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SteamID64 76561198040048374
SteamID3 [U:1:79782646]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39891323
Country Canada
Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted December 11, 2024 at 5:36 PM
Posts 848 (0.2 per day)
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Monitor BenQ XL2430T
1 ⋅⋅ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ⋅⋅ 57
#1 CS:GO update for 4/27/16 (4/28/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Added the Chroma 3 Case.
– In-game blog is now displayed using the language of game UI when possible.
– Fixed rounding errors in timing for molotovs/incendiary grenades. They now deal exactly 40 DPS regardless of server tickrate.
– Fixed community server crash relating to graphs and games that go into overtime.
– Equip armor sounds are now slightly different for T and CT
– Added official game servers in Chile.

Rumor has it:

- As stated above, Chroma 3 is now a thing: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/55f4e6946889b1a40d0c2213c156caef95fc95ce

- Here's how the Chroma 3 Case appears

- Script changes, low-level stuff, and an early peek at the item schema: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/12f349f74b36759b064e2fb7b6c16d1c853a35a9
- Before you flip out about the whole "Inferno" bits in the low-level stuff: "inferno" refers to fire caused by incendiaries and molotovs, not de_infernew

- Size is ~45 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 4/21/16 (4/22/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Adjusted Spectator Graphs: Replaced HSP and economy stats with Enemies Flashed and Utility Damage.
– Added main menu UI to register for a new beta.
– Tulip
— Various bug and exploit fixes
– Mirage
— Vandalism
– Moved Nuke to the Active Duty map group.
– Moved Inferno to the Reserves map group.
– Updated a Wildfire mission (YOINK!) for the bonus condition to use Santorini instead of Nuke.
– demoinfogo tool code is now available on GitHub and no longer ships as part of SDK.
https://github.com/ValveSoftware/csgo-demoinfo, patches welcome.
– demoinfogo includes a GitHub fix for PlayerInfo being retrieved with wrong Entity if players reconnect during the match demo (Thanks rchh!).
– Changed default value for cvar sv_quota_stringcmdspersecond=16 to make community servers that don’t actively configure this setting run with a more conservative command rate limit.

Rumor has it:

- The new beta is "Prime" matchmaking, looks like Valve's taking a page out of the Amazon book for higher quality matchmaking: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/79db109944a71a270e1b5b03440ee18e717dd9d4

- Here's the FAQ string that describes its intent:

Valve (in-game)CS:GO is running an experiment to find out whether players will have a better matchmaking experience when they are matched with players who are using a phone-linked CS:GO account.

To join the experiment, you'll need to upgrade your CS:GO account to Prime status. Just click the UPGRADE button below, which will bind your Steam phone number to your CS:GO account (provided it qualifies, see the F.A.Q. below).

If you own multiple CS:GO accounts, be sure to upgrade your favorite one since you can only upgrade one CS:GO account to Prime status with your qualifying phone number.

Once there are enough Prime accounts, we will begin Prime Account Matchmaking and will start prioritizing matching Prime status players with each other.

There's nothing else you need to do (except convince your friends to click that Upgrade button too so we get enough players to start testing!)

- They were suspiciously absent from the update that also included the Pick'Em trophies, but trophies for MLG Columbus participants have been added with this item schema update

- Graffiti was added to Mirage to commemorate coldzera's quadruple AWP devastation against Liquid, ImPieLife of reddit shared a screenshot of it

- Here's some low-level stuff and GC protobufs for developers: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/433a3fd9021ab616a33d00b8fa6e06643aafde67

- Size is ~60 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 3/29/16 (3/30/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Updated content and features for the TF2 Competitive Mode beta
- For more information on how you can participate in testing, please visit https://steamcommunity.com/groups/tfcompetitive
- Fixed seeing incorrect rank icons during the match summary
- Fixed team medal totals not matching the total medals handed out during the match summary
- Increased the rate at which medals are revealed during the match summary
- Updated models/materials for The Bot Dogger, The Five-Month Shadow, Brim-Full Of Bullets, The Caffeine Cooler, and the Medic's Mountain Cap
- Mannpower update
- Reduced Demoman health bonus when carrying Knockout with a decapitating melee weapon
- Reduced Demoman shield charge regen rate when carrying Knockout
- Reduced Tide Turner shield charge refill amount on kill when carrying Knockout

