 3/the "Fall Creators Update" as not all issues may be caused by this update itself (or the previous one), but by Redstone 3
- Unsure of whether or not you're on Redstone 3? Search for "winver", and if "OS Version" is 1709, you're on Redstone 3. Otherwise, if it says 1703, you're still on Redstone 2
- I'll leave this notice out by mid-November as most Redstone 3-related issues should have been ironed out by then, either by Microsoft or by you

- Size is ~70 MB

posted about 7 years ago
#1 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/20/17 (Jungle Inferno) in TF2 General Discussion

Notes are going to be much too long to post in their entirety here, please head to https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/77pkc8/major_tf2_update_for_102017_jungle_inferno_update/ or https://steamdb.info/patchnotes/2217263/ for them.

Rumor has it:

- Please give a round of applause to both /u/xPaw and /u/medli20 (and /u/Bobsplosion) for their OCR magic!

- This MAJOR update finally brings an end to the record longest drought that has lasted since 12/21/16 (Smissmas 2016), with the last non-seasonal update having occurred on 7/7/16

- For reference, here's a comparison of some long waits:

- The wait for Jungle Update was exactly 9 months and 29 days since Smissmas 2016, or 1 year, 3 months and 13 days since Meet Your Match

- The wait for a reworked de_dust2 in CS:GO took 1 year and 5 days

- The wait for AMD Vega took exactly 1 year, 4 months, 16 days, 3 hours and 15 minutes, and then some for retail availability

- The wait for what would eventually be Windows Vista took 5 years, 3 months and 5 days (or 2 years, 5 months and 3 days due to XP SP2 and the Longhorn reset)

- Here's the mammoth GameTracking diff, containing HUD file updates, strings, and a whole lot more: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-TF2/commit/fc9f52ae9c359fb3735ef703bd3c03a9d63fedb3

- Size is ~1.2 GB - data capped users should have their preparations in place

posted about 7 years ago
#1 TF2 Blog: "We're Almost Live!" in TF2 General Discussion



TF2 TeamAs in: really reallllllly close. (Promise.)

Typically we ship updates on a Thursday, so those of you expecting the Jungle Inferno Update to flip live today, you might want to sit down for this next part. If you're already in a comfortable sitting position, you might want to sit up straighter, because we're about to tell you we're delaying a day and we don't want you to twist your lumbar.

We're delaying a day. The update's almost finished, but it's a pretty big one, and we wanted another day to get everything ready and stress test it a little more. Our current plan is to release the update early tomorrow. Here's a big list of the changes, additions and fixes we'll be shipping tomorrow in the meantime.
posted about 7 years ago
#1 MAJOR CS:GO update for 10/18/17 (New Dust 2) in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Replaced de_dust2 with updated version.
– Improved de_nuke bot navigation.

– Unique jump landing sounds for all major surfaces.
– Unique sounds for picking up weapons and grenades.
– Unique bullet impact sounds for vehicles and barrels.
– Re-balanced music kits volume to be more in-line with the overall game volume.
– Improved resolution and quality of HRTF algorithm.

– Both Perfect World Sticker Capsule Limited Time Offers and Graffiti Capsule Limited Time Offers are now available worldwide.
– Added normal maps for “Gut Knife | Autotronic”, “Bayonet | Autotronic”, and “M9 Bayonet | Autotronic”.
– Fixed case where players could be blinded by a flashbang outside the map and out of line of sight.

Rumor has it:

- An earlier prerelease version of Dust 2 went to a washed out sky like the pre-rework Dust 2. Jess Cliffe has confirmed that it's back to being vibrant again

- Icon and image changes for Dust 2, numerous script updates, and an item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-CSGO/commit/97016a0822a42d9dc89b5fd7add47ccad5e7d47b

- Got even more bugs, or general thoughts on the new Dust 2? Send them in by heading to http://www.valvesoftware.com/email.php and selecting the "CS:GO Team" entry. The more detail you provide, the better chances there are that your bug will be looked at and fixed!

