DanSwonderlandget the cheaper one. also mx reds are garbage (in my opinion)
What makes you say that? Personally I want the keys to be quiet and I don't care about the 'bump' that you get with things like browns or blues.
-they are too light. I make a lot of accidental presses/typos on reds. Even people who swear by cherry reds tend to make a lot of typos like just watch a Reckful typeracer stream lol if he had other switches he would do so much better.
-I don't like linear switches, there is simply no feel. When I'm trickjumping trying to time stuff perfectly, its really hard because the switch activates part way down and I can't feel exactly when that happens. a/d/a/d strafes are also not as clean. its just fucking mush. as far as linear switches go they aren't even that smooth. most people agree they feel bad for typing so they are marketed as the best gaming switch, which in my opinion they also fail at.
there are people who love reds, I honestly feel they are drinking the cherry flavor kool-aid (yup, its red) but maybe you would like them who am I to say.
non-clicky cherry switches are all similar noise level (rubber domes are still quieter), but since most of the sound is from bottoming out its not bad with o-rings.