Rumor has it:

- More styles for more items: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/e13fa16c0567641c604eada25d48ea749cacbcab

- Here's the whole item schema: http://git.optf2.com/schema-tracking/commit/?id=ad4b404dbdb6583f15e07f26b4da20e7df64ab18&context=10

- /u/balladofwindfishes from the wiki wrote up a summary of this update's random item changes

- Size is ~30 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 3/25/16 (3/26/16 UTC) in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

Valve– Fixed a frequent client crash when loading a map with the game alt-tabbed.
– Damage indicators now display relative to the correct player when watching GOTV/replay using caster camera control.

Rumor has it:

- Looks like some prep work for Columbus spectating too: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/af82a60e2b5f6831d904c1cccb0bf84cb9a26b84

- And a minor description update under the hood too

- Size is ~5 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 3/24/16 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Added display of popular TF2 streams to the main menu
- Updated models/materials for the Heavy's Hockey Hair, The Gift Bringer, and The Soviet Gentleman
- Updated content and features for the TF2 Competitive Mode beta
- For more information on how you can participate in testing, please visit https://steamcommunity.com/groups/tfcompetitive

Rumor has it:

- Viaduct is out of the competitive matchmaking pool, and has been replaced with Lakeside

- AgentSpy opened up the new streams button

- A plethora of both surface level and deep-level changes: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/c8d804172fcd9338d67a6f56362d5aaf4032962f

- And as always, your friendly neighborhood item schema update

- Size is close to 200 MB


Andrew S. Grove, 1936 - 2016

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 3/23/16 (3/24/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Fixed a bug where the map overview would move a dead player’s icon to the position of their spectator camera, showing a live player’s position (Thanks jubiii!)
– Added a missing collection tag to Shadow Case.
– This update includes a previously released patch for gameservers to deny setinfo calls for keys that weren’t configured at client connection time.
– Added a convar sv_vote_count_spectator_votes that can be set to zero while enabling sv_vote_allow_spectators to initiate votes without casting an initial YES vote.
– Grenades will no longer fall between cracks in Bombsite B
– Added backface to door in upper park (Thanks Guardian!)
– More accurate collision model on tree and rocks used in upper park
– Updated loading screen image

Rumor has it:

- There's some All-Stars stickers for the All-Starts match: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/eb6a1d801653f5a2b1a524aac9904d992520d8e1

- Fnatic stickers, souvenir cases, and some Operation Wildfire things were modified in this item schema update

- GC protobufs, for developers: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/117cbd35a791ef5ee30ed949f7311ddfa7a33c0c
- Notice how that Cobblestone image looks all garbled? What you see *isn't* what you get on that front, so don't freak out as it isn't Valve's fault as it should be all fine in everyone else's copies of the files

- Size is ~35 MB


Andrew S. Grove, 1936 - 2016

posted about 8 years ago
#3 TF2 update for 3/22/16 (3/23/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
Martyany patch notes for the mm fixes?

None yet other than mattr0d's remark about that one exploit, but if a test is gonna happen, then they'll likely be posted.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 3/22/16 (3/23/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

Valve- Fixed bugs for the TF2 Competitive Mode beta
- For more information on how you can participate in testing, please visit https://steamcommunity.com/groups/tfcompetitive
- Fixed client crash related to custom HUDs
- Fixed round timer not being displayed outside of competitive mode

Rumor has it:

- The server_ladder.cfg file was modified to add "mp_tournament_allow_non_admin_restart 0": https://steamdb.info/depot/441/history/?changeid=1840301
- ...which according to mattr0d (our resident competitive matchmaking hype generator?), fixes an exploit which would allow people to reset tournament mode being enabled on competitive servers to dodge losses

- Size is ~5 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 3/18/16 (3/19/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Fixed main menu being shifted to the left.
– Fixed model panel not clearing when exiting inventory while in the pause menu.
– Fixed past tournaments having incorrect scroll state.
– Wildfire campaign missions have a new HUD element to display your mission objectives and progress.
– Fixed a Guardian mission crash.