- If you're intending on reporting other issues that don't involve the new Dust 2 (don't be afraid, you never know if you're not the only one!), and you happen to be on Windows 10, please make mention of whether or not you're on Redstone 3/the "Fall Creators Update" as not all issues may be caused by this update itself (or the previous one), but by Redstone 3
- Unsure of whether or not you're on Redstone 3? Search for "winver", and if "OS Version" is 1709, you're on Redstone 3. Otherwise, if it says 1703, you're still on Redstone 2
- I'll leave this notice out by mid-November as most Redstone 3-related issues should have been ironed out by then, either by Microsoft or by you

- Size is close to 700 MB - data capped users should be prepared


Gordon Downie, 1964 - 2017

posted about 7 years ago
#1 TF2 Blog: "Hot Stuff!" in TF2 General Discussion



TF2 TeamCan you smell the smoke in the air? If so, holy crap your house is on fire. Listen to us: Stop reading this update right now and call the fire department. Then come back, relax, and read about Pyro's new weapons while you're waiting for them to show up.
posted about 7 years ago
#3 TF2 Blog: "Hit the Campaign Trail!" in TF2 General Discussion

When you nut but she keeps suckin

posted about 7 years ago
#1 TF2 Blog: "Hit the Campaign Trail!" in TF2 General Discussion



TF2 TeamJungle Inferno Update news can't be contained, much like the velociraptors in a movie we've been explicitly ordered not to mention. Or in the unrelated novel Jurassic Park, where the exact same thing happens, except no lawyers yell at whoever wrote the book version to stop stealing from Jurassic Park.

Why? Because nobody likes reading. And since these are boring reading words you're mouthing right now, let's get straight to the exciting video game parts.
posted about 7 years ago
#27 8 new taunts in YouTube playlist in TF2 General Discussion
glitturesome nerds managed to snatch the thumbnails of the private videos, holy hype


posted about 7 years ago
#1 CS:GO PRERELEASE update for 10/12/17 (10/13/17 UT) in CS2 General Discussion

Via Jess Cliffe:

Jess Cliffede_dust2 changes:

* Clipped spiral stairs in Tunnels (thanks Rf)
* Fixed window eating nades
* Adjusted clips on cover props
* Fixed some bomb stuck spots
* Flour sack models slightly taller at A
* Fixed a number of signs in French
* Fixed building top at B that players could boost and see through
* Fixed building in long where players could throw nades into and flash others
* T model arms now match the player model
* Re-added ability to get onto some crates in CT spawn
* Moved building bumpout geo near Short A and CT Ramp that was hanging up players
* Adjusted clip brushes around all wooden double doors to be more precise
* Removed rubble on B bombsite that players could hide a planted bomb in
* Refined clips around taxi cars

Note that not all the bugs that have been reported have been fixed yet but we wanted to ship this out asap to get feedback.

Also note that there is some new flashbang code where instead of tracing from the flashbang to the player, it will trace from the player to the flashbang. This should help in cases like throwing a fb over a displacement wall that has no backface which would blind players.

Rumor has it:

- Got even more bugs, or general thoughts on the new Dust 2? Send them in by heading to http://www.valvesoftware.com/email.php and selecting the "CS:GO Team" entry. The more detail you provide, the better chances there are that your bug will be looked at and fixed!

- Wish to opt in? Right-click on CS:GO in your Steam library, go to Properties, go to the Betas tab, then select ""
- To opt in for servers: run "app_update 740 -beta" in SteamCMD
- Valve servers will continue to be unavailable as has been the case with the last few prerelease tests and the last version of this branch

- SteamDB GameTracking services will be completely unavailable as it only keeps eyes on the public branch - be aware

- Size is close to 200 MB

posted about 7 years ago
#33 TF2 Blog: "The Orange Box's 10th Anniversary" in TF2 General Discussion
glitturewickedplayer494https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/news/33463/mosaic_large.pnghow do people make these?

Go ask medli20!

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ⋅⋅ 58