Rumor has it:

- sslemons of reddit went on a mission and has a screenshot of the new HUD element for mission progress:


- The MLG Columbus Souvenir Case images were altered, as was the Wildfire Blitz Mission schedule: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/4315c41b2460a48a0f1dc807c198659964f8553d

- By the way...if you were using the "feb_26" previous version branch for whatever reason (or you wanted to), it's gone. Just gone. A new one to replace it hasn't been put up though

- Also, do you happen to be fluent (or near-fluent) in another non-English language? If so, consider joining the Steam Translation Server to help translate the 700+ strings added with last night's update

- Size is ~10 MB


Windows 7 and 8.1 users that haven't changed Windows Update settings since installation should take action now if for whatever reason, they do not want Windows 10 yet (or at all) to avoid a rude awakening during a CS:GO match.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update #2 for 3/18/16 (3/19/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store:

Valve- Fixed competitive mode UI elements being displayed in non-competitive matches
- Added Gamers Assembly 2016 tournament medals

Rumor has it:

- Numerous deep-level changes: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/4469764dc21d53a7712963aa7ed546a5444eecf3

- And an item schema update for the Gamers Assembly 2016 medals: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/fd979713007b9c1094f4ced530694d5298cddf89

- Size is ~5 MB on Windows XP(!)/Vista/7/8/8.1/10, except ~10 MB on Mac OS X per kyleseven of reddit


Windows 7 and 8.1 users that haven't changed Windows Update settings since installation should take action now if for whatever reason, they do not want Windows 10 yet (or at all) to avoid a rude awakening during a TF2 match.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 3/17/16 (3/18/16 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

Valve[MLG Columbus 2016]
Added MLG Columbus 2016 Team and Player Autograph Stickers, now available for purchase, with 50% of the proceeds from sticker sales going to the players and organizations.
– Stickers can be used as game pieces in the Columbus 2016 Fantasy Team Game and Pick’Em Challenge.
– Added festive chickens.
– Updated phong shader to apply envmap albedo tint that matches phong albedo tint and intensity values.
– r_drawclipbrushes 3 now shows grenadeclip brushes.
– “ignoremsg” console command behavior should now match the UI feedback it gives.
– Bots can now fire the revolver.
– Fixed a rare animation bug that would cause bot skeletons to become misaligned in some cases if they spawned with AI disabled.
– Improved grenade clips on door frames.
– Improved bot navigation.

Rumor has it:

- Here's the item schema update with all the MLG goodies (and also a TF2 item schema update): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/e228357fb426de287a73ff4f588dedab29aec16c.diff

- Festive chickens? Surely they can't be wearing the Santa hats already...no! They actually have bunny ears, as I_Love_Potatoess of reddit spotted one with them on in the wild
- Chickens also jump around

- A boatload of strings: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/cb2c5c99de7708570308d6f92d490bbdd96f8481.diff

- Plenty of deep-level changes, as well as some GC protobuf changes and a few script changes scattered about: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/2fe7fd849448d76132db8f80edfe8dbe29ab4ab3

- Size is close to 200 MB


Windows 7 and 8.1 users that haven't changed Windows Update settings since installation should take action now if for whatever reason, they do not want Windows 10 yet (or at all) to avoid a rude awakening during a CS:GO match.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 3/17/16 (3/18/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- This update will most likely cause issues with custom UIs and HUDs. We suggest disabling them if you experience any problems.
- Updated content and features for the TF2 Competitive Mode beta
- For more information on how you can participate in testing, please visit https://steamcommunity.com/groups/tfcompetitive
- Fixed the Demoknight contract counting suicides as contract progress
- Updated the Batman: Arkham Knight promo items so they can be traded
- Updated model/materials for the Escapist and the Cute Suit
- Last hit sounds no longer consider the time of the previous hit sound
- Fixes the sound not playing if you damaged an enemy too close to landing the last hit
- Updated ctf_thundermountain
- Fixed being able to build on rocks outside of the fence by the capture points

Rumor has it:

- Lots of .res file changes (and some stuff may be mixed in from update #2, just FYI): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/d928f43f3b75b3f707eea2e6ea40879c51bd85c7

- And an item schema update (as well as one for CS:GO, append ".diff" to the end of the URL if you want to see that one): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/e228357fb426de287a73ff4f588dedab29aec16c

- Plenty of deep-level changes (mixed in with a few CS:GO things): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/d733e129bb4cd3b6439f49a665e6cc2b6fc90c87

- Size is ~65 MB


Windows 7 and 8.1 users that haven't changed Windows Update settings since installation should take action now if for whatever reason, they do not want Windows 10 yet (or at all) to avoid a rude awakening during a TF2 match.

posted about 8 years ago
#31 TF2 update for 3/10/16 (3/11/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
moursifanshawemoursifanshawehope valve is fine with their 1st place player being called BIGG CUMhttp://puu.sh/nCgI0/fe249d6ef2.jpg
i guess not :D

I should be a jackass and try and make my way up onto the list and then advertise Overwatch and see if Valve gets pissed

Show Content
posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 3/10/16 (3/11/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via HLDS and the Steam Community:

For everything else:

Valve- Updated content and features for the TF2 Competitive Mode beta
- For more information on how you can participate in testing, please visit https://steamcommunity.com/groups/tfcompetitive
- Fixed bots equipping the canteen in Mann vs. Machine mode
- Added new styles for the Dead of Night
- Updated materials/models for the Trickster's Turnout Gear, The Maniac's Manacles, The Spooky Sleeves, The Lone Survivor, The Killer's Kit, Beep Boy, Dead of Night, and the Employee of the Mmmph

For competitive matchmaking components:

Valve- Fixed a case where players would sometimes drop while connecting to a match server, and not trigger an abandon (resulting in 6v5, etc)
- Timing improvements in the Stats and Medals screen
- Fixed parties disbanding after clicking the new "Disconnect" button on the Stats and Medals screen
- Fixed various methods players used to escape spawn during the 10-second countdown
- Fixed broken countdown screen state when a player would abandon the game during the final countdown
- Fixed players seeing a benign "not connected to the game coordinator" message after leaving a match. (This did not affect match results)
- Added a TF2-specific "Report Player" system available while connected to a game server. Button located next to the "Call Vote" button on the main menu.
- Added round start UI elements
- Tuned rank progression so that it's easier to progress through lower ranks
- Fixed various issues that could occur whenever a player abandoned a match during the 10-second countdown
- The game server no longer checks for idle players during ready-up mode (also applies to MvM)
- Performance medal awarding logic now better scales with total match time
- Pyros now receive Support points whenever they airblast Invulnerable enemy players
- Added a "Global 100" leaderboard to the competitive matchmaking lobby screen
- Expanded the number of friends that can be visible in the Friends leaderboard

Rumor has it:

- Remember that pressing F7 allowed you to file a report? You no longer need to memorize that key, as syberspace_ of reddit points out a button for reporting players has been added to the menu while in a game (including outside of competitive)
- As it stands, the prompt seems to be quite bare in comparison to the prompt brought up on pressing F7:


- Four options exist at the moment, these are "cheating", "idle/AFK", "harassment", and "griefing"
- Unintended side effect: you can also try to get yourself VACcinated if you want to, as demonstrated in the above image

- As you might expect, an item schema update: http://git.optf2.com/schema-tracking/commit/?id=cf50d2792576b1477424cfe63d14266d8278a114&context=10

- Size is ~35 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 3/7/16 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed a client crash related to player names
- Fixed some HUD elements remaining hidden after using +inspect and the scoreboard
- Updated models/materials for the Beep Boy, Dead of Night, and the Graybanns

Rumor has it:

- Here's a good look at what textures were updated: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/6bc5f181e8bdefaf74fc3eab60078aec08518652

- And an item schema update with some item image changes: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/558bcdb3a967c7e9339f83609c900699dc6af9ba

- Size is ~10 MB

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ⋅⋅ 57